God is Coming

Chapter 828 Playing Missiles

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Of course, wise men would not take out live missiles, which are leftovers from Brother Dao’s play, and even if they were taken out, they would be rejected by Mr. Chu. As a new generation of Wuzu who embarked on a new evolutionary route, the wise man has carried out a complete transformation of the living missile as a matter of course. Anyway, anything inherited from Brother Dao has to be remodeled, even if it's just a different color of the shell.

After receiving Chu Jungui's order, the wise man pulled out the living missile that had just come off the production line, and stuffed it with a working beast. Anyway, in the eyes of a wise man, driving a missile is similar to driving a car. It is to identify the terrain and drive to the destination.

This big guy with a diameter of 10 meters and a length of 20 meters quickly entered the launch position, ignited and launched, and flew slowly towards the federal position against the storm clouds.

On the light-year position, Chu Jungui checked the time, 10 seconds had passed since the scheduled time, and he hadn't seen his missile yet. Just as he was about to question the wise man, he saw a drum flying dangling in the sky, followed by another drum not far away.

The two barrels flew over the position, just above the Union position. The first cylinder exploded in the air when it was 150 meters above the ground. The 10-ton charge caused a small mushroom cloud to rise over the entire position. The shock wave swept through most of the position, and the mechas that were close to the explosion center were blown away. Overturned, many soldiers were directly thrown hundreds of meters away, and a large number of temporary buildings collapsed.

The explosion also carried extremely terrifying sound waves, covering all frequency bands. Even the battle armor couldn't filter this attack instantly. Many soldiers only felt a flash of light in front of them, and couldn't see or hear anything clearly, but in their consciousness it was like There are hundreds of relatives and elders preaching at the same time, which makes people want to go crazy.

This is a method learned from Li Xinyi's great speaker, and I didn't expect it to be particularly effective here. The effect of the first air-burst bomb has not yet ended, and the second live missile has reached the sky above the position. This time it had a higher detonation point, starting to detonate at 500 meters in the air. The sound of the explosion was not loud, but a cloud of yellow-green mist appeared in the air, covering almost half of the camp, and slowly descending.

Federation soldiers soon discovered that the aerosol was extremely corrosive, and various metals were corroded at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye, and some common anti-corrosion alloys were only corroded at a slower rate. There was a sudden panic in the camp, and it was impossible to spray water. There is no natural water on planet 4, and water is an extremely precious resource. Fortunately, someone came up with a way to set the fire on fire at the critical moment, connected several high-power engines, and swept the entire camp with the tail flame jet, only then did the acid liquid be completely eliminated.

Taking stock of the casualties, more than 2,000 people were injured in the two rounds of attacks, and a large number of equipment were damaged. Fortunately, most of the injured were slightly injured. Only two or three hundred people could not continue to fight, and the rest could still go to the battlefield. Most of the equipment corroded by acid mist can still be used, but the buildings that have been deployed, such as hospitals and repair shops, need a certain period of maintenance before they can continue to be used.

The damage caused by the two living missiles was not great, but the chaos caused took a lot of time to subside. After Hauge finished restraining and reorganizing the troops, several hours passed, and Chu Jungui began to build the fifth line of defense.

Seeing that the federal troops had restored order, Chu Jungui asked the wise man to launch two living missiles. But this time Hauge had learned his lesson and deployed a powerful air defense force, preventing even a mosquito from flying over the camp, and all two living missiles were shot down. But Chu Jungui was not discouraged, and fired two more corrosion missiles, which exploded directly against the storm clouds this time. Hauge's reaction was also extremely fast, and he used the engine to blow into the air, blowing away all the falling acid mist.

After a few rounds of aerial attack and defense, when Hauge attacked the high ground again, he found that there were already three lines of defense in front of him.

The battle became more and more fierce and difficult. By the time this round of offensive was repelled, a day had passed. The Federal Marines once again destroyed two lines of defense, but there was still a complete line of defense in front of them. After a short break, Hauge was somewhat relieved when he checked the offensive and defensive data and saw that more than 700 light-year chariots had been destroyed.

But what he didn't know was that from the beginning of the battle, Chu Jungui restarted the production of garbage-grade chariots. After a whole day of fierce fighting and replenishment, Chu Jungui had 20 more chariots in his hands. Although the performance of the new crude chariot is better, the output is too small, and it does not have the function of directly blocking the position as a line of defense.

After a whole day of fierce fighting, Chu Jungui finally breathed a sigh of relief, and now he was sure that he could block the enemy in front of this high ground. It is difficult to break through Chu Jungui's defense line with a frontal attack, and now the only option is to outflank. However, Hauge sent reconnaissance troops several times, all of which were silently eaten by Chu Jungui, who made detours without knowing the terrain, and no commander dared to do so.

Before dawn on planet 4, Hauge finally let the soldiers take a short rest, and they were able to sleep for 2 hours. Even with the support of stimulants, continuous high-intensity fighting for a whole day is beyond the limits of the fighters.

In the command room, Hauge paced back and forth, feeling anxious. He had 10 times as many soldiers in his hand, and his equipment was obviously more advanced than that of Chu Jungui, but he couldn't attack the high ground opposite after spending a whole day. It wasn't until this time that he began to reflect. Perhaps the successive defeats of the Lancers, Pirate Flag and other legions were not because of their poor combat power.

Hauge gritted his teeth and made up his mind to continue the attack. The biggest weakness of Chu Jungui is the lack of troops. Even if the battle damage is not good for the Federation, as long as it is exhausted, Chu Jungui will be exhausted.

But what Hauge didn't know was that Light Year's real main force, led by Wilson and Kai Tian, ​​was about to arrive at his landing base.

At the moment, the atmosphere in the federal landing base is very relaxed. All the landing ships have been fully deployed, and the outer walls have been built more than half a circle. The prototype of a complete base has appeared, and all the functional buildings are online. As for the supplies, 4 warehouses are fully filled. The supplies are enough for at least 2 months, and can be replenished at any time.

Roland entered the interrogation room again, this time facing a young man.

For some reason, Roland felt that this young man looked familiar, but his eyes were very penetrating, which made him feel a little uneasy.

After the two sides looked at each other for a few minutes, the young man said, "Colonel Roland, I was surprised to meet you on this occasion. You were captured as a chariot commander? This seems to be inconsistent with what I know. I heard that you are highly valued by Chu Jungui, and he has a special company in Dynasty, he himself is the company commander, and you are one of the deputy company commanders, right?"

Roland's face changed slightly. How did the other party know such top-secret information?

The young man smiled slightly, and continued: "The purpose of your capture this time, is it for reconnaissance or..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a violent explosion.

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