God is Coming

Chapter 820 But that's all

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"It's a target ship again!" Phil squeezed out this sentence through his teeth.

Light Year still showed his incomprehensible tactical level. After a dazzing walk, he successfully locked on a destroyer hiding behind. The fierce firepower instantly severely injured the destroyer. As for the Moon Fleet, half of the fleet was focusing on the two champion knights, resulting in serious firepower dispersion.

However, the overall firepower of the Lunar Fleet exceeds the light-year after all, and even half of the fleet is much stronger than the light-year. Therefore, after a round of confrontation, a destroyer was also seriously injured in the light-year.

The two sides continued to attack without stopping, and the two champion knights in Light Years saw that their bottom was exposed, and simply turned sideways, using their hulls to block the opponent's light cannon bombardment. This time, the Luna Fleet did not act stupid again, and tried to avoid the champion knight in their attacks.

The new round of firefights has suffered a lot. The destroyer that was hit hard was directly blown up, another destroyer was seriously injured, and many other destroyers were injured.

Phil snorted, quite surprised by the result. He expected to destroy more than 3 starships of the opponent, but in the end he only destroyed one that was seriously injured, and the rest of the targets were only damaged. As early as the first time they fought against each other, Phil knew that the light year starship was extremely durable and its firepower was extremely fierce. So he adjusted the fire focus rules based on the data from the first battle, but now he found out that the light-year starship has become more resistant to fighting.

Originally, the firepower of the light-year starship was similar to that of the light cruiser, but now even the defense is catching up with the light cruiser. Therefore, if fighting on the spot, Phil is equivalent to fighting against 10 light cruisers. If the light-year starship was really only at the level of a destroyer, it would have been destroyed by half.

After both sides lost two destroyers each, the Light Year Fleet suddenly broke up and fled in all directions, hiding behind the planet.

"This trick again." Phil sneered, and immediately sent two squadrons to stare at a light-year destroyer in pursuit. Each squadron is composed of a heavy cruiser, a light cruiser, and 2 destroyers. Phil doesn't believe that Light Year can eat them all in one go.

The main fleet of the moon wheel began to approach the high orbit of the planet, and Phil had already set his sights on a base floating on the surface of the storm clouds. He has enough troops now, no matter whether the base is real or not, he is ready to take it in one fell swoop. After clearing the target on the track, the landing fleet can start work.

After a round of attacks, large and small deep pits suddenly appeared on the surface of the base, but the armor layer had not yet been penetrated. This base also appears to be equipped with extremely thick armor.

Phil was not in a hurry, and ordered the ships to adjust the power of the main guns to the most economical state and bombard them slowly. Anyway, he has plenty of time, no matter how thick the turtle shell is, he can slowly peel it off.

Energy weapons such as beam cannons are severely disturbed by the storm clouds. Even if the heavy cruiser bombards the past, less than 20% of the power will remain. A hole with a diameter of several meters and a depth of about one meter can be left on the shell of the base. shallow pit. The system in front of Phil showed that in another hour and three minutes, the armor of the base could be pierced.

At this time, the reconnaissance ship flying around sent a report, and a total of 7 similar targets were found in low orbit.

Phil looked at the time and smiled nonchalantly. 7 bases may seem like a lot, but even if each one takes an hour, plus the time spent on the road, the total will not take 12 hours. Chu Jungui's tactics are a joke in front of the powerful firepower of the moon.

However, after the first round of attacks, the orbital base suddenly sank, almost touching the surface of the storm clouds before stopping!

Phil's smile froze.

He watched the heavy patrol launch a new round of attacks, but the high-energy light beam caused a reaction from the storm clouds, and a beam of ion lightning almost split most of the beam of light, leaving only a diameter of less than 2 meters on the surface of the base. centimeter sunken pit. The power of this cannon is less than 5% of the original!

"Continue to attack!" Phil ordered. He didn't believe that the base could not be sunk, anyway, there is plenty of time now.

Ten hours later, the main fleet of the Moon Wheel finally left its original position, and Phil's face in the command cabin had already turned livid.

The huge fleet headed straight for the second target, while the progress bar in front of Chu Jungui went from 3% to 96%.

The shape of the second base is a bit strange, it is not square like the first base, but a long vertical tail protruding from below, almost piercing into the storm clouds. From time to time, several bolts of lightning would jump out of the storm clouds and strike the vertical tail.

"This looks like a real target..." Phil thought.

The Lunar Fleet had just set up its offensive formation, and carefully descended into orbit. This process is very dangerous. All the equipment of the starship is obviously affected by the storm clouds. If one accidentally loses control and rushes into the storm clouds, everyone knows what will happen.

It took an hour just to set up the formation and descend the orbit, but Phil seemed very patient, and he was ready to fight a war of attrition with Chu Jungui.

However, when the fleet was about to enter the attack position, the alarm suddenly sounded, and the Light Year Fleet did not know when to regroup, and then circled out from the back of the planet, and came straight to kill!

Phil frowned, and first glanced at the two hunting squadrons. Now the squadron is biting a destroyer each, and is about to fly out of the galaxy. Those two light-year starships didn't fight at all, they just ran away with all their strength. Their sub-light speed performance was unexpectedly strong, and the two moon-wheel squadrons chased most of the galaxy but failed to catch up. What Phil sent out were hunting starships known for their speed, but they failed to catch up with the two ordinary destroyers light years away.

The squadron can't be called back for a while, but even the remaining fleet can easily crush Chu Jungui's fleet. At this time, the scanning results have come out, and the image and detailed data of the Light Year Fleet appeared on the star map.

This time there are still 12 starships in the light year, but the three in the middle are all champion knights!

Phil's eyelids twitched, and he sneered, "How many times do you want to do the same trick? It seems that Chu Jungui is nothing more than that!"

Even though he said so, Phil was not careless at all. He carefully checked the fire targets of all the starships and tried to avoid the three champion knights. It's just that when he removed the champion knight from the fire list, he subconsciously gritted his teeth, very reluctant.

The two fleets approached quickly, and did not open fire on each other until they were at a dangerous distance. The battlefield is the low orbit of planet 4, the power of the beam cannon is greatly reduced, and the range is two-thirds shorter than normal. Light Year is a native of planet 4, so he naturally knows these data. After Phil destroyed a solid base, he also had enough data accumulation to be able to adjust the main gun.

The only disadvantage of the moon is that the storm clouds have too much influence on the shield, and the effective value of the shield of all starships is only 20% of the original.

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