God is Coming

Chapter 826 Information

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The Federation's landing fleet was very efficient, and it took only one day to complete the landing base. After sending out multiple reconnaissance troops, they finally found traces of Light Year's activities.

Not long after that, the two reconnaissance troops from both sides met on the way, and immediately started a fierce battle. The Marine Corps immediately called the nearby friendly forces, and soon the other two reconnaissance teams rushed to the battlefield. Three chariots were destroyed in Light Years, and the crew members of two of them abandoned the car and fled. Only the hatch of the third chariot failed, and the crew was trapped inside.

After being completely surrounded, the chariot signaled its surrender. Soon the two crew members were escorted back to the landing base, and the light year chariot was also dragged back to the base.

In a small room in the base's temporary headquarters, two crew members were stripped of their armor and locked up here. They didn't wait long, the door opened, and a major general walked into the room with several officers, and sat across from them.

"I am Hauge, the commander of the 37th Marine Division of the Federation, and I am also the commander in chief of this landing operation." After introducing himself, Hauge looked at the light screen in his hand, looking a little surprised, and said, "Lieutenant Quinn and... Colonel Roland, meeting you in this way is beyond my expectation."

The young lieutenant raised his head and said coldly: "It should be a surprise to see two people on the death list!"

The major general was a little embarrassed and said, "This kind of thing doesn't always happen..."

"It happened to me, even if it happened just once. Is it really a coincidence, General?"

The major general decided not to discuss this topic anymore, saying: "We can discuss technical mistakes later, tell me about the light years now, the more detailed the better, where is the base, how many people are there, and how to deploy defenses."

The lieutenant wanted to say something else, but Roland stopped him and said to the major general: "You are right, what has happened cannot be changed, it can only be made up for. What kind of compensation can we get?"

The major general pondered for a while, and said: "The lieutenant can resume his military rank and re-enter the army. But you, Colonel Roland, this is beyond the scope of my authority. I must report to the above and wait for a decision. This may take a little time, but if If you can provide a valuable piece of information, then my report will be quite convincing. You have a good chance of continuing your military career."

"Colonel! Can't promise him!" The lieutenant was anxious.

Roland said slowly: "Lieutenant, you have a very good family, and I am from an ordinary family, with women and children. A professional soldier is the best job I can find."

The lieutenant snorted without answering.

Roland began to talk about the location and defense of the Light Year Base, and at the same time handed over the authority of his personal armor. After a while, a staff officer pushed the door open, and Roland said indignantly: "That Chu Jungui is a tyrant, a villain, and a miser! He forces us to work 20 hours a day, but he doesn't even give us a separate room. Us. We are still living in a room of 50 people..."

The major general was sometimes dumbfounded and sometimes filled with righteous indignation, completely unable to imagine how the two of them spent such a long time in this hell.

The staff officer walked up to the major general, projected an image, and said, "This is an image recovered from the prisoner's armor system. It is the base that was taken away in the last war. Look here, we found an unusually large number of Transport vehicles are gathering, and some key equipment and even buildings are being dismantled. The structure of the base matches the information provided by the captives, but based on the factors shown in the images, we judge that the enemy is about to abandon the base and retreat to the original Doomsday Shadow Fortress!"

The major general stood up abruptly, and said with a sneer, "Want to run? I'm afraid it won't be that easy!"

At this time, Roland said loudly: "Most of Light Year's ground troops are veterans of the Federation just like me. They don't want to fight, and they don't want to die for Light Year! For so long, Light Year hasn't even paid a penny." salary!"

The major general's eyes lit up, and he turned around and said, "This information is quite useful! When I come back, I must have a drink with you, Colonel!" He especially emphasized the word colonel.

The lieutenant suddenly cursed a coward, and then punched Roland in the face, knocking Roland to the ground on the spot! The guard next to him rushed up immediately, controlled the lieutenant, and then punched and kicked him. Roland covered his face and got up, stopped the guards with a wry smile, and said, "He's just too impulsive. No matter who is thrown on this damn planet and then put on the death list, he won't be in a bad mood." good."

The guards immediately became much lighter, and looked at the lieutenant with sympathy. They didn't even dare to imagine what it would be like to stay in a cell that was so crowded that it couldn't fall down for three months.

Of course the guards didn't know that, except for a very few guys who refused to surrender, most of them stayed for less than three days. That kind of environment is too exciting, 3 hours is too long, let alone 3 days.

After leaving the interrogation room, the major general immediately came to the battle hall, meditated on the map for a moment, and reviewed all the details in his mind. There are indications that Roland is telling the truth, and many small details that humans would never notice are all matched. Even if he wanted to lie, he couldn't make up such a perfect lie in a short period of time, let alone prepare the image of the battle armor so perfectly. Even in the 35th century, filming often has the phenomenon of gangsters. It is more difficult to falsify the images recorded with armor than to win a film festival award.

The image of the lieutenant's battle armor and Roland's image have different angles, but the details are completely matched, which further eliminates the possibility of false information.

But the major general, who has always been cautious, still asked: "Are there any inconsistent details in the video?"

The staff officer said: "There is no discrepancy. The wind often blows up dust in the base, and every time it happens, the two images are also a complete match."

The major general finally made up his mind, and said in a deep voice: "Send out a mobile reconnaissance battalion to scout the route and scout the terrain first. The main force is assembled and we will start in an hour!"

The staff members all cheered up and said loudly: "Yes!"

They have all seen light-year-old chariots, and they can't be described as rudimentary, they are rubbish. What's better than trash is that they are mobile and have door cannons on them. This cannon is indeed old enough, its power is very limited, and it does not pose a threat to their main battle tanks at all. But having said that, it is not easy for Light Year to build a chariot from scratch on this innocent planet.

After a while, hundreds of chariots and ten mechs from the reconnaissance battalion rumbled out of the base. An hour later, the main force of the landing force set off, leaving only a few troops stationed at the base.

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