God is Coming

Chapter 837: Very Bad

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At the edge of the galaxy, the huge lunar fleet is assembled here, and has not moved for several days.

The area dedicated to the fleet commander was completely silent, and people coming and going were cautious and did not dare to make any noise. Phil stood in front of the porthole, quietly looking at the blue sun outside the window for an unknown how long.

The young man came over, Phil tilted his head slightly, and asked, "Is there any news from Hauge?"


Phil was silent for a long time before he said, "It seems that we don't have to wait for him. If I face other people, I can expect it for a month, but now the opposite is Chu Jungui, and he probably won't be able to last for a few days."

"You are finally willing to face up to Chu Jungui's ability."

"How about that Roland, will you tell me?"

The young man shook his head: "He is very stubborn, and he refuses to reveal any information, even if he is killed, he will never reveal it."

"Why?" Phil asked.

"He said that although he is not considered abandoned, most of the light-years are now fighters abandoned by the Federation. They were born and died for the Federation, but in the end they were left in a desperate situation to fend for themselves, and the Federation also included them The death list. That is to say, we didn't intend to rescue them from the beginning. Then he spent a long time on the planet with these abandoned people, fighting side by side, going through life and death, and no one will abandon the other again .”

After finishing speaking, the young man added: "He also said that Chu Jungui promised them that he would take his family members out of the federation or settle them down."

Phil said: "But Chu Jungui didn't arrange for any of them."

"He hasn't had a chance yet." On this matter, the young man was on Chu Jungui's side.

Phil thought for a while and said, "Roland should know a lot of secrets, such as why they were able to evade all security facilities and raid our landing base silently. If he is willing to speak, we will gain a lot. "

Phil turned his head, looked at the young man, and asked, "Will he speak?"

The young man struggled, and then slowly became firm, saying: "He will!" After that, he turned and left.

"Wait!" Phil stopped the young man and said, "How are you going to get him to talk?"

"There are many ways..."

"Is it legal?"

"...Even if the legal method is useful, I don't know how long it will take. I can directly crack his chip, so that even if the information is a bit incomplete, we can still know a lot of things!"

"If you do this, the damage he suffered will be irreversible. How do you plan to deal with the aftermath?"

The young man showed a little struggle, and then pressed down, saying: "If it is for the victory of the entire battle, then it is nothing to use some gray means. If someone must take responsibility, then I will take it! Of course, If possible, we can also quietly deal with Roland."

"Of course not! If this matter is known, it will be over."

The young man was taken aback and said, "But if you do it here, who would know?"

Phil took a deep look at him and said, "We know!"

The young man was stunned for a while, and then said: "As long as you break a little principle, you may win the whole battle, and thousands of soldiers may survive! Isn't this not possible? Why are you so persistent?"

Phil said slowly: "If we don't even adhere to this principle, then we have nothing to insist on."

The young man is thoughtful.

Phil patted him on the shoulder and said: "Since your sister handed you over to me, I have to be responsible to you. In fact, you are very good, and I have nothing to teach you, maybe I can teach you something There is only persistence and faith, and people must have faith.”

The young man said: "If the opponent is Evans, will you do the same?"

Phil became serious and said, "Of course! If I kill him squarely on the frontal battlefield, that's called victory! If I use other means, it can only be called a conspiracy."

"But you sent him to the Special Investigation Bureau..."

"That's different. He broke the rules of the game first, with Wang Qi in his left hand and a red beard in his right. He treated the law like a child's play. But I sent him in within the framework of the rules and laws. There is an essential difference. "

"But how do I feel that he is more proficient in using the law and unspoken rules than you are, you have to act within the framework of the law, and he will use some gray areas, so his advantage will be very great. And the tradition of the nobility is not Is it to use the law when the law is beneficial, and to modify the law when the law is not good for oneself?"

Phil shook his head, "The phenomenon you mentioned does exist, but it is not a tradition of the Federation, but a malpractice. Believe me, it won't exist for long..."

The young man said: "I have studied legal history, and these unspoken rules have existed for a thousand years."

Phil had no choice but to say: "All in all, I want to defeat Evans in my own way. I firmly believe that..."

"Spiritual power can't solve practical problems. I think Evans will come out soon. He is better than you at the corrupt system you often say." The young man was not polite.

"So what? History will prove me right."

The young man shrugged his shoulders. Although he didn't quite agree with Phil's philosophy, he respected him inexplicably.

"Don't be so unconfident in me, come here, look here." Phil greeted the young man to the front of the star map. At the top, a huge fleet appeared on the edge of the star map, and the route showed that the destination was the N7703 star field .

The size of the fleet surprised the young man and said, "Is it necessary?!"

Phil smiled slightly, and said: "There is a saying in the dynasty, which is to subdue the enemy without fighting. When this fleet comes, if Chu Jungui is smart, he will withdraw from N7703 honestly. His fleet is flexible and flexible, and I am not too sure about it." Good to chase."

"But keeping him is always a problem."

Phil smiled and said: "After all, he is considered a neutral force. No matter how neutral forces are, they are far away from the dynasty. I heard that his relationship with the dynasty is not good now. Maybe with a little trick, the dynasty will Push him over to our side."

In the interrogation room of the Federal Special Investigation Agency, a lamp is projecting dazzling light into the center of the room, and the surrounding walls are made of light-absorbing materials, so only the pale white table and chairs are clear in the entire interrogation room.

Evans sat upright, not at all recognizable that he had been in custody all day. At this point two agents entered the interrogation room and sat across from Evans. They cut to the chase and said, "Do you know why we arrested you?"

Evans said: "Looks like I can't get a lawyer."

"At this stage, yes."

Evans said lightly: "If you want to interrogate me, it must be your director or at least some deputy director? Your rank is a bit lower, and you are not good-looking enough."

The two agents were immediately angry, but the warning had no effect on Evans. His eyes were slightly closed, as if he had fallen asleep, and he didn't say a word.

An hour passed in a blink of an eye, and the two agents tried their best to make Evans say a word. They looked at each other, finally feeling discouraged. Then the door opened and an elderly woman walked in. The two agents subconsciously stood up and saluted. The woman nodded to them and signaled them to go out.

She sat across from Evans. Under the harsh light, the fine wrinkles on her face could not be hidden, and the ruthlessness between her brows was fully revealed.

She said in a cold tone: "robbing caravans, destroying bases, and robbing strategic materials to fund the dynasty's armed forces, any of these three crimes is enough to put you in prison for a lifetime."

Evans finally raised his head and said, "In that case, Phil will never have a chance to beat me."

The woman was startled, and then said: "This is a matter between you, and has nothing to do with our investigation."

"Of course it is. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be sitting here. Of course, I don't blame him. If it were me, I would have arrested him a long time ago. I wouldn't wait until today."

The woman's expression softened a little, and said: "We don't want to see you here either. How about this, you give us what we want, we let you go, and we won't intervene in the grievances between you and him. Save everyone Do something, okay?"

Evans smiled and said, "Actually, I have weaknesses. As long as I target my weaknesses, I will probably succumb. Do you want to try?"

The woman was startled, and asked, "What do you want, money or a woman? You don't lack both, right?"

"I'm afraid of being beaten. If the torture is hard enough, I will tell."

The woman took a deep look at Evans and said: "I have served in the Special Investigation Bureau for 30 years, and I can say with certainty that there has never been any act of torture here."

Evans laughed and said, "No wonder you can become the deputy director. I almost believe what you say."

The woman closed the document and said, "It seems we can't reach a consensus."


"How long is it for now?"

Evans said, "I don't know either, it depends on your mood."

"Then I wish you a happy life here." The woman stood up and turned her head before leaving the door: "Do you have anything else to say to me?"

Evans said: "It was nothing at first, but I suddenly thought of Phil. He is worthy of respect, but his vision and luck are not very good, and he always picks the wrong opponent."

"Is there any more?"

"In fact, I agree with your small actions in the dynasty, but if I am outside, I am afraid I have to destroy it, so it is better to stay here, at least you can experience a new life, and no one can say anything about me after going out. .”

The woman looked a little complicated, and slowly closed the door of the interrogation room.

On Planet 4, Chu Jungui, who was checking the fortification design, suddenly sneezed. This is not common, the test subject has never coughed or sneezed.

Kai Tian next to him trembled inexplicably, his face was ugly, and he said, "Why do I feel a little bad? Nothing is going to happen, right?"

The wise man glanced at it, and said: "Did you have too much cell load and hallucinations? If you are sick, eat it quickly, poor child with stunted development."

Kai Tian stared back, and said: "What do you know, a country bumpkin who doesn't come out of the planet? Those people outside are very bad, and there are always troublesome people who want to harm me, ah no... harm the boss!"

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