God is Coming

Chapter 823 Just be human!

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In any confrontation, someone will always compromise. After seeing a new destroyer flying out of a base with a long vertical tail in the distance, the Lunar Fleet finally gave up the confrontation and lowered its altitude.

Phil comforted himself that it was always the superior party who compromised, because the weaker party had no way out and could only fight with their backs, and only the strong could advance and retreat freely.

The young man disapproved, but dared not speak up.

The Lunar Fleet refused to descend when it descended to the middle orbit, barely enough to reach the Light Year Fleet here, so the battle began. Both sides are affected by the beam cannon, and the moon wheel mainly suffers from the shield. Their shields were an order of magnitude higher than light-years, but they were all reduced to less than 20% by the storm clouds, and their losses far exceeded light-years.

The fierce battle lasted for 3 hours, and finally ended with the loss of 2 destroyers on both sides. The Light Year Fleet took the initiative to retreat, but Phil was eager to clean up the battlefield and ask the crew for help, but he did not pursue it.

This time Phil's only gain was the complete wreckage of a light-year starship. He immediately ordered people to drag the starship to high orbit, and then led the main fleet to the orbital base where the destroyer was released.

10 hours later...

Watching the orbital base burning and falling into the storm clouds, Phil's face was ugly, and he felt humiliated again. The orbital base is empty, except for a starship, there is nothing else, it can be regarded as a semi-solid target station.

"No matter how many false targets there are, if he makes one, I'll kill one! See if he makes more or we hit faster!" Phil gritted his teeth.

The young man smiled wryly and remained silent. He and Phil knew very well that Chu Jungui would never waste these 10 hours. After two consecutive high-intensity battles, the energy supply of the Lunar Fleet is about to bottom out, and they must go back to resupply after one more battle at most.

After forcing the Light Year Fleet back, Phil has urgently ordered the marines to gather and prepare for the landing battle. This is a rare window of time. As long as the landing troops are sent to the planet, Phil will be considered to have completed half of the mission.

On the other side of the planet, a huge, stubby transport broke through the storm clouds and entered mid-orbit. Its shell opened slowly, and a destroyer emerged from it. The destroyer then accelerated and merged with the waiting light-year fleet. The huge transport ship sank into the storm clouds again and disappeared.

The Light Year Fleet regrouped, circled out from the back of the planet again, and charged at the Moon Fleet aggressively.

Phil's expression froze, and there were still 12 light-year fleets appearing in front of him! It's just that this time there are 7 ships in the appearance of champion knights.

Phil was very calm, and said: "Let the marine troops continue to land, the first and second squadrons will meet, and the third squadron will cover the landing troops."

After allocating one-third of the troops, Phil's fleet is still more powerful than light years. As long as the combat power is slightly superior, Phil doesn't mind fighting Chu Jungui head-on. This is also the confidence of a top commander.

Chu Jungui was also examining Yuelun's fleet, silently calculating the possible course of the battle, and thinking about how to trick Phil to the ground. At this time, as the distance between the two sides approached, Chu Jungui's flagship suddenly scanned and found that there was a fleet behind the Moon Fleet. There were actually a large number of landing ships in this fleet, and they were rushing towards the storm clouds!

Chu Jungui couldn't help being a little shocked: "It's a lie..."

As the scanning data became more and more detailed, Chu Jungui discovered that Phil really brought a huge landing force, and he was really landing on planet 4!

"Is this because there are too many soldiers?" The wise man was also shocked.

Compared with the wise men, Kaitian's historical and political knowledge is obviously much richer, so he naturally refused to miss the opportunity to attack and ridicule his opponents: "Don't you understand? Human beings are very complicated. There is a kind of operation called borrowing a knife to kill people. He sent it down. They must all be enemies!"

The wise man said: "It's good to be a human being!"

Seeing the landing ships rushing into the storm clouds, Chu Jungui immediately led the fleet to attack, this time he did not hide in the low orbit, and directly fought with the moon in the middle orbit!

In a fierce and short battle, the Light Year Fleet kept trying to bypass the Lunar Fleet, but Phil desperately blocked it, at the cost of formation and some losses, and resolutely refused to give Light Year the opportunity to attack the landing fleet.

Chu Jungui was uncharacteristically, the command made a rare mistake, and he wanted to bypass the interception of the moon wheel at all costs. Phil was tit-for-tat, dismissing the bait sent to his mouth, sticking to the line of defense, and entangled the Light Year Fleet tightly.

Both sides launched dizzying maneuvers, staggered and bit each other, and the scene was chaotic for a while. Everyone had countless targets to attack, and they were constantly under attack from nowhere. The scuffle did not end until two-thirds of the landing fleet entered the storm clouds. The starships on both sides were scarred, and each paid the price of a destroyer. The moon ship also had a light cruiser that was severely damaged and had to be returned to the Federation for repairs.

Seeing that the landing fleet successfully rushed into the storm clouds, Chu Jungui retreated angrily. At this time, Phil's face was pale, his forehead was covered with sweat, and a few strands of hair were sticking to his forehead, looking very embarrassed. At the most critical moment of the scuffle, most of his command over the fleet had failed, and he had to step down to command the flagship himself, and it was hard to inflict equal damage. It's just that the fierce battle for nearly an hour has far exceeded his body's carrying capacity, and his physical strength has been exhausted. He just wants to sleep well at this moment.

It wasn't until the light years really receded that Phil heaved a sigh of relief, handed over command of the fleet to the young man, and hurried back to the cabin to rest.

While directing the cleanup of the battlefield, the young man watched the replay of the battle just now, and frowned as he watched. He called the intelligence officer and asked: "We want to evaluate the Light Year Troops, have those legions given any feedback?"

The intelligence officer's face was different, and he said hesitantly: "I have given feedback, but..."

The young man was a little annoyed, and shouted: "But what?! Such important information is not reported immediately?! Bring it to me!"

The intelligence officer did not dare to neglect, and quickly sent the information to the young man. The young man's face changed as he looked at it. Several related legions did reply, but the content of the reply was impossible to evaluate.

The pirate flag's reply is: the data is lost and cannot be evaluated.

The Lancer's reply was: the main brain was on fire, and the data was damaged. According to the existing data, it is estimated that the ground combat power of the Light Year Legion is above the third class.


No matter how good-tempered the young man was, he couldn't help but curse. Those below the third rank of the Federal Legion are in the reserve service, and if the Lancers say this, it means nothing.

Finally, there was Gan Bo's reply. He was already an admiral, and his reply was also in line with his status as an admiral: Moon Lun had insufficient authority and refused to provide information.

This series of abnormal answers made the young man instinctively feel that something was wrong. He connected to a private communication channel and asked, "Sister, haven't you dealt with Light Year? We are now landing on planet 4. Do you have any suggestions?" ?”

There was silence on the other side of the channel for a while before a voice rang out: "It's still too late to retire."

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