God is Coming

Chapter 818 Refreshing and Refreshing

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Regardless of whether Evans reminded him or not, Chu Jungui knew that it was imperative to fight the Federation. Today is different from the past. Fleet battles in space have now become the main battlefield. Before Chu Jungui's fleet is completely wiped out, the Federation will not rashly enter the surface of the planet and fight Chu Jungui.

But if they don't pull the Federation into the ground battlefield, they probably won't retreat in spite of the difficulties. Therefore, Chu Jungui drew up a two-step strategy, the first is fleet warfare, and the second is ground warfare. Both strategies will be fine-tuned according to the opponent's specific commander's personality. For example, if it is Phil who comes, then the names of these two strategies can be changed to: 1. How hard can a few destroyers be? 2. How hard can it be to play a few backward bases?

The basic battlefields of the fleet battle with the Federation will be inside the galaxy. Due to the terrifying gravity of the blue sun, the interior of the N7703 galaxy is not suitable for jumping, so the Federation fleet will appear outside the galaxy, and then enter the galaxy one after another. On the one hand, Chu Jungui is rushing to build new starships, and on the other hand, he is transforming the existing starships. The direction of the transformation is to weaken the space jumping ability, just a little bit, directly reducing the jumping distance from 5 light-years to 0.5 light-years.

The large amount of space and energy saved are all used to supplement armor and maneuverability at sublight speeds. The modified light-year starship's sub-light mobility directly catches up with the champion knight, and the armor has increased by half a meter, with an average armor thickness of 15 meters. The only cost of the modification is that the extreme speed battery life has been weakened, that is to say, the energy supply will not be able to keep up with the limit speed for a while, and it needs to slow down.

Compared with the increased speed and defensive power, the shortcoming of extremely fast battery life is completely tolerable in Chu Jungui's view. Moreover, among the Federation starships, there are not many models that can compete with Lightyear for extreme speed and endurance. After all, Lightyear starship has a nearly infinite energy supply, but the power is a little bit behind the ideal.

The performance of the modified light-year starship can be said to be quite deformed. It is completely invincible in the galaxy and a nest outside the galaxy. It is comparable to the Mongolian navy in the era of the parent star.

But where did Mr. Chu go so far, let's get over the immediate crisis first. In addition, he added ten sets of appearance kits for champion knights, basically ensuring one set for each ship. Three additional target ships were added, which basically consumed the production capacity for the next ten days.

Although the wise man and Kai Tian didn't feel it, they already realized the seriousness of the situation from Chu Jungui's attitude. A wise man keeps working at peak efficiency as always, like a machine. And Kaitian is also uncharacteristically, devoting every minute and every second to work and evolution.

Chu Jungui convened Wilson and Roland and other veterans who were light years away, and explained the cruelty of the upcoming battle, indicating that there might be certain casualties. These former senior military officers of the Federation expressed their understanding that no one would die in a war, and compared with the Federation Legion, the casualty rate in Light Years was already extremely low, and many battles were even won without damage.

It should be said that apart from the living environment on the ship, Chu Jungui took great care of the Light Year Warriors, and everyone understood some extreme practices. Between sleeping lying down and sleeping standing up with an extra meter of armor, everyone will firmly choose the latter. Especially after witnessing and even personally operating the unethical whole fleet to set fire to a target, and watching starships being blown up in front of them, all the crew members silently accepted the hive-style sleeping method.

For the second stage of the battle, Chu Jungui had to adjust the ground base. As a result, he was so busy that he flew up, and his body temperature remained at more than 90 degrees all day long. The wind blowing was no longer effective, and the temperature was maintained by liquid cooling. Chu Junhui also slightly changed the composition of his blood, raising the boiling point to 150 degrees to maintain efficient operation.

Chu Jungui knew that the time to prepare for the battle was extremely precious. Counting from the day when the 4th Fleet fully retreated, the Federal Fleet would appear in front of him in at most a week, and it might even bring a huge landing fleet with it. According to the normal process, we should talk about it anyway, but it is more efficient to bring the fleet to talk, and if we can't reach an agreement, we can directly resolve the dispute on the spot.

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed, and only 5 sets of champion knight appearance kits have been produced, two new target ships have just been completed, and only one third of the existing starships have been remodeled. 20%.

It is already the limit to be able to do so much in a week, but the progress of the defense facilities is still not up to expectations. There is no way to fail to meet expectations, Chu Jungui can only build while fighting.

However, a week later, the Federation did not appear on the first day, nor did it appear on the second and third day. Chu Jungui was puzzled, and at the same time hurriedly built a defense system. With the completion of the new transport ship, the carrying capacity from the planet to the orbit It has increased several times, and hundreds of thousands of tons of materials can be sent to orbit every day.

In this way, time passed day by day, and two full weeks later, the federal starship appeared outside the N7703 galaxy, and the slowness of its movements was far beyond Chu Jungui's expectations. At this time, 8 sets of Champion Knight's appearance kits have been completed, 3 target ships have been completed, 10 existing starships have been remodeled, the first stage of defense strengthening for the orbital base has been fully completed, and 40% of the ground base's defense progress has been completed.

Chu Jungui didn't understand why the Federation had to give himself an extra week to prepare. Just then, he received a message from Evans.

"Out of respect for the money-distributing boss, I have to remind you that the war is about to start again!"

Chu Jungui, who had been preparing for the battle for more than ten days, complained secretly, and it was already too late to prepare at this time. After complaining, he continued to look down.

"In the past ten days, the Joint Command Headquarters of the Federal N77 Theater has engaged in fierce quarrels over how to attack the 4th Fleet and whether to clean up the sporadic forces in the theater. There are two schools of thought. One is to directly attack the remnants of the 4th Fleet and completely defeat the enemy. The second is that the 4th Fleet is no longer a concern. While attacking, it also needs to clean up the rear and remove the remnants of the dynasty. This mainly refers to light years. I tried to muddy the water, but in the end it was the second faction. The upper hand, so the Federation fleet will appear soon."

It turned out that this was the case. Although Evans did not succeed, the time he won was very critical, and it could even be said that it was a matter of life and death. In Chu Jungui's heart, the image of Evans instantly became much taller, and the brightness also increased by a level, basically spanning from a street lamp to a searchlight. Although this Evans seems a bit exaggerated, he is very powerful at critical moments and never disappoints, and some will only be surprises.

At the end of the message, Evans said: "I have completed the procedures for the Wang Banner mercenaries to be recruited by the red beard, so remember to repaint the starship before the war. This way they are fighting the federally registered star pirates, not the dynasty hostiles Legion. Although I failed to prevent this war, this matter is endless, and there are endless lawsuits waiting for them."

After reading the news, Chu Jungui fixed his eyes on the star map, and fixed his eyes on the huge fleet that was slowly entering the galaxy. Now Light Year is ready from top to bottom.

Just as the atmosphere was chilling, a communication request from the Federation Fleet came through the public channel.

"The negotiators are here," the wise man said.

"It's just a routine." Kai Tian disagreed.

Chu Jungui opened the channel, and Phil with silver-gray hair appeared in front of him. He said with a playful look, "We meet again, can't you think of it?"

"It doesn't make any difference whether you or someone else comes."

"No, it's not the same, I'm a special one." Phil shook his head, and then said seriously: "First of all, I have to thank you for being able to intercept the 4th Fleet. Although I couldn't kill that bastard Su Jian, at least I interrupted His waist can be regarded as avenging half of my brothers."

"Is that how you thank people? Then it seems that it's better not to give you a chance to thank people in the future."

Phil shook his head again and said, "I appreciate you letting go of the jumping point, but if you didn't let go at that time, then I had no choice but to level you. Take a step back and say, if I didn't know that my main fleet is coming On the way, the avant-garde fleet will not fight to the death, and there will be more than 20,000 people. So in this matter, we are even. Originally, I would continue to trouble Su Jian, and I am not in the mood to pay attention to you But who made several of Evans' buddies unanimously oppose attacking you during the discussion. Hehe, they made such a fuss, didn't they clearly say that Evans has something to do with you? Maybe he is here now! Let him come out Well, it's good to understand!"

Chu Jungui was a little puzzled, and said, "Do you have a grudge against Evans?"

"It's sort of."

"Even if there is a grudge, it can't compare to Su Jian, right? He killed thousands of prisoners in your moon. Now he is in front of you. Instead of looking for him, you ran to my backcountry. Are you mentally ill? ? Or do you mean that the lives of those soldiers are not important to you at all, and you are just playing?" Facing the trouble at the door, Chu Jungui no longer spoke politely. Moreover, angering opponents is the basic quality of a qualified general.

Phil's face changed slightly, but he remained calm, and said slowly: "I am a qualified general and an absolute rationalist. Where is Su Jian's hatred? As long as he doesn't die for a day, I will always trouble him But now he is retreating and retreating. If he bites hard, he will suffer heavy losses, so we must concentrate our superior forces and smash his defense line in one go. This is the real responsibility to the soldiers..."

Chu Jungui interrupted him: "Speaking of fear of death so freshly and refinedly, you deserve to be a famous general of the Federation!"

Phil gritted his teeth and said, "The matter between me and Evans is not as simple as you think. So if he is here, you'd better hand him over! Otherwise, I will only be in your corpse compared to DNA."

Chu Jungui casually picked up the script given by the art component, and read: "It sounds like he did something to you. He won't really do anything to you, right?!"

"You're courting death!!" Phil's expression finally changed.

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