God is Coming

Chapter 825 As a Captive

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Today's storm clouds seem to be extraordinarily violent. Huge landing ships rushed out of the storm clouds with fireworks all over their bodies, and were about to fall to the ground, but lightning bolts still shot out from the clouds, chasing the landing ships Slash.

A landing ship finally couldn't resist, and a large piece of armor collapsed from the ship's body, and it fell to the ground at an angle. Fortunately, it was only a few hundred meters away from the ground, and the huge hull only punched a big crater in the ground, but it did not continue to explode.

The lightning in the storm clouds seemed to be helpless to the landing ship that fell to the ground, and resentfully turned to chop other landing ships. Fortunately, the Federation's landing ships this time were all special models, forcibly withstood the bombardment of the storm, and one after another fell to the ground.

After the landing ship landed, a number of brackets protruded from the bottom of the hull and were deeply nailed into the ground. Then the outer wall of the hull slowly opened and lay flat to become the foundation of a small base.

Inside the landing cabin, there are rows of shelves that look like honeycombs. As the hive door opened, the marines jumped out one by one, fell to the ground, and then gathered at the designated location. These fighters are fully armed, carrying sidearms, and all wearing heavy armor, so they can fight when they land.

However, quite a few soldiers walked visibly shaky, and it was clear that the difficulty of the landing process was beyond their tolerance.

After a row of honeycomb racks are released, they move to the side, exposing the last row of honeycomb racks, and continue to release the landing fighters. Such a large landing ship can carry 3,000 soldiers.

The crew pushed out large equipment boxes one by one, and then opened the side door to reveal the neatly stacked heavy weapons inside. Soldiers who had already assembled lined up and took out weapons from the box one by one.

On the other landing ship, 4 layers of main battle vehicles and hundreds of heavy armors were released. An officer commanded the soldiers to hoist and release a low-altitude assault boat, and then boarded the assault boat by himself.

The six engines under the assault boat lighted up, revealing a faint blue light, and then slowly lifted into the air. However, it had only floated more than a dozen meters, and two of the engines suddenly emitted electric sparks, and immediately began to burn! The assault boat shook violently and fell to the ground. The officer crawled out of it in a panic, and cursed, "What the hell is this place? Even the assault boat can't be used! What about the tank, have you tested it?"

"There is no problem with the chariot, but the performance is affected to some extent, and it can only play 85%."

The officer said: "As long as you can move! Quickly, deploy defenses on the spot, we are not far from the enemy's base! Let's all move! If you can't move, take stimulants yourself!"

When the soldiers heard the words, their movement frequency was significantly faster, and the tanks drove out of the shelf one after another, and drove to the periphery to establish a preliminary line of defense.

A voice suddenly sounded on the officer's communication channel: "General, come and see what this is?"

The general directly activated the acceleration function of the battle armor, a big step is ten meters, and he ran over hundreds of meters to the front line. A second lieutenant was standing on the roof of the chariot, pointing his gun and staring ahead, with a suspicious expression on his face.

The general jumped to his side and followed his gaze. On the edge of the forest ahead, a strange creature shaped like an octopus was perched on a bileaf tree, looking coldly at this side with a pair of dark eyes.

The general took a look, and the strange creature's eyes made him feel a little uncomfortable. How should I put it, it's like the feeling of being stared at by a superior after making a mistake, condescending and scrutinizing.

But just after landing in a dangerous environment, the general still has countless things to do, and it is impossible for him to be as idle as the second lieutenant. He patted the second lieutenant on the shoulder and said, "It's just an indigenous creature. It looks a bit strange. Just ignore it. If it doesn't come over, don't fire."


"Have you never seen an alien creature? It's nothing!" The general became impatient, turned around and left.

The second lieutenant had no choice but to look back at the strange creature a few hundred meters away, feeling as though he saw a ray of mockery in its eyes. The strange creature's eyes seemed to turn elsewhere, and it climbed a little higher, scanning the busy federal army positions. The second lieutenant felt more and more wrong. He always had the feeling that this strange guy was counting something.

Three hours later, an image of the federal position appeared in front of Chu Jungui, with detailed data attached.

"600 main battle tanks, 19,233 soldiers... what is this?" Chu Jungui searched his memory and realized that what he saw was a low-altitude assault boat. This thing is a real land battle weapon, with rough skin and thick flesh, and fierce firepower. There are more than 100 assault boats in the video, but they are all piled aside, and it seems that they are all useless.

This is only the data of half of the landing ships, and the other half of the landing ships have just landed and have not completed the deployment.

The video lasted for 5 minutes. During the period, some federal soldiers looked in this direction, but they didn't take any action.

A moment later, another 5-minute video appeared in front of Chu Jungui. This time there were more than 1,000 chariots, 150 heavy armors, and more than 25,000 soldiers. There are still 5 landing ships in the distance that have not been deployed. The style of these 5 landing ships is different from other landing ships, and they are base ships. After they are unfolded, various supply bases appear to provide supplies and materials for the landing troops on the spot.

In the video, the federal troops are already gathering, and a small group of reconnaissance troops have begun to move forward to scout the surrounding terrain. As in the previous image, all Federation fighters ignore the person who took the image.

The images are all obtained by the command beasts, and they will return to the base after receiving information for a certain period of time. The long and powerful arms and legs of the command beast are quite powerful when galloping on the ground, and it is not troubled by any terrain. It will also activate the ejection mode when necessary, and a ejection jump is tens of meters. Nearly 400 kilometers away, it only takes 2 hours to run.

At this time, the wise man suggested: "They are completely unaware of the worker beasts. How about sending some worker beasts to carry the explosives? Only 1,000 worker beasts are needed to blow up the entire landing site!"

Chu Jungui magnified the images of the chariot and soldiers, studied the model structure of the car body and the model of the armor, and categorically rejected the wise man's suggestion: "No! We must reduce the casualties of the enemy as much as possible."

The wise man was taken aback, isn't war destroying the enemy? How to reduce casualties?

Chu Jungui said: "Such a good opportunity should only be this one time."

Regardless of whether the wise man understands it or not, Chu Jungui ignored him, but called Roland and asked, "Are you willing to return to the federal army?"

Roland was startled, then smiled wryly, and said, "Now I can't go back even if I want to?"

"You can go back, as a prisoner."

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