God is Coming

Chapter 824 It's Over!

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What was placed in front of Chu Jungui at this moment was the defense map of the Shadow of Doom, Base No. 2 and the new base. Both Shadow of Doom and Base No. 2 were snatched from the Federal Army, and the location and coordinates of the moon should be known. The new base presided over by the wise man has just been built roughly, not far from the No. 2 base. If Moon Lun attacks Base 2, it will be hard not to discover the new base.

The landing site of the Lunar Fleet is less than 400 kilometers away from Base No. 2. It seems that Base No. 2 was the first to be attacked.

The concept of the future is still in the future, and this round of offensive must be blocked first. The scan results show that the landing force should be close to 2 marine divisions. According to the federal establishment, this is a large force of close to 40,000 people. Chu Jungui did not dare to neglect.

Chu Jungui took an inventory of the existing resources in hand. There are currently 100,000 large and small engineering beasts, 2,000 command beasts with high intelligence, 5,000 early-stage work beasts with certain wisdom, and work and battle beasts with certain wisdom. There are 1,000 multipurpose beasts.

These multi-purpose war beasts are the latest products, and most of them are used on starships, and they are responsible for some tasks that require procedural responses. On the surface of the planet, these war beasts can be used to drive relatively rudimentary chariots.

Since there has been no threat from the ground for quite some time, the number of combat vehicles has not increased significantly, and it is still maintained at the level of 1,500, which is not as large as the number of large and small construction machinery. However, the light-year production capacity is no longer what it used to be. The most primitive tank can produce 800 vehicles a day.

The wise man appeared beside Chu Jungui and asked, "Everything is ready for the new base, how are we going to deal with the enemy next?"

"Remember the beast tide?"

"Of course." The wise man was one of the founders of the beast tide back then, so he knew it all too well.

Chu Jungui smiled slightly, and said: "How you used the beast tide to deal with me back then, we will deal with the enemy this time. The strategy is simple: kill them all!"

The wise man showed an exaggerated smile and said, "I'm good at this!"

Chu Jungui threw a blueprint to the wise man and said, "This is our new chariot, let's build it."

The wise man evaluated the design drawing in 3 seconds, and perfected the production process in 10 seconds, saying: "This kind of tank can be produced... 377 vehicles a day. Its comprehensive combat power is equivalent to 2.9 times that of the primary tank. It is worth Make a special model for it. What do you think is a better name for the new model?"

Naming has always been a headache, but fortunately, the test subject has its own way of dealing with it, and immediately said: "Our original tank is garbage grade, this one is better than garbage, so let's call it crude grade."

"It's really appropriate!" The wise man praised. Anyway, no matter what name Chu Jungui chooses, it will say so.

The brand-new crude tank has two large-caliber rapid-fire guns, with a total weight of more than 100 tons, and can travel at a speed of more than 70 kilometers per hour on all-terrain, and the speed on flat ground is as high as 150 kilometers per hour. Compared with the active main battle tanks of the Federation, the mobility of the crude tanks is not enough at all, but any active main battle tanks should not be able to drive on planet 4. Those capable of fighting on planet 4 are all antique-level models.

The crude chariot is jointly driven by a human warrior and a multi-purpose war beast. Adhering to the characteristics of Light Year, its armor has an average thickness of more than 2 meters, and its key areas are more than 4 meters. This is a running armor block.

After solving the problem of the chariot, Chu Jungui's consciousness moved, and the door of a heavily guarded warehouse in the No. 2 base slowly opened. Behind the giant door with a thickness of 2 meters, there are power furnaces neatly placed one by one. At a glance, there are hundreds of them at least. Numerous working beasts poured into the warehouse, moved one after another power furnace to the designated location of the base, and then human engineers refueled, debugged and connected to the energy supply network.

A large number of working beasts moved standard building blocks of one cubic meter, placed them in designated locations, and then commanded the beasts and human engineers to install them together, so towers began to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye. Chu Jungui built six towers at the same time at a speed of 8-10 meters per hour. After 10 hours, there were six more 100-meter-high towers in the No. 2 base, which were almost as high as the main building of the base.

Immediately, hundreds of working beasts worked together to carry a huge pre-loaded container and climbed to the tower. The huge cargo box was like a monster with thousands of arms and legs, slowly but evenly climbing up the tower, and then the arms and legs scattered, and the cargo box automatically unfolded, revealing the light cruiser beam cannon inside!

Counting the 4 beam cannons in the main building of the base, Base No. 2 now has a total of 10 giant beam cannons! These can be directly installed on the light cruiser as the main gun, and they are not of the same order of magnitude as ordinary fortress guns. Each beam cannon has more than 50 power furnaces dedicated to power supply, and the diameter of the cable that transmits energy is a full meter. Since the power provided by the power furnace directly meets the needs of the beam cannon, there is no need for special energy storage equipment, and the rate of fire of the beam cannon is thus greatly increased.

Looking at the beam cannons being installed one by one, Chu Jungui felt a little embarrassed. Using deep-space-level weapons on the surface of a planet, and building ten at a time, that is no longer a hooligan.

In addition to the beam cannon, there are more than 800 large and small rapid-fire cannons in the entire base. These were originally used to deal with live missiles. fly in.

As for the underground, there is also a 50-meter-deep reinforcement layer. Since the energy is endless, Chu Jungui directly melts all kinds of useless waste into building materials, and piles them into a 10-meter-thick reinforcement layer. layer. If the Federation digs in from the ground, they will find that what they dug is a reinforcement layer that is stronger than high-grade concrete, and only slightly softer than the starship armor.

To be honest, the underground Chu Jungui is not worried. Back then, even the war beasts couldn't dig in, and the Federation couldn't dig in even more. Working underground never seemed to be a human forte.

The key strategic material is also bio-mass explosives. This thing is now a new generation. Its performance is only slightly worse than the federal standard explosives, and its power is equivalent to 15 times that of the original TNT. By contemporary standards, the power of this explosive is rather mediocre, but its biggest advantage is that it is easy to produce and has unlimited raw materials. Now there are a full 1.2 million tons piled up in the warehouse alone, and at least 300,000 tons can be produced every day.

Thinking of the fact that each federal landing soldier could be allocated more than 30 tons of explosives, even Chu Jungui was in a daze for a while, feeling that he was a little too prepared? What kind of tactics do you need, just blow it up!

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