God is Coming

Chapter 821 Lightning Forest

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The intertwined high-energy light beams appear so slender against the hundreds of kilometers of huge lightning that appears around them from time to time. Compared with traditional battles where they would be bombed in the air at every turn, the current battle is like scraping each other. You come and I go back and forth for seven or eight rounds, and no starship has ever exploded.

The Moon Fleet wanted to move to high orbit, but the Light Year Fleet stayed in low orbit, and Phil, who was determined to wipe out the enemy, had to stay. At this moment, the communication channel is full of extremely noisy electrical noise, and no matter how advanced the shielding system is, it cannot resist the terrifying power of the storm clouds. Everyone in the channel is trying to raise the volume so that they can drown out the noise.

Phil's private channel was relatively quiet, but there was also a voice that echoed repeatedly.

"Commander, the three champion knights have moved."

Nonsense... Phil thought to himself, how did they come here without touching them?

"Commander! The champion knight opened the gun emplacement armor!"

Pretending to be quite similar... Phil deliberately didn't look at the champion knight, lest he couldn't help but call the fleet to focus fire again.


Phil suddenly felt a little annoying, but this is the command channel, and it cannot be turned off. He thought very disapprovingly: "It's just three target ships, so there's nothing to make a fuss about."

"Commander! The champion knight's main gun is starting to recharge!"

Phil was taken aback suddenly! It will also recharge, which is too realistic... No! This is real guns!

When Phil finally came to his senses, three turbulent high-energy beams shot at a seriously injured destroyer of his own side. Although the power of the main gun was severely weakened, the destroyer was not at all wary of the three champion knights. As a result, the weak parts of the hull that were already severely damaged were hit continuously, and the hull was finally penetrated!

A large number of equipment and personnel were thrown out of the ship, and then instantly ignited by the ion storm, turning into several balls of gorgeous fireworks, burning to the point that there was not even a slag left. Immediately afterwards, dozens of rescue capsules were sprayed out of the ship one after another. Without exception, the rescue capsules were all ignited and turned into fly ash in an instant.

The people in the follow-up rescue capsule have seen the fate of the people in front, but they can do nothing but watch their own rescue capsule drift out of the ship, and then be engulfed by irresistible light and heat.

These crew members are all operating equipment in a closed environment, and the workshop itself can be used as a rescue cabin. Originally, this was the safest position, but now it has become a death talisman. One by one, the emergency capsules automatically popped out of the ship to avoid possible explosion hazards inside the ship, but they rushed into the storm clouds.

Looking at the firepower of the champion knight, Phil naturally knew that this was not a real champion knight. A true champion knight fires far more ferociously than this. But it would be great if he was a real champion knight, at least he wouldn't be fooled like this.

Phil assessed the battle situation, calmly put the three champion knights aside, and continued to maintain the current fire target. The three champion knights are still intact, and their firepower is no stronger than that of other light-year starships. Of course, the sensible way is to ignore them first and disable the targets that have already been hit.

It's just that for Phil, staying sane is painful.

The battle is still going on, and the two sides are coming and going in an extremely harsh environment, almost hand-to-hand combat. In the continuous battle, the moon still had the upper hand, and after a while, it finally succeeded in destroying a light-year-old destroyer, and the results were evened out. And the next thing to be blown up first will be the light-year starship. Although the light-year starship is almost at the peak of single-ship tactics, using the armor of various parts of the ship to share the damage, the total firepower is still too far behind the moon, so as time goes by, the disadvantages become more and more obvious.

However, Phil was a little puzzled, why Chu Junhui was still gritted his teeth, instead of retreating? The mobile fleet is the most important thing. Without the mobile fleet, any planetary base orbital base will be a lamb to be slaughtered.

His questions were quickly answered.

Throughout the battle, the Lunar Legion didn't notice that the storm clouds below were churning more and more violently, and gradually swelled up, finally forming a bulge obviously higher than the surroundings. Inside the clouds, the flashes became more and more dense and frequent, as if something was about to break out of the cocoon.

Finally, someone noticed something was wrong and shouted: "There is a super-large-scale energy surge below..."

Before the words fell, the bulge of the storm cloud exploded suddenly, and hundreds of terrifying lightning burst out, some even reaching hundreds of kilometers! Below the battlefield, it instantly turned into a forest of lightning, enveloping both sides in the battle!

One after another of blindingly dazzling lightning strikes the fleets of both sides mercilessly, with infinite power. The Lunar Fleet originally had a large number and a large hull, so naturally it suffered much more lightning. These lightning strikes can split the shield, and by the way, the armor of the light cruiser has bottomed out, and the destroyer has been seriously injured. Only the heavy cruiser can barely resist two more times.

In the lightning forest, there seems to be a huge shadow flashing past...

The three starships on the moon wheel suddenly lost power and exploded immediately! Phil also lost his composure and wanted to issue mandatory orders, but he couldn't issue any orders in the terrifying ion storm. He could only shout desperately: "Climb up, get out of here!"

The flagship burst out with strong power, struggling to raise the height, trying to get rid of the lightning forest. Fortunately, the other starships on the moon are well-trained. Although there is no order, they all automatically follow the flagship, which makes Phil relieved.

But before he had time to be happy, the orbital station that had been standing still unknowingly opened its armor, and then a terrifying high-energy light beam shot out, bombarding a heavy cruiser!

The heavy cruiser was hit by two bolts of lightning in a row, and then took such a shot unprepared. This shot directly hit the damaged hull, digging a large hole with a diameter of ten meters in the hull!

Even in the raging lightning storm, this shot made the energy sensor of Phil's flagship jump out a number. The energy reading recorded in an instant is 45,000!

The energy readings commonly used by the Federation are not absolute units, but are linked to combat power. For example, a standard heavy cruiser is 10,000, and the main guns of the heavy cruisers led by Phil are all 15,000 powerful. In other words, the gun just now is equivalent to the concentrated fire of four ordinary heavy cruisers. Even if it is measured by the cutting-edge heavy cruiser of the moon, it is equivalent to 3 ships.

The heavy cruiser under attack lost more than half of its power, its speed plummeted, and it desperately tried to escape from the Lightning Forest. But there is also the Light Year Fleet of Tiger Watching and Delaying next to it.

Phil closed his eyes, and said a minute later: "Let them surrender, tell them, we will come to rescue them soon."

Phil stared hard at the once again silent orbital station, remembering all its features. Finally, the remnant fleet reassembled in high orbit. The entire fleet lost a heavy cruiser, 2 light cruisers and a full 6 destroyers, most of which were destroyed in the Lightning Forest.

The Lightning Forest came and went quickly, and it had almost disappeared at this time, and the Light Year Fleet also reappeared. Phil suddenly discovered that only 3 destroyers were missing in Light Years!

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