God is Coming

Chapter 804 Still not killed?

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Chu Jungui is not just sending out a list. If there is no coordinated action, the threat will become an empty slogan, so Chu Jungui has already asked Evans to lead the fleet to sweep the two small bases of Boston Credit. These two bases are orbital bases, which are not very valuable and have no strategic value. The reason why Chu Jungui chose them is that they are convenient to fight, so that he can show the world Light Year's style of fighting at will.

At this moment, the fleet had already set off, and Chu Jungui had nothing to do with him, so he took a look at Evans' preparations. After looking at it, Chu Jungui was speechless again.

Evans got another batch of appearance kits from nowhere, which completely imitated the appearance of the Federation-style starship. The kit not only has appearance, but also electronic coding. The electronic code is the identity card of the Federation starship, and each ship is unique. As a result, Evans got a batch of electronic codes, and I don't know how he got them.

This is like a deck car in the mother star era. I didn't expect this method to still work in the 35th century.

In this way, Evans disguised the crew as a legitimate federal army and swaggered towards the base of Boston Credit. As a result, the checkpoints on the route are useless.

It's not that Chu Jungui couldn't think of this method, but he couldn't do it. Federation starship codes are uniformly issued by the federal government. The presence or absence of this code is a sign to distinguish regular legions from stragglers. For example, although Redbeard is registered, he just got a code for registered Star Pirates. There is no code for each ship, which is equivalent to the identity of a black household. Once it appears in the hinterland of the Federation, it will immediately attract interrogation.

Chu Jungui didn't know how Evans planned to end up. Anyway, he did this, so there must be a way, right?

However, Chu Jungui was still a little worried, so he connected to Evans' communication. After a while, Evans' image appeared in front of Chu Jungui: "What is the boss' order? Do you want to borrow some more money?"

Chu Jungui's aura instantly became a little weaker, and he said, "I don't need more for the time being, but it may take up a little more time."

Without thinking about it, Evans said, "Then let you go first, anyway, I don't need it now."

Chu Jungui felt that he still had to explain, after all, most of Evans' money had been turned into light-year stocks. Unexpectedly, just after he finished speaking, Evans' brightness suddenly increased a little, and he said, "In other words, I am now a shareholder of Light Year?"

"Yes." Chu Jungui added from the bottom of his heart: the proportion is a little less.

Evans said: "Why didn't I think of it before? Forget it, it's good to be your shareholder. So be it, the federal patrol fleet came to check."

Chu Jungui was startled, "Why did the patrol fleet appear on this waterway? Did it come directly at you?"

"Of course not..." Before Evans finished speaking, a warning sounded from the public channel next to him: "This is the Federal Special Patrol Fleet, please stop the fleet ahead!"

Evans sighed, turned around and ordered: "The whole ship slows down, there is no need to stop the ship."

At this time, a voice sounded on his private channel: "Evans?! Ouch, master, ancestor! What are you doing? With a bunch of fake codes, isn't it too blatant?"

Evans was taken aback and said, "Clay? Why are you here?"

A young man appeared opposite Evans. He was not very old, but he was also a major general. He smiled wryly, and said: "Of course I have to rush over as soon as I receive the report! A legion from the frontier starfield suddenly came here, and the higher-ups must check it out. I said, young master, you made a fake code Forget it, if you are still so arrogant, is this trying to kill me?"

Evans looked disapproving, and said: "There is no fuss about such a small thing. Oh, yes, I heard that you can also get the codes. It happens that I have a lot of fleet starships, and I still lack a lot of codes. You Get me some more?"

Clay said decisively: "I'll give you one! Hurry up and turn off the recognizer, and hurry up!"

Evans said: "How can one be enough? I need 12 more."

"12! Ancestor, are you going to build a fleet?"

"Do you think I am not a fleet?"

Clay resolutely refused: "12 is absolutely impossible!"

Evans added: "By the way, there are going to be four light cruisers in there."

Clay looked shocked: "You want to rebel?"

Evans said lightly: "It's just stealing from the rich and giving to the poor."

Clay looked at him vigilantly, and asked, "What are you doing sneaking around this time?"

Evans said: "You know that my boss has a grudge against Avanton recently. I will take over two Avanton bases for him. Steal the rich and give to the poor!"

Clay had a strange look on his face: "Evington is quite rich, that's right. But you said that Chu Jungui, right? How is he poor? He is obviously richer than you and me, okay?!"

"He borrowed money from me two days ago."

Clay interrupted him, "Don't try to change the subject, just turn off the coding and leave, otherwise it will be troublesome if someone else comes."

"My 12 codes..."

"Not a single one!" Clay said firmly.

Evans glanced at him, smiled enigmatically, the light softened, and said, "By the way, I almost forgot one thing. I happen to have a few military exploits of the Dynasty Heavy Cruiser..."

Clay's eyes suddenly lit up: "How many ships??"

"To be precise, there are 3 ships, all of which are secret modified models from the dynasty, and they are probably a little worse than our champion knight."

Evans spoke calmly, but Clay's breathing became heavier the more he listened. Evans deliberately paused for a while, Fang said: "Originally, I planned to use it for myself, but now my career as a star thief has just started, and it is booming, so I don't need military achievements anymore..."

Clay gritted his teeth and said, "15 codes!!"

Evans smiled slightly, and continued: "The mastermind's crash data proves that the starship code is complete, just declare it directly."

"15 codes, including 5 light cruisers!"

Evans finally nodded and said, "Deal. I'll give you another destroyer's military certificate as a gift."

Clay's face was flushed, he glanced at Evans' fleet, and asked with concern: "How is the defense of Avonton's base, is it strong? Are your starships enough? If not, I will let two light ships Patrol with you? Use my fleet code on the way!"

Evans was taken aback, and said: "If Evanton finds out, you will be complained, right?"

Clay snorted, and said, "I have so many military achievements, are you afraid that he will complain?"

In the end, Evans declined Clay's kindness and led the 4 destroyers to continue the journey. Clay sent two frigates to follow, and covered Evans' fleet with the code of his own fleet throughout.

Chu Jungui witnessed the whole process from the sidelines, and he was very speechless about the transactions between these dignitaries. After sending Clay away, Evans said to Chu Jungui: "I just received the news that Ivanton is closing all positions, and now half of the position has been closed."

Chu Jungui was startled immediately. If Evanton ran away at this time, he would be half dead at most, what should I do?

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