God is Coming

Chapter 803 Feeling Not Right

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After all, Boston Credit's interim board meeting was over, and the motion to sell assets was passed. At the same time, three directors were dismissed, and Jane was not among them, but the director who proposed to sell Jane.

Not only was the process of the board of directors not smooth, but it was quite intense. In the end, the current head of the Aveton family was even lifted out of the bed. The head of the family has always been known for his strength, and under his leadership, the development of the Aveton family is also thriving. Although he is not a director, nor does he serve in Boston Credit, but he speaks more than any director, because he can remove directors and appoint new directors.

When he appeared on the board of directors, the matters being voted on were immediately suspended, and the half-written resolution was invalidated. The resolution is not completely nullified, but Jane's name is replaced by the name of the person who proposed to remove Jane from the board.

After the resolution was passed, Patriarch Evanton said: "You have served Boston Credit for 30 years. In terms of contribution, ability, and connections, Jane is no match for you. Jane has only one advantage: she is my daughter."

All the resolutions of the board of directors were passed, and the mastermind had automatically started looking for buyers for the assets. The images of the directors disappeared one by one, leaving only Jane and her father in the conference room.

The father looked a little older, and he said slowly: "It took Avonton 300 years to gain some reputation in the Federation. We are barely a third-rate family. The blow to us this time is Unprecedented, have you considered stepping back and letting this end?"

"No." Jane answered very simply. She paused, and continued: "It's not that I'm greedy for this position, but that I'm not worth tens of billions, and even billions are worth discussing. Chu Jungui has already begun to harvest, so even if he kills me at this time He will never stop the pace of harvesting, no one will be troubled by tens of billions. The elders of the family have their own ideas, and they are not decisive enough. At least I am here, and I can reduce the risk exposure as quickly as possible."

Father nodded and said, "Very well, let's do what you want."

He was about to leave when Jane suddenly said, "When this is over, I will resign, and then I need 1 billion."

"What are you going to do?"

"Form your own legion!"

Father smiled and said, "I'm afraid 1 billion is not enough to buy a starship."

"It's enough to have one, and I will figure out the rest by myself."

Father took a deep look at Jane and said, "This road is not easy to walk."

"It's not easy to go, but we have to go! This time, the return of King Chu drove us to a dead end, and Bilinde also betrayed us. Without our own force, Avonton will never become a real Nobles. Those old nobles will never help us, we can only rely on ourselves."

"Okay, now that you've figured it out, let's go ahead and do it. But now Avonton is no better than before, and this 1 billion is your last support, do you understand?"


"Very good." The image of her father disappeared, and Jane suddenly seemed to lose all her strength and slumped on the sofa.

Gemini ushered in the dawn again, Chu Jungui walked into the office, sat in front of the window, admiring the scenery in front of him. The office door opened silently, and Jill and Yu Na walked in quietly, and sat opposite Chu Jungui, as obedient as two kittens. They looked a little tired, their eye sockets were darkened, and they looked like they hadn't woken up.

Chu Jungui looked at them and said, "Should I give you a raise?"

The two girls nodded immediately: "The boss is right! We have dealt with 110 lawsuits in the past week, which is too many."

"We don't mind doing the work of 10 people for the salary of five people, but not doing the work of 50 people," Gill said.

Yu Na said: "We need motivation, but salary alone is not enough. We can sustain it for a short time, but not for a long time. Either give us a better chip, or give us a team. It is best to have both."

Chu Jungui opened the lottery, took out two exquisite electronic packaging boxes, and placed them in front of them: "The latest Nebula core chip has roughly 19 times the computing power of the chip you are using now. One for each of you."

The eyes of the two girls lit up instantly, and each grabbed one. Yu Na said: "Nebula Center! 11 million pieces!"

"Now we can handle 200 cases at the same time!"

"Take 200 agency fees!"

This conversation made Chu Jungui a little dumbfounded, and he continued: "Your salary will also be adjusted to 500,000 per month."

The two girls looked at each other, and one said, "Is that so? Don't you need to find someone to take care of you?"

The other immediately said: "Stupid! Of course we still need to be taken care of, but our value is different now, and the asking price has to be raised."

"That's right! In addition, the maintenance contract also needs to be perfected. I will work overtime at night to produce a 180-page contract."

"it's necessary."

Looking at the two pure and innocent girls and listening to their discussion, Chu Jungui always felt that he was not right. In addition, he deeply doubted that whoever signed the 180-page contract would end up not adopting two girls, but selling the rest of his life to the devil.

However, the abilities of the two girls are unquestionable, and their professionalism is at its peak, so Mr. Chu prepared a second gift for them: "I will give you a monthly budget of 500,000 yuan to recruit necessary assistants. I have asked People have set aside a small office area for your assistants. These people are light-year people."

The two girls immediately cheered, looking at that posture, they wished they could rush forward and kiss Chu Jungui fiercely.

Chu Jungui didn't think it was a waste of money. An excellent fighter must have first-class equipment, and this money must be paid. It's a pity that the environment of the Dynasty is different from that of the Federation, and the role of lawyers is not so obvious. Otherwise, this set can be replicated in the Dynasty. However, during this period of time, Mr. Chu has studied the history, system and laws of the dynasty diligently, and has gained a lot of experience.

The war on the Federation's side has come to an end for the time being, and Boston Credit is no longer able to turn around, it's just that it loses more and loses less. Chu Jungui gained more than 40 billion in the first battle, just to turn around and return to the dynasty.

At this time, another reminder appeared, Chu Jungui opened the market, the stock price of Boston Credit had fallen below the cost price of 21 yuan, and his short account finally started to make money.

However, Chu Jungui didn't feel very good, mainly because Boston Credit's stock price fell too fast. Although there were huge transactions during the decline, it didn't seem like a stubborn resistance.

At this time, Chu Jungui's list has been announced, but it will take some time to ferment. Boston Credit issued two announcements in succession. The first is to announce that it has reached a long-term strategic cooperation agreement with 12 institutions including Solid Bridge Capital to carry out all-round cooperation including financing. The second is to announce a strategic cooperation with Momentum to form its own legion. Although Momentum is not as good as Ender and Bilinde, it is also a well-known security company in the industry.

Anyone with a discerning eye will know that these two announcements are aimed at Chu Jungui. One is to show that I have financing channels to continue playing with you, and the other is that I want to form my own fleet to fight with you.

Of course Chu Jungui didn't take the fleet on paper seriously, but he just felt that something was wrong.

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