God is Coming

Chapter 817 Battle Report

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On the star map, the 4th Fleet is about to leave the space interference zone, and its speed has also increased to the critical point of jumping. At this time, the Federal Fleet rushing to support would need a 2-hour voyage at the fastest. When they arrived, the 4th Fleet would have long since fled to nowhere.

However, a corner of the star map suddenly lit up, and a new fleet appeared. It happened to be heading towards the 4th Fleet, and it was able to intercept the 4th Fleet at the edge of space interference!

The automatic identification system has identified the identity of that fleet, and it is displayed on the star map. The admiral didn't have time to ask why the Lunar Legion's fleet appeared from that direction, he just said repeatedly: "Send the situation here to Phil! Tell him that there are no signs of life on the battlefield!!"

three days later.

It had been 48 hours since the war, and the battle report was sent to Chu Jungui.

The battle report is very brief. It just said that two large-scale fleet battles broke out in the N77 star field. The 4th fleet temporarily retreated to the Wood Valley galaxy, allowing the independent forces in the war zone to move closer to the Wood Valley galaxy. Dynasty will suspend most of the N77 star field. protection and support. Those who did not go to the Wood Valley galaxy can only ask for blessings.

In terms of specific details, it is only said that the 4th Fleet fought two hard battles, severely inflicted damage on the enemy, and then retreated strategically. Just two sentences, nothing else.

When receiving this battle report, Chu Jungui immediately sensed the problem, and sent a message to Chitong directly: "Where is the battle report I should see?"

After a long time, Chitong replied: "You have now been demoted to a reserve agent, and this battle report has exceeded your authority."

Chu Jungui did not ask the reason, and said: "The military merits and tens of billions of funds of the second-tier agents, if they are gone, they will be gone? Is this how you treat meritorious people?"

Chitong still replied after a long time: "Maybe there is a misunderstanding, be patient."

Chu Jun returned to the last sentence: "Since the higher-ups have such a clear conscience, they don't mind making the whole thing public."

After all, Chu Jungui cut off the communication channel with Chitong. Maybe Chitong has his own reasons, but if it weren't for his trust, Chu Jungui would not have been directly promoted to the second-tier agent, and he would have spent tens of billions of dollars in purchases without hesitation. If this money is used in the Federation, at least a few starships can be exchanged. In this period of war, starships are more useful than anything else.

Chu Jungui contacted Evans again, and received a detailed battle report not long after. The battle report is naturally from the Federation side, and the content is extremely detailed, even clearly listing the numbers and strengths of each unit from where they are transferred. This is a proper military secret. Even if the battle report is not top secret, it is also the top secret. However, Evans just sent it to Chu Jungui.

Chu Jungui replied while reading the battle report: "The secrecy system of the Federation is really useless."

Evans' reply was not polite at all: "First, we only give it to trusted friends; second, the dynasty leaks more secrets than the Federation, and intelligence work is not at the same level."

Chu Jungui sighed, the first half of the sentence left him speechless, but the fact of the second half of the sentence left him speechless. He opened the battle report and read it carefully.

The 4th Fleet suddenly abandoned many strategic points and besieged the Luna Vanguard Fleet, which really disrupted the deployment of the Federation and caused considerable confusion in the early stage. However, the avant-garde fleet of the Lunar Legion was exceptionally powerful, stubbornly withstood the siege of the 4th Fleet, because they knew that the main force of the Lunar Legion was coming at full speed under the leadership of Phil.

However, the 4th Fleet was unable to attack for a long time, became angry from embarrassment, and even started killing prisoners!

The Yuelun Vanguard Fleet was aroused bloody and vowed not to surrender. In the end, more than 20,000 people in the entire fleet died in battle, and none survived.

When the 4th Fleet was about to retreat, Phil led the main fleet of the Lunar Legion and finally arrived, stopping the 4th Fleet on the verge of jumping. At this time, Phil had already received the news of the death of all the vanguard fleet. His eyes were already red, and the whole army immediately charged, staring at Su Jian's flagship, chasing after him fiercely, and directly broadcasting a message on the public channel: the flagship went up to the command, and went down. When it comes to cleaning, no one will be left alive!

Phil's fleet was originally inferior to the 4th Fleet, but one side was desperate and the other wanted to escape. The 4th Fleet was suppressed from the beginning of the battle. As the pursuers from all walks of the Federation arrived one after another, Su Jian had to separate half of the fleet to break the rear, and the other half to jump forcibly. However, the fleet chose to surrender without resisting for a long time after the breakup, causing many escaped starships to be attacked before they could complete the space jump, and many of them were torn apart by the distorted space in the space shock.

Phil, who was on the moon, was red-eyed. He clearly saw the opponent's surrender signal, but deliberately refused to order to stop the attack. He fought for a while, until the commander-in-chief of the federal theater threatened to revoke his command, and Phil stopped. . In just a short while, the 2 dynasty starships and 3000 warriors became dead souls.

The federal side collectively referred to these two battles as the second N77 campaign, also known as the massacre campaign. As a result of the battle, the 4th Fleet lost a total of 10 heavy cruisers, 12 light cruisers, and 30 destroyers. The light ships and transport ships that entered the battlefield were all wiped out. The total combat power of the fleet was lost by more than 40%. Ten thousand. The total loss of the Federation and the Lunar Vanguard Fleet was 6 heavy cruisers, 8 light cruisers, 12 destroyers, a total of 40 various light ships and transport ships, and 35,000 casualties.

No matter from which angle you look at it, the 4th Fleet suffered a disastrous defeat in this battle, and the losses were so great that almost all of them could be canceled and rebuilt. After experiencing such a disastrous defeat, it would be considered easy for Su Jian to be dismissed.

The key to the battle is that the lunar fleet led by Phil arrived on the battlefield in time. He set off from the N7703 jump point earlier, originally to copy the rear route of the 4th Fleet, but after receiving the news of the attack on the Vanguard Fleet, he rushed to the battlefield at full speed. The entire fleet sailed at sub-light speed, so Su Jian didn't even know that there was a powerful main fleet coming towards him in the inner circle.

In addition, in Chu Jungui's view, Su Jian's command at the critical moment also had a very big problem, the first being the siege of the avant-garde fleet. A test subject who is well versed in human nature will never adopt Su Jian's all-out attack method, but will directly focus on destroying a weak starship of the opponent, and then destroy the second and third ships. The fleet will most likely collapse eventually.

In addition, when escaping, Su Jian should act decisively and directly order the entire fleet to jump. As for which ship is unlucky if the opponent destroys it, the overall loss must be much smaller than it is now. Su Jian's flagship is a capital ship, and it is very difficult to interfere with the jump. The correct strategy is to find heavy patrols as much as possible. It's just that Su Jian killed the prisoners first, which caused Phil to desperately want to kill Su Jian's flagship, and by the way kill Su Jian. If Su Jian adopts Chu Jungui's strategy, then the result is probably that his flagship will be left behind. , the rest of the fleet escaped.

Obviously, Su Jian was unwilling to do this. He would rather leave half of the fleet to die than save his own life.

The federation’s battle report data is extremely detailed, including detailed information on each ship’s broken starship, from the commander to the crew. After reading it, it really verified Chu Jungui’s conjecture. All right, all of Su Jian's direct relatives and friends are among those who escaped by jumping. Moreover, in order to ensure that the order was carried out, Su Jian specially issued an order with the highest priority under the authority of the fleet command. After the break, each ship can only start the jumping process after all the escape ships have completed the jumping process.

It's just that although Su Jian has a heart of tigers and leopards, the rest of the 4th Fleet are not good people. When they found out that they were left behind, many people rushed to surrender immediately. The identification of friend and foe is locked, and you can't fire at your own people. Some people are afraid that they will turn against them on the spot.

In Chu Jungui's view, Su Jian should have left the flagship behind and let the fleet retreat. Capital ships and heavy cruisers are not in the same order of magnitude at all. No matter how hard Phil tries, it is impossible to blow up a capital ship in a short time. And Su Jian can escape at sub-light speed, and slowly consume Phil's battleship on the way to escape. In this way, even if he is still defeated in the end, Su Jian will be famous all over the world for his bravery, and as long as he finally surrenders, the Federation will definitely stop Phil and prevent him from killing Su Jian.

Of course, if it was Chu Jungui, he would definitely not be able to do such a thing as killing prisoners, and it would be too late to cherish them.

After reading the battle report, Chu Jungui finally sighed. It can be said that the 100,000 soldiers of the 4th Fleet were ruined in the hands of Su Jian. Of course, Chu Jungui also had a small part of the credit, but it was only a small part. If the test body is changed to command, there will be no chance for the opponent to encircle. It is Chu Jungui's style to take a bite and run.

Chu Jungui sent a message to Evans: "Thank you."

After a while, Evans replied: "Out of love for the money-distributing boss, I need to remind you of a few things. First of all, according to the situation we have, Su Jian will definitely find a way to put the blame on you when he goes back. On the head, after all, you are the only surviving one of the more powerful independent legions in the war zone. Secondly, because you are the only surviving powerful legion, the Federation should come to recruit you next. My suggestion is to let Wang Qi The mercenaries surrendered to the red beard, which was actually a matter of spraying paint. Finally, it is about Phil of the moon. I heard that you have reached a tacit understanding with him, but don't expect too much. This man is very difficult to deal with, it is simply unreasonable , I think he is likely to come to trouble you. Try to reason with him, even if it doesn't make sense. "

Looking at Evans' evaluation of Phil, and thinking of the way the Lunar Legion had beaten the champion knight when they saw the champion knight, Chu Jungui was thoughtful. It seems that there is a story between the two ah!

This idea flashed by, and Evans' reminder was real, that is to beware of Phil on the moon. Judging from the Federation's battle report, after the defeat of the 4th Fleet, there are only light years left in the central area of ​​the N77 war zone.

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