God is Coming

Chapter 813 Come and chase me

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In just two days, a huge fleet appeared in the N7703 star field.

The leader is a heavy cruiser with a special shape, which is one-third larger than the normal heavy cruiser. It is painted in a unique dark silver-gray color, and even the command cabin has a strong personal style.

On the high platform in the middle, there stood a general with the same silver-gray hair as the painting. He couldn't tell his age at all. He could be 20 or 30. In front of him is the star map of the N7703 galaxy, and the blue sun is radiating infinite light and heat.

The silver-haired man stroked his chin and said, "I've always heard that this is the cemetery of famous generals of the Federation. I never thought it would be my turn today."

There was an image of an unruly young man on the podium beside him. Hearing this, he said with a smile, "I never thought you would say such a thing. I'm so excited? Are you going to be the gravekeeper of the cemetery?"

The silver-haired man smiled and said, "I don't have that kind of bad taste, and I don't need to prove myself by challenging the difficulty. We just need to win the 4th Fleet. Su Jian wants me to be his knife, I'm afraid it's a bit naive. "

"You mean there's something wrong with that information?"

"That's right. Don't you know the level of our intelligence channels? How could they have the ability to obtain such high-level confidential information? It must have been leaked to us by Su Jian on purpose. He hoped that we would lose a lot of vitality here, Then when we get rid of the entanglement and head to his lair, we will most likely be in vain. By that time, the decoy fleet that we sent out before the moon wheel has probably been eaten by him."

"Then what are you going to do? Withdraw the sudden fleet?"

"Of course not! With something like the 4th Fleet, it's not so easy to take over the Vanguard Fleet. Besides, we won't stay here for long."

The young man said: "I heard that the light year here is very capable of fighting, so don't be careless. I think we should leave a small fleet to contain him, and we can go there with the main force."

The silver-haired man showed a somewhat weird smile, and said: "He's here, you have to try his quality before leaving. Otherwise, why don't you leave him alone? Maybe he will hit us hard from behind when we come back. "

The young man said: "You don't think so, do you? I don't know you yet?"

The silver-haired man didn't hide it anymore, and smiled even more weirdly, and said slowly: "Do you think we will meet Evans here?"

"That eternal lamp? Well, it's really possible!" The young man also became serious.

"Then tell me, can I just leave like this?"

"But he may not be there! Even if we don't know, are you still planning to uproot Light Years to find someone? I advise you to give up this idea."

"I'm not crazy, why would I want to destroy light years? Besides..."

Before the silver-haired man could finish his sentence, an alarm sign suddenly lit up on the star map, and a fleet quickly rushed out of the galaxy and rushed straight over!

At this time, the opponent's fleet has entered the scanning range, and the image of the fleet appears above the star map. The silver-haired man and the young man saw the splendid starship in the center of the fleet at a glance, and said in unison: "Champion Knight?!"

The two looked at each other, and the silver-haired man said slowly: "It seems that we don't need to look for it."

The young man looked at the amazingly bright champion knight with a complicated expression, and said, "It's not a star, it doesn't need to shine anytime, anywhere, right?"

"Some people just want to burn themselves and blind others." The silver-haired man said. He then reached out and touched a point on the star map, and the entire fleet spread out, forming a battle formation.

Instead of retreating, the fleet on the opposite side assumed a fighting stance. The combat power of the two sides is actually very different. One side has ten destroyers, and its combat power is no more than 60,000 to 70,000, while the legion has a lineup of 5 heavy cruisers, 8 light cruisers, and 5 destroyers, with a total combat power of nearly 200,000.

The battle seemed to have no suspense from the very beginning, but the silver-haired man became more and more sure that Evans was on the other side. His reasoning was that only Evans would do such a stupid thing. The young man wanted to dissuade, but in the end he just sighed and said nothing.

The battle broke out instantly, and the silver-haired man's command was quite satisfactory. The entire fleet focused on 6 targets, but there were 3 heavy cruisers and 4 light cruisers that all focused on the champion knight!

Although the champion knight is the pinnacle of the federal heavy patrol, the heavy patrol in the hands of the silver-haired man is not ordinary. What's more, he concentrated the absolute superiority of the force and concentrated fire, so that the champion knight was unable to fight back!

The champion knight's shield instantly collapsed, and then the bow of the ship melted like ice and snow under the washing of waves of high-energy light beams, vaporizing layers. When the round of focused fire was over, the champion knight was actually ten meters shorter!

Compared with the hull of hundreds of meters, 10 meters seems nothing, but this is only the first round of concentrated fire, and the armor of the heavy cruiser will not be as thick as 10 meters, which must have damaged the structure of the hull. As long as there is another round of the same concentrated fire, this champion knight will be finished.

The Light Year Fleet's response was at the textbook level. Except for the Champion Knight, the rest of the starships dispersed and found their own angles, avoiding the heavy cruisers and light cruisers in the front row, and the destroyers behind the entire fleet. Light Year's firepower was extraordinarily ferocious, and a round of concentrated fire severely damaged the destroyer.

The silver-haired man didn't even look at the damaged destroyer, he only stared at the champion knight, and called in more starships to start the second round of focused fire. The turbulent high-energy light beam instantly bombarded the champion knight, and the champion knight did not hide, but still faced the high-energy light beam with its bow. This seems a little strange, but the silver-haired man ignored it, or didn't think there was anything abnormal. He concentrated the firepower of all 5 heavy cruisers, even if the champion knight turned sideways, he would be pierced, no matter what posture he took.

Of course, the real champion knight will not be so vulnerable. The five heavy cruisers failed to destroy its shield after two rounds of concentrated fire. As long as the champion knight hides for a few minutes, the shield will be full again. The champion knight in front of him is a second-hand ship that Evans found somewhere. It is obviously about to be scrapped, and the shields are as weak as a destroyer.

The light-year starship seemed to be crazy, and once again focused on the severely damaged destroyer, this time without giving it any chance to escape, it directly penetrated the hull. In Light Years, there were also seven starships that endured two rounds of saturation attacks, and the hulls were punched with large craters. It was shocking, but they hadn't been penetrated yet.

At the end of the second round of confrontation, the difference between the starships of the two sides can be seen at this time. The charging speed of the lunar fleet is obviously faster than that of the light year. It takes 4 rounds of fire in the light year, and 5 rounds of fire in the moon. However, Light Year did not retreat and forcibly completed the destruction of the second destroyer. At this time, Guangnian's starships were all injured, and it seemed that the injuries were not serious.

The champion knight was even worse. The bow of the ship was cut off by a full 30 meters, and there were hundreds of large holes in the hull, which were cut off by an average of 15 meters. The stern also disappeared by 20 meters. The entire starship was a circle smaller. Has completely lost power, floating in the air motionless. But the silver-haired man seemed to have fallen into a state of paranoia, commanding more than half of the fleet's firepower to continue to bombard the champion knight, as if he would not stop until he was blown up.

At this time, Light Year finally couldn't stand it anymore, and began to retreat, retreating into the galaxy. The silver-haired man sent a third of the fleet to pursue it, and the rest continued to focus on the champion knight until it was completely silent.

"Phil, Phil!"

The call from the frontier awakened the silver-haired man like a dream. He looked at the battered champion knight in front of him, and then ordered the attack to stop, and then sent a destroyer to check.

Hundreds of deep space marines flew out of the destroyer and entered the interior of the starship along the gap in the champion knight's hull. After a while, the report was sent to the silver-haired man.

"There is no main gun, no space jumping system, no large-scale living area and crew cabin, the whole ship only has engines and low-power main brains, and there are strange biological remains. The average thickness of the hull armor is 45 meters..."

The silver-haired man finished reading the report and said, "After a long time, is this a target ship that looks like a champion knight?"

The young man smiled wryly: "I reminded you after the second round of fire, but you couldn't listen to anything at that time."

The silver-haired man said slowly: "Two destroyers were replaced by a target ship..."

"Three ships, the signal of the one just chased has disappeared."

The silver-haired man took a deep breath and said, "Why did they make the target ship look like a champion knight? This time, if you say that Evans is not on the other side, I won't believe anything."

Seeing the dangerous light in the silver-haired man's eyes, the young man said helplessly, "Maybe it's really just a coincidence."

The silver-haired man chuckled and said coldly, "Coincidence? Is there such a coincidence in the universe?"

The young man could only continue to smile wryly, and said, "Of course it is possible. First of all, our trip is highly confidential, and it is a temporary decision. How could Evans know that we will come, and build a champion knight in advance to wait here?"

The silver-haired man's eyes softened a little, and it seemed reasonable.

The young man hurriedly said: "Secondly, haven't you noticed Light Year's fleet command? There was no mistake in the whole process, and it was completely the best response. How can Evans have this level?"

The silver-haired man thought about it silently, and said, "By the way, there was another destroyer whose signal disappeared just now?"

"Well, chased to the back of the planet, and then disappeared."

The silver-haired man immediately ordered all the pursuing starships to withdraw, the fleet regrouped, and then slowly entered the interior of the N7703 galaxy. The huge fleet circled the outermost planet in the galaxy, and saw the destroyed destroyer on the back.

At that time, this destroyer chased a light-year destroyer into the back of the planet, but it was destroyed in a short time. The silver-haired man scanned the battlefield, but found no trace of the second light-year starship. In other words, the light year destroyer simply and neatly killed the cutting-edge destroyer in his hand in a one-on-one process.

The lunar fleet flew around the planet, and circled the No. 4 planet for a full circle, but no light-year fleet was found. Instead, sporadic light-year starships appeared near several planets, all acting alone, as if saying to him: Come and chase me!

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