God is Coming

Chapter 822 Unwilling to Compromise

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Light-year starships have surrounded the heavily damaged heavy cruiser, and revealed space torpedoes. At this time, if Phil insisted on saving people, the heavy patrol would be directly blown into two pieces.

Phil was also straightforward, gritted his teeth, and directly ordered to retreat. After a while, the Lunar Fleet flew towards the edge of the galaxy, where a small mobile base had already parked. The two squadrons outside also canceled the hunting mission and were called back to rebuild.

Although Phil suffered a big loss in this battle, the main force of the fleet is still there, and it can still crush light years. So Phil held his breath, first repaired and reorganized the fleet, and waited for the state to fully recover before finding Light Year to fight to the death.

It took 4 days for reorganization and rest. During this time, Phil had someone find all the information on Light Year. After repeated comparisons, it was confirmed that Light Year currently had 16 starships, as well as a strange and huge ship with an unknown model. starship. The main gun of the starship is powerful, but it seems to have many flaws.

Seeing the information on the giant ship, Phil's heart moved and he thought about it.

What Phil didn't know was that the captured heavy cruiser had been dismantled immediately by Chu Jungui, and all the main structural parts were thrown into the storm clouds. There was no way he could save the ship.

After the heavy cruiser was dismantled, Chu Jungui added more than a thousand items to his reverse engineering list, and he was not far away from building a complete heavy cruiser independently, with a technology gap within one generation. After completing the research and development of all these projects, the completeness of the technology will exceed 65%. With the construction style of light years, 60% of the technology can be launched and started. As for the deficiencies, there are always ways to make up for them.

The only pity is that it is too close to the storm clouds, and in the lightning forest, most of the crew who were thrown out of the cabin failed to save their lives. In the end, Chu Jungui only rescued 1,200 people, most of whom were heavy cruisers. crew. More than 5,000 people were killed in battle, and none of them survived.

Chu Jungui really felt sorry for the war dead. The quality of the Moon Army Corps is even higher than that of the Pirate Flag and the Lancers. They are all first-class talents, no matter what position they are in. It's a pity that the Lightning Forest doesn't recognize any relatives at all, and even Light Year can do it. It's just because the light year starship is rough and thick, and it travels through storm clouds all the year round, so the survival grade composite material is particularly resistant to ion storms. Even so, 2 destroyers were destroyed and more than 30 people were lost.

A total of 3 destroyers were lost in this battle, and a total of 49 casualties were lost. Therefore, the morale of the light-year-old human warriors is high, and this is a proper victory, or the weak defeats the strong, only the spirit of the wise is a little sluggish.

When Chu Jungui cleaned up the battlefield and reviewed the gains and losses of the battle, the wise man silently projected such a sentence in front of him: The real wise man is always dragged down by the low life teammates around him...

Chu Jungui directly threw a large piece of rare metal to it, and the wise man immediately retracted the slogan, hugged the metal and hid somewhere to chew it.

During the rare calm period, Chu Jungui was not idle, and the real dock base was launched to install the newly produced champion knight kit on the existing destroyer. It originally took a week to install the kit, but how can Chu Jungui have so much time now? He nailed the kit directly to the destroyer, so it only took 2 days to complete.

At the same time, Chu Jungui cut off the rear half of the Titan's hull disguised as a base. This section of the hull is actually a long skeleton, completely useless.

After taking it off, Chu Jungui hung this section of the ship on a solid base, thus forming a progress bar. Seeing the effect of hanging the hull, Chu Jungui's heart was moved, and three identical sections of the hull were produced, and three progress bars were formed at the same time. He was going to eventually put Titan hulls on half of the orbital bases.

As soon as the dock was opened, a brand new starship started immediately, and a new progress bar was formed, and it soared. The dock that could have built 4 destroyers at the same time now only builds one, and the progress has been greatly accelerated. The equipment and accessories of the destroyer are all ready-made, as long as they are assembled, and the light year starship is simple, and the connectors that can be used are never welded, and the connectors that can be nailed are never used. In this way, a new destroyer can be released in about 5 days.

It's just that Chu Jungui's expression was solemn, and he felt that this speed was still not enough. His strategy for this battle is to consume, and compete with the moon wheel for consumption until the moon wheel can't afford it.

But the outbreak of the storm clouds can only be used once, and the base can only be used once to disguise the Titan, and the rest is uphill battle. Although Phil seems to have some problems in his thinking, seeing the champion knight is like a bloodbath, but this guy's level of commanding the fleet is indeed first-class, and Chu Jungui only took a small part of the two battles with him. Cheap. This is also the result of constant cheating with the Champion Knight appearance kit.

If the fight continues, when Phil fully exerts his advantages in combat power, it will be Chu Jungui's turn to be exhausted. At that time, the battle will enter the second stage. Chu Jungui will let the fleet hide away, and wait at the planetary base to start the second round of attrition.

The captives were loaded onto transport ships and sent to the planetary base. As soon as they arrived at the base, they were stripped of their armor and sent into the lobby of the base. More than 1,000 people stood quietly without making noise or trying to escape. They have known the planetary environment for a long time, and they also know that without armor in this environment, they can't survive for a minute. There is no point in running away, and it is also pointless to resist in the face of the Light Year Warrior who is fully armored and armed to the teeth.

After the prisoners stood up, a general walked up to them, looked them back and forth with eagle-like eyes, and said: "My name is Wilson, and I used to be a federal general, to be more precise, a major general. Here. From now on, you will be like me, live here, fight here. I know what some of you think, think that you will go back soon, or someone will rescue you soon. I can take responsibility Let me tell you that this is impossible. Since you are here, you will not be able to leave alone until the war is completely over! Now, those who are willing to cooperate will take a step forward, and those who are not willing to cooperate will take a step back, and then take off naked, luxury prison is waiting for you."

Under constant threats and lures, 800 people finally chose to cooperate, and more than 300 people would rather die than surrender. They were then assigned to cells of 0.5 square meters per capita. As for the treatment of prisoners, they were all rejected for the simple reason that Light Year had not signed any relevant conventions.

When everything was properly arranged, the main lunar fleet also finished its rest and reappeared on planet 4. Chu Jungui still dispatched 12 destroyers this time, half of which were equipped with champion knight components.

The Light Year Fleet stayed in the low orbit, while the Luna Fleet insisted on staying in the high orbit and refused to come down. The two sides confronted each other for a day and a night, and no one was willing to compromise.

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