God is Coming

Chapter 814 After Talking

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It is impossible to chase rashly. The silver-haired man circled the No. 4 planet several times, and finally found the hidden orbital base. At this time, the orbital base has entered a semi-closed state, almost sticking to the storm clouds. Huge electric arcs pass by the base from time to time.

Although the orbital base did not seem to have the slightest activity, the silver-haired man did not give up and ordered the flagship to fire a tentative cannonball. After the bombardment, the base was safe and sound.

"The energy loss of the main gun is serious, and the terminal power evaluation does not exceed 2% of the full power." Soon the evaluation report came out.

Faced with such a severe power attenuation, the silver-haired man knew that bombardment would be useless. He launched two more space torpedoes, but lost his target when he was tens of kilometers away from the storm clouds and fell into the storm clouds. Under the terrifying power of the storm clouds, almost all weapons were ineffective, unless the silver-haired man was willing to risk a crash and drive the starship close enough to destroy the orbital base.

However, as another orbital base was discovered, the silver-haired man quickly gave up the idea of ​​taking risks. Who knows if both bases will be as fake as the Championship Cavaliers? At that time, the starship will be lost for no reason.

Soon the third orbital base was discovered, and the silver-haired man could already conclude that there must be fakes in it. Now he was caught in a dilemma, even if all three bases were destroyed, it would still not be a fundamental blow to Light Year. Unless it is a fleet that captures light years or a ground base that destroys light years.

However, the light-year fleet was completely dispersed and hid in the low orbits of various planets. It is not suitable for the activities of large fleets, and most of the fleets cannot catch up with the flexible and high-speed destroyers. The silver-haired man also doesn't have that much time and light years to play hide-and-seek. On the other hand, the silver-haired man hadn't even considered fighting on the planet's surface.

In the past, countless young generals of the Federation used their reputations as a price to verify a truth, that is, never fight with Light Year on the surface of the planet. Although the silver-haired man felt that he was not at the same level as those so-called famous generals, he did not have the habit of challenging the difficulty.

What's more, the greater meritorious service is still beckoning in the distance, so what is it after light years? Light Year is neither a regular fleet of the dynasty, nor is it an important planetary territory within the territory of the dynasty.

After repeated weighing, the silver-haired man felt that it was not very wise to stay. He stopped the fleet at the high orbit of planet 4, thinking quietly. After several hours, he finally made up his mind and sent a plan to the young man, saying, "Proceed with this."

The young man was taken aback: "Are you going to fight to the end?"

"No, I'm going to have a good talk with him."

"But this plan..."

"He won't have a good talk with us if we don't fight first. Let's do it. Now that we have decided to fight, we have to get something for ourselves."

"...Okay." The young man hurried over to handle it.

On the back of the planet closest to the blue sun in the galaxy, Chu Jungui led five destroyers and hid here, as did the unfinished Titan. The rage of the blue sun made almost all scans useless, and they could only use clumsy carpet searches. But whether a galaxy is big or small, it is almost impossible to search every corner of the galaxy.

Chu Jungui waited patiently here. If the opponent didn't disperse the fleet, he would take the fleet and run away. If the opponents are scattered, then Chu Jungui will be impolite.

At this moment, the Light Year Fleet is divided into 4 parts, led by Li Ruobai, Kai Tian and Zhi Zhi respectively. If Evans is there, it can be divided into 5 parts. This kind of distribution makes each squadron of Light Year not weak in combat strength, and it is very sure that it can directly eat the opponent in a one-on-one situation. And if you use at least double the power to pursue it, it will appear that the gain is not worth the loss.

Such a huge fleet, playing hide-and-seek with light-years in this clownish place during the war?

After considering the possibility of encountering the Federation's attack fleet, Chu Jungui realized that Light Year's current strength might not be enough to contend head-on with the Federation's fleet. So he fully considered the characteristics of the galaxy, shut down all the bases, and lowered them to the surface of the storm clouds. At the same time, he seized the time to create 3 fake bases and randomly placed them on the surface of the storm clouds. These fake bases only have the frame inside but nothing, and only the base materials are consumed, even if they are lost, they don't feel bad.

As for Chu Jungui, the division of labor for the fleet was done early in the morning. In the first battle, he made full use of the opponent's weakness of being unfamiliar with the extraordinary offensive and defensive capabilities of the light-year starship, and took down one or two small starships in one fell swoop. Divide into several teams and disperse to hide in every corner of the galaxy.

In this way, if the opponent wants to eat the entire fleet of Light Years, not to mention time-consuming and labor-intensive, they have to use a fleet of at least 300,000 combat power. For example, the fleet in the hands of the silver-haired man is still a little weak.

With such an arrangement, Light Year's opponents would be in a stalemate. Now is not a time of peace, such a powerful fleet is pinned down in the galaxy, and no commander can tolerate it.

Even if Chu Jungui didn't fight a single battle, it was a great contribution to hold back so many enemies. It's a pity that under the current situation, it seems that no kind of credit can be recognized.

While waiting, Chu Jungui suddenly received a piece of news: The federation's reward for the Wang Banner mercenary regiment has been greatly increased, and the reward for the unit is no less than that of the regular army of the dynasty!

This is very unusual. The rewards offered by ordinary star thieves are completely impossible to compare with the regular army, even for registered star thieves. There are very few rewards in the dynasty that can be compared with the regular army, and they are all quite powerful independent or semi-independent kingdoms, such as the Tianyu Li family. For a moment, Chu Jungui had a feeling that Wang Banner's mercenary group, how could they be compared with Tianyu's Li family overnight?

It's a pity that the federation is also very strict on the review of rewards. Otherwise, Chu Jungui would want to catch a group of star thieves and hand them over to the federation. The big deal is to register another one in the future, the military flag, the battle flag, the purple flag, the green flag, the blue flag...the name is not there yet?

However, after thinking about it, Chu Jungui faintly felt that this might be a good thing done by the Moon Fleet on the opposite side. This is the meaning of wanting to fight a good battle with Guangnian!

Chu Jungui immediately summoned the commanders of the various squadrons and notified the promotion of the reward. Li Ruobai had the same idea as Chu Jungui, the opponent wanted to fight, so he increased the reward by light years first, otherwise it would be really useless to fight.

Chu Jungui's original idea was also to fight a good battle, and only after the fight can we talk about it. But now that the opponent wants to fight, Chu Jungui doesn't want to fight anymore. He asked the various squadrons to try their best to avoid battles, not to confront their opponents head-on, and if they couldn't do it, they retreated to the outside of the galaxy. In the vast deep space, there are places where you can run a marathon.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye, and the silver-haired man in Yuelun and Chu Jungui had been catching hide and seek for three days. He even captured Chu Jungui and Guangnian's Titan at one point.

The silver-haired man was really taken aback when he saw the Titan for the first time, and he was about to catch up with the mini battleship. Fortunately, he is leading the main force of the fleet, and with 3 heavy cruisers in hand, he can still fight. However, Chu Jungui had no intention of fighting, and turned around and ran away, while the huge titan was as nimble as a light cruiser, and after a few strokes, it accelerated to sub-light speed, and it was like riding away from the dust in an instant.

The silver-haired man was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses and ordered a fierce pursuit. In this way, the two fleets, one in front and the other behind, ran half a circle around the blue sun in the next day, almost becoming the seventh planet.

Finally, the silver-haired man slowed down and signaled that he wanted to talk.

Chu Jungui vigilantly kept a few light seconds away, and connected to the public channel.

The image of the silver-haired man appeared in front of Chu Jungui, next to the young man. The young man swept away his laziness at this moment, and looked at Chu Jungui with a little curiosity.

The silver-haired man first said: "I've heard of you, and your deeds are quite legendary. Why don't you want to fight me? Isn't it like a space mouse to hide in Tibet like this?"

Chu Jungui was unmoved, and said: "Even if I am a space mouse, as long as I drag you here, I have succeeded. As for fighting, hehe, sorry, I am a peace lover."

The silver-haired man showed a charming and elegant smile, and said fragrantly: "Fuck you X peace lover!"

Chu Jungui said: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to admit it, that's what I think."

"Do you think you can hold me back? I can bring the fleet to your hinterland at any time, and you can still stop me?"


The silver-haired man's expression changed a few times, and he became calm. He said, "I've heard a lot about your treatment in the dynasty. Is it necessary to be loyal to such a government?"

"Change the subject."

The silver-haired man said: "Okay, then I'll just say it straight, I'm going to pass here, and the follow-up fleet will also pass here. What do you say?"

Chu Jun said: "What if I say no?"

"Then we have to leave a strong fleet to defend the jumping point. When the war is over, I will mobilize heavy troops. Even if I lose one or two legions, I will uproot your light years!"

Chu Jun said calmly: "Then I can't let you pass."

The young man said at this time: "Don't listen to Phil's nonsense, he can really piss off the living. We don't want to entangle you here anymore, let's make a condition!"

Chu Jungui said slowly: "What conditions? How can I discuss any conditions with you. You just let it go after thinking about it, can I still stop it?"

"This is the best, don't bother."

After the communication ended, the Lunar Fleet stopped the pursuit, reunited, and retreated to the jump point outside the galaxy. The light-year fleet stays in the orbit of the outer planets, confronting the moon at a distance.

Another day later, a very strong spatial fluctuation suddenly appeared at the jumping point, and an extremely huge ship poked out from the jumping point with difficulty. The diameter of the bow alone exceeded 500 meters!

This giant ship was even bigger than a Titan, and it took a full ten minutes for the terrifyingly huge ship to be completely squeezed out of the void. The surrounding space fluctuated again, dozens of ripples appeared at the same time, starships jumped out one by one, and in a blink of an eye a huge fleet appeared in front of Chu Jungui!

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