God is Coming

Chapter 812

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Hovering outside the galaxy is an ordinary destroyer. The shell of the starship still has traces of emergency repairs. It seems that it has just come down from the battlefield.

With the name of Su Jian's special envoy, you don't need to guess about the purpose of coming, it will not be good. The other party only came with a destroyer, and it carried traces of war flames. The subtext was self-evident, obviously indicating that I had just finished the war and was fearless.

Chu Jun Guilue thought for a while, and he was not polite. With a big wave of his hand, the three destroyers behind him came together and surrounded the opponent firmly. Not only is it surrounded, but the muzzle of the main gun is flickering, and it is already preparing for charging.

The destroyers of the 4th Fleet were very quiet, not even raising their shields.

After connecting to the communication, a middle-aged major general appeared in front of Chu Jungui. His face is quite gentle, with a comfortable smile, but his eyes are bright and determined.

"I'm Yue Ju, the current Deputy Chief of Staff of the 4th Fleet. This time I'm here on behalf of Admiral Su Jian. As you may have guessed, I have some blood relationship with Yue Youde. I can be regarded as his uncle."

Chu Jungui did not accept the offer, and said, "Who is Yue Youde? I have never heard of it."

Yue Ju's expression remained unchanged, as if he had expected it a long time ago, and said: "Two days ago, the fleet sent two starships to the N7703 galaxy, and Yue Youde is the captain of one of the starships."

Chu Jungui still refused to accept the call: "There are many starships passing by here every day, I can't stop every one of them and ask them to verify their identities."

"You don't need to stop them, they are here to find you."

"Is there anything you can do with me?"

"General Chu, you are the one who does great things..."

Chu Jungui interrupted him and corrected him: "Major Chu, you are the general."

Yue Ju had a very good self-cultivation, and said: "The military rank is just a sign, it doesn't matter, not to mention that you don't want to do it. Now it's wartime, let's not go around in circles, where are the two starships now?"

Chu Jun said: "If I say I don't know, do you believe me?"

"Of course I don't believe it."

Chu Jun said calmly: "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, anyway, I just don't know."

Yue Ju's face darkened, and he stopped circling, and said directly: "The admiral means to hand over the starship you seized, and then submit to the call. After this battle is won, everything can be forgotten."

Chu Jun said: "The general's wish is beautiful."

Yue Ju said patiently: "Mr. Chu, regardless of personal factors, now is the critical period of the war between the Dynasty and the Federation. Losing the battle will not benefit everyone. So we still have to focus on the overall situation..."

"It makes sense! Please tell the general, I will definitely put the overall situation first and do my best to search and rescue your missing persons."

Yue Ju's patience finally ran out, and he said, "Mr. Chu, this is boring. The general is the highest command in the theater, and you are disobedient!"

Chu Jungui said: "I am very cooperative. Why, are you going to search my place? This galaxy is very dangerous, and I am not responsible for any accidents."

Yue Ju looked at the starships surrounding him, and said, "Mr. Chu wants me to reply like this?"

"completely fine."

"Well, since you don't want to talk about it, I'll go back."

Chu Jungui said: "Go slowly, don't send it off. Oh, by the way, I am very clear about what you mean by driving such a broken boat, but do you know why I surrounded you?"

"Appreciate further details."

Chu Jungui smiled slightly and said, "There's no rush, just think about it slowly when you go back."

No matter how deep Yue Ju's palace was, he was still stunned, but he didn't say anything, and drove away in the starship. After the starship completely disappeared, Li Ruobai, who was holding back for a long time, asked, "What did you mean by that just now?"

Chu Jun said: "It's just to show off your wealth."

Returning to the orbital base, Chu Jungui immediately made adjustments and concentrated all engineers on one of the four destroyers to be built, while the other three were suspended. In this way, this brand new destroyer can be completed in a few days. Chu Jungui doesn't care about the testing process, all the equipment is installed and tested as long as it works.

At the same time, Chu Jungui transferred 2,000 fighters from the ground base, and began a week-long starship crew training.

A series of measures clearly show that Chu Jungui has accelerated the pace of preparations for the war. Li Ruobai spared no effort to carry it out, but he also had doubts: "With the current situation of the 4th Fleet on the battlefield, what else can Su Jian do? He can't even dispatch a light patrol?"

Chu Jungui said: "He has no military strength, but he can kill with a knife."

Li Ruobai didn't take it seriously: "Whose knife do you want to borrow? Who can lend him a knife in the distance of more than ten light-years away?"


The 4th Fleet moved base, Su Jian looked at the huge star map tens of meters in front of him, and had been meditating for several hours. The star map has countless data collection, collation and feedback every minute and every second, reflecting the real-time dynamics of hundreds of different fleets and more than 300 bases in hundreds of galaxies and galaxies in the entire theater.

At this moment, the flames of war have ignited throughout the entire star field, and the Federation has launched many attacks, and the number of tentative attacks is even more unknown. Su Jian retreated steadily, and had already lost 4 galaxies and 11 bases, and the battle damage of the starship was slightly higher than that of the Federation. However, on the star map, the three fleets of the Federation went deep alone, and had penetrated deeply into Su Jian's line of defense.

Su Jian's eyes fell on the enemy forces in the central part, and the information immediately appeared: the 2nd Squadron of the Federation's 29th Fleet, the fleet consisted of 5 heavy cruisers, 5 light cruisers, 15 destroyers, 40 transport ships, planetary warfare 30,000 troops.

Su Jian shook his head slightly. This is the Federation's only regular starship fleet in the N77 star field. It is well-equipped and powerful. He looked to the left and right respectively. The two squadrons belonged to the Luna Corps and the Trailing Flower Corps respectively. They had similar strength, and they were all powerful mobile fleets with more than 4 heavy cruisers. It's just that Yuelun belongs to the first-tier legion, while Tailtail Flower is the second-rate federal legion. The two are about the same size, but the difference in combat power is obvious.

Su Jian's eyes left the trailing-tailed flower, which was more prominent and weaker, and stared at the moon. The trailing flower is too weak, very weak, and there are likely to be traps here. Even if there are no traps, the enemy must be ready to retreat in one hit. The Moon Wheel is different. No one would have thought that Su Jian would come to gnaw on this tough bone. Moreover, since the start of the war, the Moon Wheel's attitude of seeking war is very obvious, and it is the most active army in the Federation. In this way, when Su Jian released the bait fleet, most of the moon wheels would not retreat, but bit the bait and prepared to swallow it in one gulp.

At that time, the moon wheel will find that what it bites down is not a delicious food, but a piece of hard steel. The decoy fleet prepared by Su Jian is composed of the most elite troops of the entire 4th Fleet. Although the scale is only 3 heavy, 3 light and 4 drive, its combat power is strong. The fleets played evenly.

Su Jian stretched out his hand and tapped it lightly, and the star map changed immediately. The fleets that were originally scattered in various places suddenly turned around and rushed towards the fleet of the Moon Army Corps at full speed. There are decoy fleets that provide accurate coordinates and environmental information. These fleets can jump directly to the vicinity of the battlefield, and the fastest ones can arrive at the battlefield in only a dozen hours. At this time, the decoy fleet will bite the Lunar Squadron tightly, preventing them from escaping by jumping.

This move is equivalent to giving up the entire line of defense, and Su Jian has already arranged for the mobile base to retreat in advance. After eating the squadron that came out of the moon, the 4th Fleet will regroup at the rear and deal with the Federation again. This is deep space, it can fly in all directions, and there is no physical defense line.

The consequence of doing this is that more than 50 large and small bases in the star field will be abandoned. But Su Jian didn't feel bad either. Most of these bases were independent or semi-independent forces like Guangnian, and to put it bluntly, they didn't even count as adopted sons. There are also several bases belonging to the dynasty itself, not many, and not particularly important, Su Jian thinks it will be better to fight back later. It's okay even if you can't fight back, and the 4th Fleet is not stationed here, so it doesn't hurt to lose it.

With another wave of his hand, the star map returned to its original appearance. The left side of the star map shows that a special fleet has approached the Moon Squadron and is ready to launch an attack at any time. This is Su Jian's bait fleet.

The general had a rare smile on his face. He has always been upright in his military operations, and he likes frontal attacks and large-scale fleet battles. This information must have been put on the desktops of all federal commanders. No one could have imagined that he would use such an extreme strategy. By the time the Federation reacted, a powerful squadron should have disappeared. After eating this piece of fat, the situation in the war zone will be much more stable, and Su Jian will be more confident in defending the star zone.

At this time, a staff officer walked in and brought up a document, saying, "General Yue's secret message."

Su Jian waved his hand to make the staff retreat, opened the report and read it, his face gradually became gloomy, and finally sneered: "It's okay to be shameless!"

He called a confidant, gave some instructions in a low voice, and then adjusted the deployment of several troops on the edge of the front line. As a result, a loophole immediately appeared behind the 4th Army's defense line. As long as the federal fleet broke in from here, it would easily threaten his several important bases in the rear. But to attack this loophole, it must pass through the N7703 galaxy. And the task of that confidant is to send the transfer information to the Federation.

After completing the arrangement, Su Jian was very satisfied with his strategy, and said to himself: "Refused to obey the call? Heh, don't you want to block the Federation's fleet for me? When you fight to the point where both of you are hurt, I should also take care of you on the frontal battlefield." The meat is gone. When the war is over, you still have nothing left and multiple charges of disobedience and treason."

At planetary orbital station No. 4, a brand new destroyer is slowly pulling out of the dock, and hundreds of engineers are clinging to the surface of the starship, doing the final painting work.

Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai floated in the air, watching the end of the starship. Li Ruobai asked: "Do you think it will be the Federation?"

"With the style of the 4th Fleet, it will definitely do this kind of murder with a borrowed knife." Chu Jungui said firmly.

Li Ruobai was thoughtful, and said, "I don't know what the expressions of the people of the Federation Fleet will be when they see this starship."

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