God is Coming

Chapter 794: The True Ace Troop

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All surviving starships on the battlefield had a momentary delay, and almost all commanders bypassed the combat mastermind to directly analyze and confirm the energy readings at that moment.

The end of the high-energy optical flow is not over yet, and the data is already in front of their eyes. However, all the commanders wiped their eyes before they believed that they were not delusional.

That cannon was not only terrifyingly thick, but also terrifyingly powerful. The peak energy was equivalent to the sum of 20 light cruisers! Just this behemoth itself has the firepower to rival the entire fleet!

This data is quite unscientific, but the heavy cruiser that was evaporated by half of its hull in an instant stood there, and the cruel facts broke anyone's luck.

The aftermath of this gunshot is still dissipating. The two sides that were still fighting to the death just agreed to cease fighting, and then each ship chose a different direction and began to flee. At this moment, the two sides had an unprecedented tacit understanding.

Chu Jungui didn't expect his opponent's reaction to be so fast, he just froze for a moment, and his opponent scattered and fled in all directions. Is this worth it? Chu Jungui revised the order in an instant, and many destroyers also bloomed in all directions, chasing separately. Only the Titans moved forward slowly, not suitable for pursuit at all.

However, at the next moment, more than half of the fleeing starships suddenly turned around, counterattacked with all their strength, and bombarded the light-year starships that were catching up with fierce firepower.

If it was another fleet, it would probably be a mess, and then the opponent would take advantage of the chaos and escape. But Chu Jungui was not surprised, instead he was overjoyed. The light-year starships fought against the opponent's firepower to close the distance, and the main guns kept bombarding. This method of exchanging blood for blood caused heavy damage to the opponent in an instant.

The counterattacking starship immediately realized that something was wrong, and had to turn to escape again, but due to this delay, some were severely damaged, their power was affected, and they could no longer escape.

In fairness, those who can judge the situation in an instant, use counterattacks to delay the pursuit, and fight for a chance of life are all veterans with both wisdom and courage. And a few of them didn't turn back at all, and the guys who just wanted to escape obviously only cared about their lives, and didn't care about the lives of their colleagues at all. It is not an exaggeration for these commanders to say that they are greedy for life and afraid of death.

However, in front of the perverted defense of the light-year starship, all strategies became a joke, and bravery became stupid. On the contrary, those few who were greedy for life and fear of death managed to escape by relying on the containment of their companions.

At the end of the fight, four starships finally chose to surrender, and the rest fought bloody battles to the death.

It's just that those commanders died very aggrieved. Their starships had been battered in previous battles, and their performance was greatly reduced. All kinds of missiles, torpedoes, and particle weapons that needed ammunition had already been beaten Nothing but beam weapons left. And relying on energy weapons, it is unknown that the year of the monkey will be able to penetrate the almost solid light-year starship.

The flames of war gradually subsided, and the starships that signaled surrender turned off their engines one by one, waiting for the light-year soldiers to go up and take over.

Although there was only one endgame, the battle in front of him was the most intense battle Chu Jungui had ever experienced. The three sides fought almost to the last soldier, and the last few ships surrendered were justifiable, they were all out of ammunition and food, even if they resisted, it was impossible to cause damage to Light Year, and it just cost the lives of the soldiers in vain.

Seeing the wreckage floating everywhere, Chu Jungui felt a sense of emotion from the bottom of his heart, and then ordered: "Don't rush to receive the surrendered starship, first do your best to search and rescue the survivors floating in space."

The surrendered starship personnel quickly confessed their identity and purpose. On one side is Billind Ace's Raytheon Combined Fighting Force, while on the other side is the shadow force hidden in the 6th Fleet.

Bilind has a variety of special forces, and those who can be named after mythical figures are the trump cards of the trump card, with impeccable equipment, loyalty, combat skills and command.

And the shadow force is just like its name, it is a force hidden in the shadows. However, this army is the sharpest knife in Xu Bingyan's hands. In countless big battles, this shadow army always took on impossible tasks, and then used one miraculous victory after another to send Xu Bingyan to the top. It can be said that under Xu Bingyan's fame, the most solid cornerstone is this shadow army.

This unit doesn't even have a serial number, and there is no record of this unit in any official documents of the dynasty.

The tasks of the two fleets are similar. Bilinde is to find out the abnormal natural phenomena and unique resources of N7703.

The Shadow Fleet came here specifically to destroy Lord Chu, and then to wipe out the grass and roots, and then wiped out the light years together. And there is a special rule for this operation: no prisoners will be kept.

Chu Jungui felt awe-inspiring, but he didn't expect to be targeted by Bi Linde in the end. It would be fine if he was the target, but it would not be so easy to hunt down and kill Chu Jungui. But what they are targeting are light-year resources and the biggest secret, and planet 4 can't escape, so what should they do?

The shadow fleet put a lot of pressure on Chu Jungui. When the second vertical line was in full swing, Xu Bingyan actually sent out half of the ace in his hand to kill Chu Jungui at one time. I don't know whether Xu Bingyan is too confident or Chu Jungui is too important.

As a result, the two ace fleets encountered outside the N7703 galaxy, and under the condition that both sides kept their identities strictly confidential, they fought in a muddle-headed battle. Both sides are true ace troops with extremely tenacious fighting will, and as a result, they fought a battle like sparks hitting the earth.

Originally, the overall strength of the Shadow Fleet was still slightly better, but their failure was that they transferred some starships from the 4th Fleet to supplement their troops. Those starships are all top-notch in the 4th Fleet, but how have they ever seen such a vicious battle? Not long after the battle started, under Bilinde's resolute implementation of the exchange tactics, two ships were heartbroken and fled in disregard of the military order, which completely wiped out the advantage of the Shadow Fleet.

In the end, most of the starships of the 4th Fleet who were determined to escape were the starships of the 4th Fleet. As a result, the light-year starships that could not catch up with them turned around to outflank the back of the counterattacking starships, which can be regarded as indirectly ruining the remaining teammates.

What surprised Chu Jungui was that the actual commander-in-chief of the Shadow Fleet was also on the flagship. From the mouths of the surrendering officers and soldiers, Chu Jungui learned that this person was very low-key, and he regarded every soldier in the Shadow Fleet as his own. On the other hand, this person has a brilliant record, rarely loses in his life, and even won a complete victory in major battles. He is simply a figure like a god of war. It's just that he has been brilliant all his life until today, and he himself, together with more than half of the command staff of the Shadow Fleet, are all on the bow of the flagship ship, and were turned into basic atoms by the Titan.

In fact, the flagship shield at that time was long gone, and most of the armor was knocked out, and the defense power had bottomed out. The Titan's main gun is actually made up of 25 light cruiser main guns bundled together to fire an incredible shot.

The reason why the main gun of the light cruiser is used is because the light-year technology is not good enough, and only the main gun of the light cruiser can be built. In this way, the Titan can only fire one shot, and after one shot, 5 of the 25 sub-guns were broken on the spot.

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