God is Coming

Chapter 829

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Countless chariots poured out of the forest like a tide, rushing towards the unsuspecting federal landing base at full speed. The few defensive guns were destroyed before firing a few shots. The outer wall that had just been erected was directly blasted away or even knocked away, and the chariots rushed in through the gap and rushed into the base.

Only at this moment did harsh alarms sound over the base. The soldiers and officers were in chaos, not knowing where the enemies came from, and there were still so many of them!

The chariot rushed into the base, and the battle was basically over. More than a dozen chariots went straight to the headquarters in the center of the base, as if the base was designed by them. The officers in the headquarters wanted to struggle again, but the surrounding chariots didn't give them time at all. A few shells opened the gate, and then aimed their cannons at the upper floor.

The remaining generals in the headquarters had no choice but to surrender.

There are as many as 11,000 soldiers left behind at the landing base, 400 tanks, and hundreds of mechs. This force is used by Hauge to defend the landing base and as a strategic reserve when necessary. All the information shows that there is no advanced intelligent life on this planet other than light years away, so the people who landed on the base will inevitably become lax. In addition, the environment on planet 4 is too harsh, so the landing troops, from the officers to the soldiers, all want to build the base quickly with complete facilities. In their plan, it would take three or four days to complete the construction, so they didn't pay too much attention to the defense, but they didn't expect that something would happen in such a short time.

A large number of chariots continued to appear, and finally surrounded the base, and the number reached as many as a thousand! Surrounded by so many enemy troops, even those who were a little bit cautious honestly dispelled their irrational thoughts and surrendered obediently.

The entire battle took less than an hour from the beginning to the end. Light Year only lost a dozen tanks, and took down this huge base composed of 14 landing ships.

The only fly in the ointment is that several transport ships scrambled to escape the planet at the last moment.

As the supreme commander of the Light Year Raid Force, Wilson ignored the small transport ships at the moment, but was busy disarming the captives, occupying important locations, and temporarily arranging the captives.

There were so many enemies, Wilson didn't dare to be careless at all, and directly disarmed the federal troops with thunderbolts. Anyone who resisted was killed directly. The underlying permissions of the Warframe. Wilson requisitioned a batch of barracks with breathing systems on the spot, ordered the prisoners to take off their armor, and stuffed them into the barracks.

Wilson was very familiar with doing these things. There were at least 30 to 40 people packed into each barracks. If they couldn't squeeze in, they kicked at the door, and they couldn't do it anymore.

The captives who had lost their armor could not escape at all, and they did not dare to riot. This kind of barracks is not particularly strong. Once the airtightness is broken, everyone in the room will be buried with them.

Wilson was relieved when most of the prisoners were sent to the barracks. He immediately ordered people to recover the deployed landing ship. Wilson and his soldiers are naturally no strangers to the equipment of the Federation, and several landing ships began to transform from the base form to the landing ship form. Those factory-type landing ships are a little more troublesome. Many fixings and lines need to be removed before they can be recycled.

Transport landing craft are the easiest to recover and only take a few hours. The base type is much more troublesome, and it takes half a day or even a day to recover completely.

This time Wilson brought a total of 4 arks, a total of 1,100 chariots, all of which were newly produced crude chariots. There were more than 8,000 fighters, and 3,000 war beasts with combat functions.

Rough-level chariots are operated jointly by a human warrior and a war beast, and their combat power far exceeds that of junk-level chariots. Not only are their firepower and armor a level stronger, but more importantly, their ability to perceive the battlefield, their reaction speed, and the combat capabilities of each chariot. They work with each other down to the bike level.

As long as the federal tank aimed at any one, that vehicle would immediately fight and flee. At the same time, several light-year fighters would appear on the left, right and rear of the federal tank, and they would be destroyed before the federal tank could react. Every light year chariot can be turned into a bait, and it can also be turned into a prey at any time. It relies on the induction between Kaitian and the war beasts, as well as the center scheduling.

Wilson asked some of the soldiers to recover the landing ship, while the other part went to check the supplies in the warehouse and packed them away. A large number of abandoned chariots and mechs are still intact, and these naturally have to be recycled.

Wilson walked around the camp and noticed one thing: Roland was not found. Lieutenant Quinn has been found, but according to him, Roland was taken away early in the morning for interrogation alone, and then he was never seen again. At this time, the soldiers had searched the entire base, but they did not find Roland's body.

Wilson looked at the storm clouds, thinking of those transport ships that were scrambling to take off, a dark cloud passed through his mind.

Chu Jungui sent Roland and Lieutenant Quinn to be captured deliberately in order to pass on wrong information. This matter can be big or small, and not just anyone can do it. Chu Jungui also screened everyone's information, and finally chose Roland and Quinn. One of them was the first to be incorporated by Light Year, and the other was an abandoned child abandoned by the Federation. Loyalty is not a problem, and they have enough acting skills and talents.

Facts have proved that Roland and Quinn completed the task very well. Hauge was really fooled and rushed out without a firm foothold. As a result, the main force was blocked by Chu Jungui, and then sent Wilson to copy his lair.

But at the critical moment when the base fell, every position on the transport ship was a life. There are still a large number of officers staying at the base who have not had time to escape. How could they take a prisoner with them?

The more Wilson thought about it, the more disturbed he became. Did the Federation discover Roland's true identity in the Lightyear Legion?

After all, Wilson has been through battles for a long time, and he has experienced all kinds of storms. Now he asked people to collect the information of all the officers, and he was somewhat relieved when he saw that three major generals and more than 20 colonels had been arrested. In any case, Roland was originally a colonel in the Federation, and he could always get him back by exchanging ten for one.

Half a day later, most of the landing ships were recovered, and only two landing ships failed and could not complete the final recovery steps. Wilson didn't hesitate, and directly blew up the two landing ships.

Then 12 giant landing ships took off and flew slowly towards the No. 2 base close to the ground. All the captives are still in the container barracks, transported away like canned food. Light Year's troops also boarded the ship. Haug took more than 20,000 people, so there are more than enough spaces on the landing ship.

After unplugging the landing fleet, Hauge's troops became a lone army without a base. Chu Jungui didn't need to do anything, as long as he dragged on for ten days and a half months, Hauge could be dragged to death.

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