God is Coming

Chapter 830

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Two hours after Wilson captured the landing base, Chu Jungui received the news. On planet 4, work beasts are the best messengers. Chu Jungui was not surprised by Wilson's victory. After all, everything at the landing base was under the surveillance of the worker beasts, and the battlefield reconnaissance facilities they arranged could not be hidden from the secretly observing worker beasts. As soon as Wilson's main force arrived, the Work Beast immediately cleaned up all the battlefield reconnaissance facilities, and the battlefield was like a one-way transparent light-year.

Although it only took half a month for Hauge to surrender, Chu Jungui didn't want to give him such a long time. After all, Hauge was supported by outer space, and some people escaped from the landing base. Soon the federal reinforcements will arrive. Now Haoge has not received the information from the rear, and is still preparing to attack with confidence, Chu Jungui decided to make good use of this.

Roland's disappearance was the only accident, and Chu Jungui didn't understand why the opponent would take a prisoner away at the last moment. Is there any great value in Roland? In fact, Light Year's biggest secret is nothing more than the Le Mans crystal, and Zhi Zhe and Kai Tian only communicate with Chu Jungui and a very small number of people. Ordinary Lightyear Warriors are unaware of their existence. Roland knew it, but he didn't know it in detail.

After weighing it, Chu Jungui felt that Wilson's suggestion was more feasible. As long as enough federal officers were arrested, Roland could be exchanged. Even if the federal military doesn't want to change, the raging public opinion will force them to change.

In this way, Chu Jungui did not intend to let Hauge go.

A few hours later, Hauge launched an unprecedentedly violent offensive. This round of attack finally destroyed all the defense lines of Chu Jungui on the high ground, and finally forced Chu Jungui back and occupied the entire high ground. The loss ratio of the two sides is still significantly superior to that of light years, but Hauge believes that the balance of victory is already tilting towards him.

When he stepped onto the high ground and looked at the messy battlefield, he was proud and a little scared. Before that, he never thought that it would be so difficult to defend a position with more than 1,000 people. The opponent has almost achieved the ultimate in engineering, troop deployment, and coordination. Light Year's soldiers also have the ambition to fight to the death. So far, he has only a dozen seriously injured prisoners, and none of them has surrendered. In order to occupy the high ground, Hauge had already paid the price of 3,500 casualties. Although only three or four hundred people were actually killed in battle, this was still a considerable loss, which made him almost plan to give up.

Fortunately, he finally occupied the high ground, and the gate to the Light Year Base has been opened. Hauge feels that now he finally understands why so many federation names will fall to the ground here. In addition to the special environment of planet 4, Chu Jungui's strength is also an important factor. After the First World War, Hauge felt that Chu Jungui might be slightly stronger than himself in using troops.

Hauge originally planned to take a rest on the high ground, but he immediately saw Chu Jungui stop on a small hill a few kilometers away, as if he was about to start building fortifications again. Hauge didn't intend to fight another fortified battle, so he left some troops to guard the camp and clean up the battlefield, while he led the main force to pursue.

This chase lasted for tens of kilometers. Haoge felt that he was chasing Chu Jungui like a dog, and drove him into the forest before giving up. According to the map, this place is only 60 kilometers away from Chu Jungui's base, which is a location that can be reached by a surprise attack. Hauge ordered to be stationed at the edge of the forest, while sending reconnaissance troops to scout the surrounding environment, and at the same time sent people back to contact the garrison troops, and asked them to complete their work as soon as possible and come to meet up.

Although the information shows that Chu Jungui is already preparing to run away and the base has begun to be demolished, there will definitely be some defensive facilities in the base. Hauge must make sufficient preparations before launching an attack, and strive to win Chu Jungui's lair in one battle.

Six hours passed in a blink of an eye, and Hauge did not wait for the troops to garrison, nor did he hear any news. He sent two small troops back to make contact, but they never returned. Only then did Hauge realize that none of the reconnaissance troops he released had returned!

The weird No. 4 planet, like countless monsters hidden, is watching these intruders indifferently from the shadows. Fear gradually welled up in Hauge's heart, and he hesitated between advancing or retreating. Chu Jungui's base is right in front of him. If he is more aggressive, the shells will be able to hit him. Will retreating now be a failure?

Hauge was hesitating, and the staff members were also arguing and having different opinions. Some think that this planet is too weird, it is better to retreat first. But most people still think of planetary natives as little more than beasts, big enough to pose no threat at all. The real threat to Planet 4 is the environment. Those reconnaissance teams should have lost their way, but whether their lives will be in danger for a while, they all have the basic ability to survive in the wilderness.

The staff quarreled and couldn't come to a conclusion, they only made Hauge more and more upset. During the confusion, the storm clouds above the troops suddenly broke, and a small communication boat burned through the storm clouds. It managed to send a strong signal before crashing.

Hauge's troops captured this signal, which was encrypted with a high-level federal code. The content was simple: the landing base was attacked and fell. The Federation will organize a follow-up landing force as soon as possible, and wait for Haug to hold on until reinforcements arrive.

Hauge was shocked. He couldn't figure out how the landing base would fall, but he had more than 10,000 people left behind. Losing the landing base means losing backup, supplies and supplies! His troops only brought supplies for 2 weeks. Although there are simple maintenance stations and medical stations, it is still very difficult to maintain survival on planet 4, not to mention that there are enemies like Chu Jungui in the dark. Eyeing.

Thinking of the maintenance station and medical station, Hauge suddenly broke out in a cold sweat! There has been no news from the remaining troops for several hours!

He immediately decided to retreat to the high ground, and after gathering the remaining troops, he directly established a temporary defensive position on the high ground, waiting for help. Now Hauge still has more than 20,000 troops in his hands. If he just sticks to it, he doesn't believe that Chu Jungui can easily eat his own troops.

Hauge gave an order, and the troops that had already rested and reorganized set off and returned on the same road. However, when the vanguard approached the high ground, they encountered fierce attacks and were forced to stop. Hauge rushed to the front line to have a look, and found that the high ground had been occupied, and a temporary line of defense had even been repaired above it!

Moreover, the highland defenders had a strong force. There were hundreds of chariots lined up on the defense line alone, not counting the chariots in the deep position. Light Year's main force finally appeared.

Hauge's heart sank. It seemed that the remaining troops and the temporary camp were in danger. What's worse, his only maintenance station, medical station, and simple survival base station are all in the temporary camp. Now this army has tanks and armor, but it just has nothing to eat.

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