God is Coming

Chapter 819

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The communication channel is cut off, and the war officially begins.

The wise man said: "Very well, the low-level life with degenerated genes is finally angry! Human beings are easy to be judged by emotions, so they are low-level life."

Kai Tian sneered three times: "Have you seen less in the world? There are many kinds of human beings, and those who are in high positions are all born with acting skills. Do you really think he will be angry?"

A wise man is thoughtful.

Chu Jungui interrupted them and said, "Return to your posts and get ready to fight."

The wise men and Kai Tian dispersed their human form, turning into a large black mist, occupying every corner of the command cabin.

The flagship of the Moon Fleet, the silver-haired Phil quietly looked at the blacked-out screen, suddenly smiled, and turned around and said, "He thinks this will piss me off? Hahahaha, ridiculous!"

The young man behind him was silent for a moment, and said, "Isn't he?"

Phil's long laugh was suddenly interrupted, his face twitched, the sun faded and turned into a haze, and he said lightly, "It's not a wise choice to provoke me."

The young man sighed and said: "If you are really sensible, we should appear in front of the 4th Fleet right now. Is it interesting to come here to eat rocks without avenging the blood revenge of tens of thousands of brothers with a lot of military merits? ?”

Phil opened his arms and said, "I have the entire Lunar Legion! Do I need military merit? Do I still lack anything?"

The young man was left speechless by the question. According to the federation's system, the scale of the moon wheel has reached its peak today, without the slightest subsidy from the federation, and the military merits it receives will be discounted. The Federation's resources are mainly invested in the new and weak private legions, and they will be weaned after they are nurtured and grown. A powerful legion like the Moon Wheel will also feed back to the Federation. Most of the military exploits, taxes and supplies they paid will be used to subsidize the small army.

This system has allowed generations of federal legions to emerge continuously, and the moon wheel has also developed step by step from start-up to weak to strong. So what Phil said is correct, putting aside personal grievances, the military exploits gained from fighting the 4th Fleet may not be worth the consumption of this battle. But young people always feel that something is wrong, and the truth seems to be different.

Phil suddenly raised his head, pointed at the ceiling, and said, "If you want to say what you want, don't you think we still lack an indoor lighting here? A humanoid one."

The young man covered his face, "You don't need to fill in the last sentence."

Lunar starships drove into the N7703 galaxy in a steady stream. They assembled on the outermost planetary orbits of the galaxy without haste, arranged temporary orbital space stations, and then connected a large number of landing transport ships to the base. This time the moon brought a huge force of 6 heavy cruisers, 10 light cruisers and 20 destroyers, accompanied by the 37th and 38th Divisions of the Federation Planetary Marine Corps.

After the assembly was completed, Phil left behind a powerful fleet to protect the Marine Corps and the orbital base, while he led the main fleet to slowly approach Planet 4.

Outside planet 4, there is a lone destroyer floating.

Phil's fleet stopped outside the range and connected to the communication channel again.

This time, Phil, who appeared in front of Chu Jungui, was calm and calm, and said, "Do you know why I'm here?"

Chu Jun returned, "Because I'm easy to bully?"

Phil laughed, and then said seriously: "Evans is just one aspect. The real reason is that you are more dangerous than the 4th Fleet. I am willing to remove your hidden danger for the Federation, otherwise I will give you more than ten years, maybe It will become the second Tianyu Li family."

"I'm ashamed."

Phil smiled and said, "We still have the last chance, and I don't want to lose too much. How about you surrender now, come to the Federation, or keep your status as a private army?"

"The one in front of you is already a federally registered Star Pirate, haven't you seen the logo on the ship? We are all members of the Redbeard now."

Phil said disdainfully: "Don't shame yourself with such a useless trick, or I will look down on you."

Chu Jungui still said solemnly: "We are indeed red bearded star robbers now, and the procedures are complete. So are you sure you want to go to war?"

Phil sneered: "I don't care about your red beard and blue beard. I also know that you are collecting evidence now. It's nothing more than a few lawsuits. This is simple. As long as you are eliminated, the plaintiff will be gone."

Chu Jun said calmly: "If you can't destroy me, your troubles will be endless."

Phil said: "Then let's take a step back. You hand over Evans, and I will retreat immediately. How about it?"

"Evans isn't here. Even if he were, I wouldn't hand him over to you."

Phil frowned and said, "It seems that the relationship between you is not simple."

Chu Jungui said word by word: "If you come to ask for someone like this, even if it is not Evans, I will never hand it over to any Light Year Warrior! If you want someone, go to the space to find a life-saving capsule!"

"Very good! Soon you will know what you are fighting for." Phil sneered, and then cut off the communication.

The Lunar Fleet began to press on slowly. To Phil's surprise, one after another starship circled out from behind the planet and formed a formation in high orbit. They actually assumed the posture of a decisive battle head-on.

Although Light Year has assembled a full 14 destroyers this time, the overall strength is still far behind the opponent, not even half of the moon. Given the huge disparity in strength, how dare Light Year assemble a fleet to fight head-on? In Phil's vision, Light Year should withdraw the fleet far away, then blockade Planet 4 by himself, and then use the Marine Corps to remove Light Year's ground base. After digging the roots, we will find the Light Year Fleet for a decisive battle. Judging from Chu Jungui's past record, the Light Year Fleet should probably withdraw from the galaxy and wander between star fields, looking for opportunities for revenge. This will bring some trouble to Phil, but that's for later.

Looking at the light-year-assembled fleet, especially the two dazzling champion knights in the center, Phil couldn't help but frown.

"Using the target boat to deceive people again? Do you think we are stupid?" The young man sneered.

For some reason, Phil found the words harsh. He snorted, and said slowly: "Mr. Chu is insidious and cunning. He took advantage of the previous game. He knows that we will definitely not be fooled a second time. Therefore, it is very likely that we will do the opposite. The main ship is dressed as a champion knight, so that we think it is a target ship and not focus on the fire. The real target ship is probably hidden next to these two champion knights, so we still have to destroy the champion knight in the first round !"

"Anyway, you just can't see a champion knight." The young man muttered, but Phil didn't know if he heard it clearly.

The two fleets approached quickly, and the dazzling stream of light illuminated the space in an instant. The fleets of both sides had no reservations, and exchanged a round of firepower in earnest.

After a round of concentrated fire, the length of the two champion knights was actually shortened by 10 meters.

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