God is Coming

Chapter 811 No need for beauty

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Structural strength is something like a bible for a scumbag, a daily homework for a top student, and something that needs to be thought out with fingernails for Kaitian, but it can be solved intuitively for Li Xinyi.

While listening to the exchange between the wise man and Chu Jungui, the girl wrapped her fingers around her hair, and then took a pen with the remaining hand, and drew a starship on the screen. This is a starship with a round head and a round brain. It is just a sketch, but it still has a lot of charm.

Li Ruobai also came over. Recently, he is full of confidence in the design of starships, and he feels that he can have a say.

"This little thing is pretty, did you draw it?"

"Well, our new transport ship." The girl replied casually while scribbling shadow lines.

"I just found a very useful starship appearance optimization software recently, which can beautify the appearance of starships according to the aesthetics of any major country. Just add a set, even a 300-year-old ship can be turned into the latest one for you A stellar flow!"

The girl gave him a blank look, "I'm designing a starship, I don't need beauty!"

Li Ruobai didn't believe it, "Isn't this a work of art?"

"You think everyone is like you, you can only make appearance kits!" The girl said angrily.

Li Ruobai let out a huff, and said, "If this isn't a work of art, I'll...I'll..."

The girl's eyes suddenly lit up: "What about you??"

Under the staring eyes of the young girl, Li Ruobai finally didn't have the nerve to take this sentence back. After thinking for a while, he said, "Send you the latest limited-edition personal chip?"

Only then was the girl satisfied, and she casually pulled out a central axis of the hull and wrote the number 220 meters on it. Then pull out the diameter: 100 meters. Then she turned the design drawing around and filled in various data on it. In a blink of an eye, the sketch became a design drawing with dense data.

The girl threw the blueprints to Chu Jungui and said, "New transport ship! It can transport 120,000 tons at a time, and it can go back and forth three times a day. Is it enough?"

Enough is of course enough, this transport ship is several times the existing capacity. But Mr. Chu was still a little greedy: "Can it be bigger?"

"Yes, but the safety redundancy is not enough. If you want to be bigger, you still need to replace it with new materials. The structural design has reached its peak."

While talking, the girl casually painted out a new ship, this time the new ship was a little longer and slender. Although it still looked like a sketch, Li Ruobai, who had just exported a chip, was already afraid to speak. The limited edition chip itself is worth about 30 million, and because it is a special limited edition, the first-hand price has reached 70 million, and the second-hand price is as high as 98 million. Although Li Ruobai has a lot of money recently, he can't afford to lose two chips in a row.

Chu Jungui looked at the girl's new starship and asked, "What are the conditions for this?"

"Two new types of anti-gravity engines need to be added, not the one we use now. In addition, the main structure must use a special alloy. The formula is not difficult to find, but the elements are scarce, and three artificially synthesized elements are needed. Well, the Special Operations Department It is contained in the batch of elements given to you, and the amount used for each ship is not large, just a few hundred kilograms."

"What about luck?"

"300,000 tons."

This is what Chu Jungui wanted. However, the first ship designed by the girl is obviously more cost-effective. Most of the parts can be produced on Planet 4, and the materials are all ready-made, and the construction period is still short. As for the transportation volume, it would be nice to build a few more ships.

The bottleneck facing Chu Jungui now is computing power, rare elements, and advanced equipment. If these three things are solved, the development of Light Year will advance by leaps and bounds. The problem is that the normal procurement channels of both the dynasty and the federation are blocked, what should I do?

Chu Jungui suddenly remembered what Evans said, why spend money when you can solve it with a starship?

So Chu Jungui took an inventory of the starships in his hands. So far, Chu Jungui can use a total of 18 destroyers plus a 5% progress Titan. There are also 4 destroyers under construction in the dock. The number of starships is not a problem now, the problem is that the number of crew members cannot keep up.

Chu Jungui was a little hesitant, whether to put the construction of the light cruiser on the agenda. Light Years currently lacks mature starship designers. Li Xinyi is indeed a genius, but geniuses have limited time and energy. Most of her designs are unconstrained and full of amazing elements, but the optimization of details is not in place, and it can even be said to be very poor. Chu Jungui knew that she could not be blamed for this. Those mature engineers often deal with several pieces of equipment or even a few parts of a piece of equipment for a lifetime, and the degree of detail polishing is naturally different.

It's just that once the technology is updated, such engineers often find that they are too old to keep up with the development of new technologies, so they are eliminated from front-line positions and can only make a living in backward star fields that still retain outdated equipment.

There are at least hundreds of defects in Light Year's light cruiser design drawings, some are even blank, and the overall completion rate has not yet reached 85%, which is the level that can be opened. Although the light cruiser is only a circle bigger, its design is completely different in many places. The girl was busy with the design of the Titan, so she didn't have much energy on this side. Light Year's own starship designers were all captured by the legion, and they were basically monks halfway through. Their original title was maintenance engineer. Counting on these people to design high-quality starships is really difficult.

Although the original destroyer was also dragged into the battlefield in a fit of chaos, the situation now is different from that at that time. The squirrel riding a cannon is a way to be extremely poor, and it can only be used by Chu Jun himself. It would be very difficult for Li Ruobai to control it, and ordinary pilots can't control it at all. Now Light Year's destroyer construction level has actually matured, and its comprehensive capabilities are comparable to the starships in active service of the Dynasty and the Federation. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for Chu Jungui to judge whether to build a light cruiser.

After careful consideration, Chu Jungui decided to build the four destroyers first, and the light cruiser can wait. More than 100 of the hundreds of technologies currently being developed are related to the light cruiser. When all these technologies are broken through, the completion of the light cruiser can exceed 90%: this is at least a starship within the standard. With a hull that is within the standard, coupled with Light Year's consistent terrifying firepower and strong defense, the battlefield performance can be expected.

The four new destroyers were all improved by Li Ruobai. Although most of what he showed was still the true colors of a starship painter, but this time the design made Chu Jungui feel that these four starships would be of great use on the battlefield.

At this moment, Chu Jungui received a message: the special envoy of the 4th Fleet has arrived, it is said that he directly represents Su Jian himself, and he is waiting outside the starship at the moment.

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