God is Coming

Chapter 816 Harvest

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The battle situation is changing rapidly.

The Dynasty fought vigorously on the vertical line, but in the N77 star field, Su Jian, who was originally at a disadvantage, suddenly launched a campaign called "Harvest", gave up many important places, and concentrated the main force of the fleet to besiege the Moon Army Corps. vanguard troops.

This move was indeed beyond the expectations of the federal army, and it also caused instant chaos. Some troops were eager to seize the key points of the base, while some troops moved closer to the lunar vanguard fleet and actively rescued them. After 3 full hours, the federal side issued a unified order to rescue the lunar vanguard fleet with all its strength. Reluctantly, the troops who were going to seize the key points turned around and went to rescue. But it took a whole day to go back and forth, and the situation of the moon round vanguard was already quite bad.

This is also Su Jian's cleverness. The Federation's troops in the N77 theater belong to 6 different forces. Although they claim to be under a unified command, in actual combat it is inevitable that they will be suspicious of each other and tear each other down. Su Jian released more than a dozen important base targets in one breath. Whoever occupies them will gain military merit. What's the benefit of saving the moon?

Sure enough, until the fleet battle started, the Federal Theater Command was still arguing for several hours before issuing this order.

What Su Jian wanted was these few hours. In a few hours, more than half of the main squadron of the 4th Fleet had jumped into place and appeared on the battlefield. At the same time, the fleet continued to shoot space concussion bombs, which interfered with the space jump. The Federation rescue fleet could only come out from a farther jump point, and it took more time to reach the battlefield.

However, wars are always full of variables. As soon as the battle started, Su Jian suddenly discovered that the moon-wheeled fleet was extremely powerful, and the decoy fleet he released showed signs of collapse under the fierce attack of the opponent. Surprised, Su Jian didn't care about gathering the fleet for a general attack, and directly put the two squadrons in his hand into the battlefield. The combat power formed a 1.5:1 advantage over the moon. However, the combat strength is only on paper. The performance of the two squadrons put into the battlefield is far inferior to the elite troops used as bait, while the Lunar Vanguard Fleet fought extremely fiercely. Many starships are already on the verge of explosion, but Just fight to the death without retreating, and some even simply slam into the opponent!

This is deep space, not the sea with little room for maneuver. Of course, the collision was unsuccessful, but the formation of the 4th Fleet was successfully disrupted. Several starships were clearly not on the collision route, but the commander didn't know that he was dizzy Still frightened, he also turned around to avoid it, and the entire attack formation instantly became disorganized.

Su Jian was so angry that his face was livid, and he issued several extremely strong orders in succession, only then did he scold those starships back to their original positions. The 4th Fleet has been stationed on the second line for many years. The fleet is full of people with various relationships, big and small. These people are usually obedient, but when it comes to critical moments, when life and death are at stake, they show their true colors and don't pay much attention to Su Jian. order.

Su Jian is very aware of this, but there has been no good way.

Cowardice is the enemy of war. The 4th Fleet clearly has superior strength, but its losses are higher than those of its opponents. It's just that the 4th Fleet has more starships, even if they fight to lose the Lunar Vanguard Legion, they can't fight. At this moment, Su Jian was always worried that the Yuelun vanguard would find a way to retreat, and it was not until another squadron arrived on the battlefield that Su Jian was finally relieved. He immediately deployed the newly arrived squadron to circle the rear of the Moon Fleet, cutting off the opponent's retreat.

After doing all this, Su Jian had a new worry: why didn't the moon-wheel vanguard fleet escape?

The answer is obvious, at least Su Jian thinks he has found the answer, that is, the Moon Lun's avant-garde fleet is also a decoy. The Federation wants to drag his 4th Fleet to death here, and then use the main force to come and fight him. Su Jian has always tried his best to avoid fleet decisive battles. He is very clear that his ultimate strategic goal in the theater is to successfully defend.

It's just that this time the opportunity is in Su Jian's hands. Su Jian looked at the squadrons approaching one after another on the star map, and finally smiled. The Federation spent three hours arguing. The extra three hours are extremely important, and the Federation obviously doesn't know that he has almost abandoned the forts and bases on the entire front. If he knew, he would definitely not let the Lunar Vanguard Fleet stay die.

Su Jian remained calm, and sent another squadron that had just arrived into the battlefield. He once again confirmed the movement of the Federation fleet. The scanning results showed that there were no new large-scale space jump fluctuations in the past few hours, and the nearby jump points were completely disturbed and could no longer be used.

In other words, the Federation has no new actions, and the squadrons that have jumped over since the start of the war are all under control, and they want to rush to the battlefield at least one day later. Don't worry about the previous space jump signals, they are all far away from here, unless they jump out, they will keep flying to the battlefield. But at that time, Su Jian's action hadn't started yet, how could the Federation know that this place would become a battlefield?

24 hours is enough, Su Jian doesn't even need that much time, as long as he has 20 hours, at most 20 hours, he can crush and swallow the Lunar Vanguard Fleet!

As yet another squadron entered the battlefield, the Luna's vanguard fleet seemed to know its fate, and the battle became fiercer and more frenzied. The starships are fighting desperately with the posture of dying together, even if they are dying, they will bite off a piece of meat from the 4th Fleet.

The final victory is coming, but the smile on Su Jian's face has gradually disappeared. Now that the battle has been fought, the Lunar Vanguard Fleet knows they can't escape, but none of the starships surrendered! This is completely different from Su Jian's prediction. Under normal circumstances, the Lunlun vanguard should surrender when they know that there is no hope of escape, so the loss of the 4th Fleet will be much smaller.

And now, in order to eat the moon vanguard fleet, Su Jian has already paid the price of 3 heavy cruisers! The opponent only had 5 heavy cruisers in total, and most of the time Su Jian used more than 10 heavy cruisers to besiege, and reinforcements continued to enter the battlefield. This kind of battle loss has already made the victory a lot less glamorous, and it has even dimmed the aura of the famous general that Su Jian dreamed of.

Looking at the few lunar starships still struggling to resist, Su Jian's face was gloomy, and endless hatred suddenly surged in his heart. He pointed to the floating spots of light on the star map, and said, "Sweep all of these away!" !"

The staff officer next to him was taken aback, and said, "General, those are rescue cabins..."

"Of course I know! Why keep them here, come back to fight against me on the battlefield? Or let them tell the enemy about our next move?"

The staff officer was obedient and dared not speak. However, attacking the rescue cabin is a taboo in Starship Wars. Once it is verified, it will be court-martialed after the war.

Su Jian glanced at him, his gaze was full of coldness, and he said coldly, "Why, do you want me to issue this order myself?"

The staff officer trembled all over, and immediately understood Su Jian's intention. Seeing sweat on his forehead, he weighed repeatedly in his heart, and finally gritted his teeth and left the command cabin. After a while, several destroyers of the 4th Fleet suddenly stopped attacking, instead retreated to the second-line area, and then began to use secondary artillery and space missiles to straf the rescue capsules floating in space one by one.

The public channel in front of Su Jian suddenly lit up, showing that it was the commander of the Moon Lun Vanguard Fleet. Su Jian stretched out his hand a little, connected the communication, and a macho man with blood-stained gauze on his forehead appeared in front of him. His eyes were red, wide open, and his teeth were gritted.

Su Jian remained calm and said, "Are you ready to surrender?"


Su Jiandao: "As long as you are willing to surrender, I will stop attacking."

Commander Yuelun let out a long laugh, and said, "You can even attack the rescue cabin, I'd rather believe that a bitch wouldn't believe you! Don't talk nonsense, I and my people will fight to the end Today's debt, General Phil will get it back for us!"

Su Jian looked calm and said, "Then I'll wait."

Commander Yuelun finally said: "Surnamed Su, according to the words of your dynasty, people like you will continue to have children and grandchildren, it is unacceptable for heaven!"

The communication channel is cut off.

Of the 22 starships of the Luna Vanguard Fleet, there are still 4 left, and they are making their final struggle under the siege of hundreds of starships. Their counterattacks are still accurate and sharp, but inevitably a little weakened.

Sparks ignited from time to time in space, which were the flames when the rescue capsules were hit and exploded. Desperate screams, vicious curses, and angry roars echoed in the deep space, but these sounds could only float in the form of radio waves and then disappear.

The last starship of the lunar vanguard force finally lost its power and floated quietly in space. Space torpedoes were still bombarding it one after another like a school of blood-stained sharks.

The staff officer returned to the command cabin, and said to Su Jian: "General, the mission has been completed." His voice was a little low.

Su Jian said lightly: "Clean it up."

The staff officer nodded, then turned around and left the command cabin. Su Jian clicked on the podium, and the flagship began to scan the entire battlefield. He scanned the entire battlefield three times before he was satisfied.

The 4th Fleet finally began to regroup, and finally the flagship capital ship fired two slow space torpedoes one after another. A few minutes later, two groups of extremely hot lights lit up in the center of the original battlefield. The light and heat exceeding the stars swept across the entire battlefield. Many small pieces of wreckage were directly melted in the strong particle storm, transforming into groups basically Metal or something else I can't name.

After doing this, the 4th Fleet began to accelerate, leaving the battlefield and the space interference zone created by itself.

Two hours later, a federal high-speed starship appeared on the edge of the battlefield, slowed down with all its strength, and circled the outer edge of the battlefield three times before stopping.

An admiral stood impressively in the command cabin of the starship, his brows were frowned, staring at the void with wreckage floating in front of him. After a while, the scan results were presented in front of him. The admiral's face twitched instantly, and he said coldly, "No signs of life?"


With a bang, the general slammed his fist heavily on the podium, gritted his teeth and said, "Chase! Stop them!"

A major general suddenly exclaimed: "It's too late... No, wait! There's a fleet... It's Phil of the moon! How could he be there!"

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