God is Coming

Chapter 795 Luck

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After clearing the battlefield, a total of 2,100 survivors and 4,000 surrendered fighters were harvested. The number of war dead was 30,000. Many people could not be counted at all, such as some people in the flagship of the Shadow Fleet.

Five starships surrendered, including two light cruisers and three destroyers. The harvest is actually not as big as imagined. These starships are not much better than those broken into several pieces, and they just have a little more structure to connect together. They all surrendered when they were at the end of their battles and had nothing to fight. Of the 5 starships that surrendered, 4 belonged to the Bilind Legion, and only one was the Shadow Fleet.

The wreckage of the starship has harvested a lot, and together it is not much worse than the surrendered starship, and it is even possible to spell out two light cruisers. All kinds of materials and recycled materials are enough to build several destroyers. Among them, there are several tons of rare metals, which cannot be produced in light years at present. With these materials, the construction progress of Titan can be accelerated again.

The real big thing is the recovery of various equipment. These starships basically represent the most advanced level of the dynasty and the Federation. After the recovery, just the preliminary analysis alone added more than 400 progress bars to Chu Jungui's consciousness. In the entire light year, there are only more than 200 technologies that were originally reverse-engineered.

Taking destroyers as the standard, completing one of these technologies can increase combat power by 3-5 points on average. It may seem that there are not many individual items, but the accumulation is no small matter. It can increase the combat power of the light-year starship from the early 5000s to more than 6500. This is the level of the first-line starships of the current dynasty and the Federation. In other words, Light Year has basically eliminated the technological gap in the construction of starships, and the destroyers produced at that time can completely single out the backward light cruisers.

However, it will take at least 80 years to complete all these nearly 700 technologies, based on the current light-year research and development capabilities. In other words, by the time Light Years built a starship consistent with the current era, the starships of the Dynasty and the Federation had already evolved two generations.

This made Chu Jungui even more eager for a large mastermind with advanced computing power.

Chu Jungui's luck in this encounter was extremely good, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a silver heart blessing, which is more or less a compensation for his bad luck in the past.

For this good luck, Xuanxue is obliged to take the lead: the old man has already known...

Before it could finish a sentence, it was choked up by Chu Jungui.

After cleaning the battlefield, Chu Jungui carefully drove the Titan back to planet 4. In this battle, Titan made its first contribution, but it also caused its construction progress to drop from 5.3% to 4.9%. Not only the main gun was damaged, but 6 of the 30 propulsion engines were also lying down. The power was greatly reduced, and it could only be crawled. go back.

It would take two full days just to return to planet 4. During this process, Chu Jungui conducted a detailed analysis of Titan and found the cause of the damage. The cause of the failure is actually due to insufficient construction progress of the Titan. For example, if each main gun is equipped with tuners, beam focusing and other equipment, it will only be enough to install 6 main guns. But now that one device has to manage 5 main guns, it will naturally lose sight of the other, and it is not surprising that various failures occur during full-power shooting.

The current Titan is actually in the shape of a fish bone, only the bow part is more complete. It’s just that in this battle, in order to show the military power, Chu Jungui specially covered the surface of the Titan with a thin layer of skin, so that in the optical scan, the Titan is a complete giant ship, but the shape of the ship is a bit strange, and there are waves on the surface from time to time ups and downs.

In the comprehensive scan, the skin loses its effect, which is why the Shadow Fleet scan got contradictory results. From the appearance, the Titan is a giant ship, but from the quality point of view, it is a little more than the heavy cruiser.

In this battle, the Shadow Fleet was completely annihilated, and all those who escaped were people from the 4th Fleet, who were slightly better than Linde. Two starships still escaped and escaped the fate of the entire army being wiped out. However, more than 6,000 captives are more difficult to deal with, of which 4,000 are Bilinde's soldiers. These people are real elites, but their families may not have money.

Of the remaining nearly 2,000 people, more than 1,000 are members of the 4th Fleet. This group of people immediately expressed their infinite gratitude for the grace of not killing, and said that they must pay back for their efforts. They also scolded the Shadow Fleet, wanting to If they weren't threatened by these murderous guys, how could they have the guts to appear in front of Chu Jungui? I dare not even kill them!

In order to show their loyalty and sincerity, this group of people from the 4th Fleet identified all the people from the Shadow Fleet. Of course, there were some loyal and brave men in the 4th Fleet, but their arms couldn't twist their thighs, and they were all sprayed back by colleagues who wanted to survive. A very small number of people who were particularly tough, who were simply identified as the Shadow Fleet, were taken away and held in special custody.

Disposing of captives is now the mission of Open Heaven. It has evolved to a new level, and it has special experience in how to rectify low-level intelligent creatures.

The principle of Kaitian is to never tolerate the diehards with a strong attitude. There is no such thing as heroism in its elders. How can these low-level creatures have the qualifications to be side by side with it? Therefore, the tougher the attitude of the prisoner, the worse the treatment, and Kaitian has divided up to 8 levels of attitude, each level has clear standards, and the corresponding treatment is also clearly stated. It can be said that every prisoner knows himself very well. What kind of treatment can you get if you say something to Lord Kaitian.

Strict grading, clear incentives and punishments, and instant feedback, Kai Tian has learned at home the means of electronic spiritual opium that began to rise in the parent star era. Kaitian wants to instill in everyone this kind of thinking: obedient people eat sweets and drink spicy food, and hard bones lead a miserable life.

The bones of those tough guys in the Shadow Fleet are naturally very hard, and the effect of physical torture is definitely not good, but Kai Tian thinks that their mental attributes may not be as strong, and they may even be weaker in some aspects because of their persistence and integrity. So Kaitian stripped all those tough guys and imprisoned them according to the standard of 0.5 square meters per capita. This method of confinement originated from Chu Jungui's original creation. After studying history, Kai Tian felt that the effect was particularly good, so he copied it.

If it has been shut down for a long time, it must be a critical blow to most people mentally. As for a small number of people, it will have a bonus effect, which is not within the scope of Kaitian's consideration.

As for the remains of the victims, they are actually a political asset that can be handed over to Bilind and the dynasty as one of the negotiation conditions. Bilinde has long been familiar with paying the ransom, so it's not a big deal, and the dynasty may have some troubles.

Chu Jungui had already expected that Xu Bingyan and the 4th Fleet would never admit that they had attacked for light years, but would instead ask how these remains came from. Chu Jungui had already thought about the answer, and he would never admit that he attacked the Dynasty fleet, just saying that he picked it up by passing by. As for whether anyone believes these words, it doesn't matter whether Chu Jun returns, and he can come to N7703 to verify if he has the ability.

Chu Jungui believed that this matter would eventually come to nothing, after all, no one knew that Tai Tan could only fire one shot. Even if someone knows the truth, it will be in the future. At that time, it will be difficult to say how many shots the Titan can fire.

Returning to planet No. 4, Chu Jungui finished sorting out the military achievements and sent a copy to Chitong, formally applying for a second-tier agent. At the same time, Chu Jungui also compiled a copy of the destroyed starship data of the Shadow Fleet and the 4th Fleet, and sent it to Evans, asking him to exchange military merits in the Federation in the name of Redbeard, and at the same time contact the Bilinde Group , said that he heard that the dynasty had captured a group of captives, and wanted to see if the Bilinde Group was interested in buying them.

Chu Jungui heaved a sigh of relief after finishing all this in one breath, and then he pulled out all the information of the members of the Shadow Fleet and began to analyze it in detail.

Most of this batch of information comes from the undamaged main brain of the starship, but the part with a lower degree of secrecy. Li Xinyi is trying her best to crack it, trying to recover the real underlying data.

Chu Jungui paid the most attention to the personnel files. His consciousness scanned the biography of each crew member, trying to analyze the composition and origin of this special unit. Most of the time we will encounter this army again in the future, and then it will not be as easy as this time.

In the scan of consciousness, a somewhat incomplete information appeared, the content on it was very simple: Liu Weiming, 45 years old, lieutenant general, graduated from the starship command department of Hanhai Military Academy, once worked in...

He has worked in more than ten positions before and after, and worked in logistics, equipment, transportation, reconnaissance, special forces, planetary marines and other departments. The short period is 10 months, and the long period is 2 years, and then he will be promoted. In the past 10 years, he has only started to work in the fleet. He has served in the fleet for 9 years, and only 2 years are recorded, and the remaining 7 years are blank. No need to ask, these 7 years must have been in the Shadow Fleet.

Although this resume did not specify his specific position, Chu Jungui had an intuition that this person was the commander of the Shadow Fleet, and maybe one of the founders.

Chu Jungui didn't stay on this resume for long before starting to analyze the next file. There are thousands of documents he wants to read. Although he can read more than ten documents in a second, it still takes some time.

Somewhere in an unknown deep space, a huge mobile base is slowly moving forward, in the mode of receiving and sending information. Chitong was sitting at his desk looking at the latest battle report when suddenly the system reminded him that he had received an important letter.

Chitong opened it and saw that it was a military merit declaration document, and it was from Chu Jungui, so his expression was a little dignified. As soon as he opened the file, his pupils froze instantly!

The file is a standard military merit declaration format, and the starting point is the total number of military merits after summary: 110,000!

Not to mention that this number is more than enough to apply for a second-level agent, even the first-level agency authority is no longer out of reach.

"Is this killing the entire squadron?" Chitong thought subconsciously.

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