God is Coming

Chapter 815 Alone

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The combat power of the Federation Fleet jumping to N7703 has exceeded half of the regular fleet, and the two sub-fleets left behind by the Ninth Fleet of the Dynasty are of this size. After this fleet integrated the fleet of the Lunar Legion, its strength can already affect the situation in the entire theater.

This huge fleet did not stay long, and ignored the light years at the edge of the galaxy, sailing mightily into the depths of the starry sky.

Inside the bridge, Chu Jungui, Li Xinyi and Li Ruobai watched the huge fleet go away, but no one spoke. With such a fleet appearing in the hinterland of the star field, Su Jian's situation may not be very good.

"Is this okay?" Li Xinyi asked, with a tremor in her voice.

Li Ruobai shouted: "Xinyi!" His voice was rarely severe.

But the girl ignored him and stared at Chu Jungui stubbornly. Chu Jungui didn't look back, looked at the direction of the federal fleet, and said after a long time: "This is my decision, it has nothing to do with you, and you have never had the decision-making power of the legion."

The girl's eyes were slightly red, but she stubbornly did not let the water vapor turn into water droplets. She trembled and said, "Is this your answer?"

"Yes." Chu Jungui was very calm.

"I...understood. Then, I'm sorry." The girl suddenly turned around and ran out of the command cabin without looking back.

Li Ruobai sighed, and said helplessly: "Jun Gui, are you pretending to be stupid or you really don't understand! At this time, you can just say a few words so you can get away with it? It's all right now. With Xinyi's temper, I'm afraid I have to pack my things." Let's go. I'll coax her in a while, so don't talk like that again. We all know that Light Year is yours, and no one is greedy for this thing!"

Chu Jungui said: "There is no need to coax her, you can go with her."

Li Ruobai was taken aback, and said, "Why?"

"In the past few days, I have thought about it carefully. Some things can't be done, but I can only do them. Don't say you should share the burden for me, even if you have a little involvement."

Li Ruobai forced a smile, pretending to be relaxed and said: "How big a problem can be, can we still settle it?"

Chu Jungui pointed to the direction where the federal fleet was going, and said, "This is the case."

The smile on Li Ruobai's face also slowly disappeared.

Chu Jungui finally turned around and said, "So, let's go. Be careful on the road."


Chu Jungui said: "In this world, everyone does not live alone. Ruobai, you have to think about your family, friends and clan, and don't drag them down."

"how about you?"

"I'm different. I only have one person. So these things can only be done by me."

Chu Jungui looked at the time and said, "It's almost time. I've arranged for a starship to send you to the nearest Dynasty planet in a while."

"This... is too sudden!"

Chu Jungui said: "There is no way, this is the last timeline. If you leave now, you can still say that it has nothing to do with this matter, and it will be difficult to justify yourself if it is later. After returning to the dynasty, there will be someone I hired Lawyer, if you need anything, just ask him."

After explaining, Chu Jungui said: "You should go, now I want to stay alone."

Li Ruobai didn't insist anymore, but just looked back before leaving, and saw Chu Jungui standing alone in front of the infinite deep space, looking extremely lonely.

A moment later, a destroyer left the fleet and returned to planet 4. In a short while, it will carry the girl and Li Ruobai to the dynasty, and this time they parted, and they don't know when they will meet again.

Li Ruobai felt it suddenly, but Chu Jungui had been thinking about it for several days. The changes in the situation made Chu Jungui feel that it was gradually difficult to resist, and Xu Bingyan's record in the vertical line was in full swing, constantly bringing new pressure. The political component has repeatedly deduced, and the result only proves that Chu Jungui will have fewer and fewer cards in his hand, and the situation will become more and more passive. unless……

Unless Mr. Chu switches to a different way of doing things.

After seeing off the girl and Li Ruobai, when Chu Jungui returned to planet 4, everything felt a little empty. Although there were people coming and going and animals coming and going, it was indescribably cold and lonely, like the whole world. All lost their anger.

But Chu Jungui knew that they had to leave. Both the girl and Li Ruobai have families, and Li Ruobai is also inextricably linked with the imperial family. It is impossible for them to leave the dynasty, nor can they be involved in what they are about to do.

The wise man and Kai Tian appeared, standing in front of Chu Jungui, one on the left and the other on the right. Chu Jungui calmed down his emotions and said, "We are now re-dividing the work. The wise man is still in charge of the construction of the new base as before. The goal is to expand the production capacity as much as possible, and at the same time send the materials to the orbital station. Kaitian takes over. Xinyi's duty is to restart the orbital base and dock, and you must complete the evolution as soon as possible."

Kai Tian suddenly became anxious, "Master, can I not follow you?"

"Let's get things done at home first."

After dismissing the wise men and Kai Tian, ​​Chu Jungui took over the design work of Titan, and entered the full-power operation mode in a blink of an eye, constantly exploring in the deep space of formulas and data. Titan's design has thousands of large nodes, and hundreds of thousands of small nodes. Even for the test body, it is an extremely huge project. After immersing himself in work, Chu Jungui seemed to have finally got rid of the influence of emotions.

After an unknown amount of time, Chu Junhui was awakened by a message. The news was sent by Evans, only a short sentence: 22 large master brains have been shipped.

When the news was received, a transport ship had already appeared outside the N7703 galaxy, heading for the No. 4 planet. Chu Jungui calmly accepted the mastermind, installed and tested it calmly, and then calmly started a new round of work amidst the turbulent computing power. The wise man has already returned to the surface of the planet, and Kai Tian is also immersed in his work and eating, trying not to get close to Chu Jungui as much as possible. Chu Jungui at this time gave Kaitian the urge to stay away.

After debugging the new mastermind, Chu Jungui had just started working when he was woken up by a message. This message has extremely high priority, but it hasn't come up in a long time.

Without hesitation, Chu Jungui connected the communication, and then the image of Dr. Ling appeared in front of him.

Dr. Ling's appearance didn't seem to have changed, he glanced at Chu Jungui with deep eyes, and said, "This is a one-way message, and it will be automatically destroyed within 5 seconds after I finish speaking, so listen carefully Oh... oh, I forgot, forgetting is a human flaw, and you don't forget. I just received a shocking message from an old friend in the military. He said , The 4th Fleet has filed charges against you internally on the charges of treason, patronage, and disobedience. According to the degree of the charges, each of them is enough to send you to the injection table."

Chu Jungui silently went through the relevant laws and regulations of the dynasty in his mind, and then sorted out a timeline. Even filing an accusation within the military requires a series of procedures and document preparation. That is to say, before Yue Youde came to recruit, the 4th Fleet was already suing Chu Jungui for disobedience and treason.

Even if Chu Jungui obediently accepted the recruitment, I am afraid that Su Jian would still not withdraw the complaint, and would still send Chu Jungui in. At that time, Chu Jungui had no soldiers and no starships, and had no power to resist at all. He could know what his fate would be without thinking about it.

Chu Jungui had no illusions about Su Jianhui's withdrawal of the lawsuit. From the moment he pushed the two recruited starships into the storm clouds, he had already abandoned all illusions.

Dr. Zero paused for a moment, then continued: "I'll use some of my connections in the military to see if I can help you delay some time, but it's hard to make a complete comeback. You have to make preparations yourself. In the near future, I will use the laboratory I have given you some missions in the name of , and completing them will help improve your impression on the board."

After speaking, the image of Dr. Zero disappeared, leaving behind a seemingly damaged data file. As soon as Chu Jungui's consciousness came into contact with that document, the data inside was instantly translated and turned into a brand new document. It seems that the code that triggers the compilation is Chu Jungui's genes.

Inside the file is a blueprint of a biological tissue. It's a small but strange piece of nervous tissue, unusually dense. This small tissue the size of a fingernail can provide 80% of the memory space of a normal human brain, and it is independent from the normal brain and can be closed separately.

Chu Jungui understood Dr. Ling's intentions. Once he was really caught, this small organ was where Chu Jungui could keep his secret memories. The operation of generating organs is nothing to the test subjects, and it is easy to transfer memories, but normal humans cannot do it.

With it, memory retrieval, the most common interrogation technique, can be counteracted. Memory extraction is extremely strictly restricted in normal interrogation, but it is difficult to say inside the army. The political component has proved with countless examples that the more opaque the place, the easier it is for operations that should not occur.

Chu Jungui asked for a large plate of super high-calorie synthetic food, swallowed it directly, then closed his eyes, and began to accelerate the growth of parts of his body. After a while, Chu Jungui opened his eyes and clearly felt that there were two looming spaces in his consciousness, both of which could store a lot of information.

Chu Jungui generated two new memories, which were hidden in his calf. Although Chu Jungui did not intend to follow Su Jian's script, nor was he interested in testing the justice of the military court of the Dynasty, it is always good to make more preparations.

After the trial, Chu Jungui found that the two small organs were unexpectedly useful, and they also had considerable thinking ability, which increased Chu Jungui's own computing power by 20%, which was an unexpected gain. Once you've done your own preparations, it's time for the fleet. Chu Jungui bought 5 sets of appearance kits for the champion knight in one go. In the first battle against the Moon Legion, the champion knight kit was surprisingly effective. Originally, Chu Jungui was planning to pay one or two destroyers as a price to replace the opponent's two destroyers. Unexpectedly, as soon as the champion knight appeared, the Moon Legion The firepower of almost half of the fleet was concentrated like a fly seeing blood.

Naturally, the same trick can no longer be used, but it is always possible to change it. When the opponent sees half of the champion knights and half of the ordinary starships, which one to focus on must be a dilemma. And the appearance kit also has a certain degree of defense. Just in response to the old saying, painting is also combat power.

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