God is Coming

Chapter 836 Hello, Goodbye!

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After the two agents left, everyone in the room put away their smiles. The chairman dialed several communications in a row and returned to the room after some exchanges. A friend, they said that the military is now attaching great importance to Light Year, and plans to completely remove Light Year's base in the N7703 galaxy, and then open a breakthrough from there to enter the hinterland of the dynasty. This comprehensive investigation of Light Year Company is for the purpose of Cut off the federation's blood transfusion channels for Light Year. In addition, I heard that this investigation also arrested a person with a very unusual identity, which was an order issued by the director himself."

Everyone else in the room was thoughtful, and someone said to Kun, "Do you want to withdraw before the news spreads?"

Kun calmly lit a cigar and said, "You can quit first, and buy it back after the news ferments, and you can earn a difference."

"how about you?"

Kun smiled and said, "Investment is not my major, so I won't bother, just stay inside."

The chairman said: "You have so much confidence in Light Year? I heard that the military has made a lot of determination this time, and there is no way Light Year can stand it."

Kun snorted and said, "Don't you know the virtues of those people in the military? This time, they were probably scared of being beaten by Xu Bingyan, so they wanted to find another breakthrough, so they chose N77. Hmph, they couldn't beat Xu Bingyan, could it be Can you beat Chu Jungui? I am confident that it is not Guangnian, but Chu Jungui."

Someone suddenly realized and blurted out: "By the way, you fought with Chu Jungui..."

Kun frankly admitted: "I fought before, and I lost, and the gap is all-round. I'm afraid I won't win again."

The chairman was still more stable, pondered for a moment and said: "After all, the strength of light years is limited. The military is determined this time. If it really sends out heavy troops, I am afraid that even the military gods will not be able to stop it. If the N7703 galaxy is lost, light years' strength will be lost." The stock price may not look good."

Kun stood up and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter if N7703 is lost. The gains and losses of a city and a place are not important at all. The important thing is the battle report. This kind of extreme battle may force out the limit of his true ability. Even if the military takes down the galaxy, it will suffer heavy losses. And as long as Chu Jungui is not caught, more people will invest in him, and it won't take long for him to make a comeback."

Another member of the presidium said: "That's right! In this day and age, generals who can fight are welcome everywhere. Also, let's not forget that Mr. Chu is still a neutral force in name. Even if he is really arrested, we can Find a way to get him out, Bilinde will never feel that there are too many talents!"

At that moment, someone agreed, smiled at Kun and said, "Kun, you don't mind?"

Kun shrugged and said: "Of course not, he has already apologized to me billions of dollars!"

The room was filled with laughter again. Immediately, everyone began to discuss specific action plans, what are the important nodes, and what actions need to be taken. After an in-depth discussion, everyone felt that when Light Years lost the N7703 galaxy, it was a good time to increase the position on a large scale. As for the source of funds, the chairman said that it can borrow from the Bilinde Group. Anyway, those who engage in the military will have financial services attached to them. Many people have no money before the war, and they will only have money after the war.

Those who can enter the presidium are all big shots. They do things efficiently and concisely, and the whole discussion doesn't take much time. After reaching the conclusion, the chairman raised his glass and gave a speech, saying: "I believe this project will make us truly a whole, cheers!"


The door of the room opened suddenly, and a young girl appeared at the door. Her fluttering blond hair made the whole room a bit brighter. No one could really tell whether it was the blonde hair or her face that lit the room.

There was no knock on the door, and there was no communication. This did not conform to the rules of the Red Moon Society at all, but almost everyone took it for granted. They always felt that the girl in front of them looked familiar, but they were sure they had never seen her before. As long as I have seen her, how can I not remember her?

The chairman was a little shocked at first, but the girl's face was so recognizable that it coincided with someone in his memory in a blink of an eye, and then he was even more shocked.

"Are you... Hathaway? Hathaway of the Winton family?" The chairman obviously asked, but he was already sure in his heart, and he knew why the butler let her go directly to the third floor without stopping her. The rules of the nobility are used to restrain the people below, and being able to ignore the rules is itself a symbol of status.

These people in the presidium are still important in the dimension of Bilinde Group, but most of them are at the level of hopeful stars. It is nothing to leave many people in Bilinde. They also all have self-knowledge, knowing that no matter their status or status, they are far from the little princess. Except for Kun, no one has ever seen the little princess herself. Just why did she suddenly appear here?

Hathaway smiled slightly and said, "I am here today not as the heir of the Winton family, but as the new president of Light Year Group to pay a visit to the shareholders."

She picked up a glass of wine from the butler's tray, toasted, and took a small peck. It's just pecking, the wine stained his lips, and he didn't drink at all.

Everyone raised their glasses and drank it all in one gulp.

After a glass of wine, the little princess smiled perfectly and said, "Nice to meet you all, goodbye."

Until her figure completely disappeared, many people still hadn't recovered and didn't understand what happened just now. Kun has been standing in the corner, and only then said: "How are you, are you confident?"

Finally someone came to his senses and said viciously: "The whole family went bankrupt!!"

The chairman was still more thoughtful, and frowned: "If we want to support Light Year in a big way, I'm afraid some people in the group will object."

Kun said lightly: "What's the matter? We already disliked them, didn't we?"

There was a dangerous light in the chairman's eyes, and he pondered: "This is a big gamble."

Kun said: "Yes, everyone will think that we will lose."

The chairman narrowed his eyes slightly and remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

On planet 4, when Chu Jungui saw Hauge again, it was already 3 days later. Sitting opposite Chu Jungui was not only Hauge, but also seven or eight senior officers of the landing force. These people, like Hauge, refused to surrender.

The wise man and Kai Tian both appeared in the form of human beings, standing on the left and right behind Chu Jungui. Clothes are also transformed according to their own aesthetics. If human eyes do not have the ability to distinguish the spectrum of materials, they will not be able to tell that the clothes are fake.

Facing seven or eight lowly creatures who are naked but sitting upright and dignified, Wise Man and Kai Tian both have the urge to comment. After all, in the concept of human beings, revealing reproductive parts is not at the same level as dignity. Words don't matter. Fortunately, their endurance is improving by leaps and bounds now, so they stood quietly, just instilling complaints in Chu Jungui's consciousness in private.

Chu Jungui said: "Everyone has been my guest here for several days, and now there is one last chance, let me ask again, surrender or cooperate?"

"Impossible!" Hauge said without thinking.

Chu Jungui nodded and said, "No problem, take it down."

When he was dragged up, Hauge was still stunned. He didn't want to understand why Chu Jungui ended up like this? Shouldn't there be a process of threats and lures? Why pay attention to thatched cottages and beauties? It's so simple, he can't show his loyalty.

After Hauge was taken down, the remaining officers all looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling faintly uneasy. They were all silent, and it would be unwise to provoke an opponent who had no intention of adhering to any international conventions concerning prisoners of war.

Chu Jungui looked at these senior officers and said, "You still have a little exchange value, which is why you can still sit here. This is planet No. 4, and you can see how the environment is. As long as I drive Ventilate the window for 1 minute, and you will all turn into corpses. Even if you install artificial lungs, you can only survive for a few more minutes, and then you will find that your artificial lungs have turned into rust. As for corpses, no matter where they are thrown, they will last for more than three days There will be no traces left. So in the next period of time, if you don’t want to become a part of the No. 4 planet forever, I hope you can have basic cooperation and don’t make trouble for me, no trouble at all! "

A general said: "In addition to the exchange, we can also pay the ransom."

Chu Jun said calmly: "I am not short of money."

The general just shut up.

Chu Jungui continued: "There are 1211 people who refuse to surrender just like you. I respect your basic rights, but here, all living supplies are not free. You want to eat better and rest more. Then work! There will be additional benefits for technical positions, such as engineers and researchers. If you do a good job, you can not only afford clothes, but maybe even live in a bigger house."

"Will there be a bed?" Someone asked tentatively.

"Of course! King Size!" Kai Tian answered for Chu Jungui.

The generals finally showed a glimmer of expectation. Although they were all comrades-in-arms through life and death, their unshielded friction day and night was still mental torture.

It's just that the generals don't know that everything in Light Years has its own standard, which is different from the federal standard, and the king size mentioned by Kai Tiankou is also the same.

After suppressing the officers, Chu Jungui released them back and asked them to lead the soldiers who refused to surrender to do some simple tasks, which could provide some production capacity.

At this moment, between the No. 2 base and the new base, there are 2 small fortresses being erected. Heavy-duty trucks unloaded batches of prefabricated parts, and the newly captured marines placed the prefabricated parts in the designated positions under the command of the engineer, and the prototype of the fortress slowly emerged.

The working speed of human fighters is actually not as fast as that of working beasts, but in the case of endless production capacity of prefabricated parts, they are only responsible for installation, and their work efficiency is barely passable. They can build two small fortresses before the time node scheduled by Chu Jungui. .

The fortress is not big, and it can hold hundreds of defenders inside, but its defense and firepower are quite fierce. In addition, an escape route was set up underground in the fortress, so that the defenders could be withdrawn if necessary. The two fortresses are just the beginning. When the federal landing force arrives next time, they will face a completely different defense.

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