God is Coming

Chapter 838: When the Horse Falls

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A huge shadow gradually approached N7703. The huge fleet sailed quietly in the storm of the blue sun. Wide-area scans swept across the fleet. It was aware of it, but it didn't deliberately cover it up.

At the same time, Chu Jungui received an unusual piece of information.

The information comes from Chitong, showing that a formidable fleet is sailing towards the N7703 galaxy, and it is deduced that it is not passing by, but to completely occupy the galaxy.

The scanning results show that this fleet has a total of 10 high-speed heavy cruisers. The model is suspected to be the apostle with a stick. This is a deeply improved heavy cruiser. Its combat power is only slightly worse than that of the champion knight, but there are a total of ten ships! The fleet also includes 15 light cruisers and 30 destroyers, all high-speed hunting versions. This fleet is a typical hunting configuration, designed to deal with small and flexible fleets, and large-scale fleet decisive battles are not a problem.

The fleet is also carrying a large convoy of transports, and the scans show it is likely to be a large landing ship. Estimated by quantity, it is at least the size of 5 planetary marine divisions.

Judging from the intelligence, this fleet did not deliberately conceal the itinerary, but it was a bit majestic.

This is already close to public information, but only after Chitong sent it privately to Chu Jungui did he know that all formal channels, such as the Dynasty's military, the Special Operations Department, and even the Dynasty's department in charge of affiliated legions, were all silent. No news at all. Just looking at these few channels, Chu Jungui would think that human beings have perished, and only himself is left in the entire universe.

There was no news from Li Xinyi and Li Ruobai either. After returning to the dynasty, they seemed to have disappeared without any further news.

This fleet does not need to join the moon, so it is no longer something Chu Jungui can compete with. The number of landing forces it carried is unknown, but would obviously be much larger than Haug's two divisions. In addition, the Apostle with a Staff is a famous high-speed heavy cruiser with both firepower and speed, and there are ten ships that can't play guerrilla tactics in front of it. As soon as this fleet arrived, if Chu Jungui didn't want the entire fleet to be wiped out, he could only withdraw the fleet from the galaxy. At that time, the planetary ground base would lose control of the orbit and be in a desperate situation, while the enemy's reinforcements would continue to flow.

After several wars, the Federation is no longer completely helpless against the storm clouds. The transport ships and landing ships can also shuttle through the storm clouds after temporary modification, but the number of times is limited.

Chu Jungui read this information several times before slowly putting it down. Intelligence is one aspect, but the information revealed behind the intelligence is more, and it is intriguing.

After pondering for a long time, Chu Jungui finally made a decision. He temporarily installed a few engines on the two destroyers, and then sent them near the route of the Federation Fleet outside the galaxy, and returned immediately after detecting the Federation Fleet. Chu Jungui needs to know exactly the composition of the federal fleet so that he can judge their purpose.

Then, Chu Jungui sent messages to the Dynasty military, the Special Operations Department, Chitong and others, asking for reinforcements.

Rescuing the dynasty was Chu Jungui's hard-won determination, which was an open test of the dynasty's attitude. Moreover, this is a war between two empires. At this moment, Chu Jungui can only barely reach the side of the third-line army, and it is impossible to fight against the main federal fleet. As a subsidiary force and agent of the dynasty, it is logical to ask the dynasty for help.

As soon as the call for help was sent out, Chu Jungui continued to prepare for the battle. Wise Man and Kai Tian had faintly sensed the atmosphere of the war, and began to grow and work crazily, not even joking.

A day later, the federal fleet was less than 48 hours away from N7703. Their whereabouts have been locked by the reconnaissance starship sent by Chu Jungui, and the fleet composition has also been scanned in disorder. The scan results confirmed the accuracy of Chitong's intelligence, and it carried a full landing force of 5 divisions!

Bad news always comes one after another. The dynasty finally has news, but it is not the news of reinforcements, but the order issued by Su Jian, asking Chu Jungui to stick to the N7703 galaxy and not to retreat. He must ensure that he does not lose an inch of land, otherwise he will be punished by military law. .

Chu Jungui would not take this order seriously, but he knew that he must face up to its consequences. Now Su Jian is still the commander-in-chief of the war zone, and his words represent the opinions of the dynasty's military, at least for now.

After reading it, Chu Jungui casually flicked the order to the recycle bin, ready to smash it. But after thinking about it, he took the order back and showed it to Wise Man, Kai Tian and Wilson.

With a glance, Kai Tian jumped up: "What did I say? Sure enough, the thief will not die!"

The wise man projected Su Jian's image, scanned it and put it away, saying: "This person must die!"

Naturally, Wilson's reaction speed was not as fast as theirs. He read the order several times, and Fang said: "There are many things to discuss about this order. Generally speaking, it is impossible to issue such an order to stick to it until the necessary time, but In many battle cases, such orders do exist, and there are quite a few. The most typical is to order a small army to stop the enemy in order to cover the retreat of the large army. In the history of the dynasty, such battle cases can be said to be quite Many. Now that Su Jian issued this order on the grounds that the 4th Fleet needs to retreat, strictly speaking, we can’t say anything about him.”

Kai Tiandao: "He just wants to send us to our deaths and use us as cannon fodder! The 4th Fleet has already fled back to its old lair, so we still need to kill them? Who can catch up with them?"

Wilson didn't get angry, and said, "I'm just analyzing from a neutral perspective. In addition, he wants us to die. Will we really die?"

Kai Tian said: "That's right, how could the boss do such a disadvantageous thing."

Chu Jungui stared at the star map, thinking silently. Kaitian and the wise man didn't speak so as not to disturb them.

After a long time, Chu Jun returned and said, "We won't leave, we will fight here."

Both the wise man and Kai Tian were taken aback, and said: "Isn't this playing into the hands of the old thief?"

Wilson didn't speak, but his expression clearly disapproved.

Chu Jungui said slowly: "This battle is not for Su Jian, half is for ourselves, and half is for the dynasty. We don't have enough transportation power now, if we want to withdraw, we can only withdraw half of the people, and the rest will be I have to throw them to the Federation. I am not very clear about the situation on the Federation side, but let me just throw them to the Federation like this, facing an unpredictable fate, I can’t do it.”

Wilson said: "I am very aware of the Federation's way of doing things. If I go back, I will suffer at most. I will not die."

Chu Jungui said: "When you fought for me at the beginning, I promised you, whether it is the Federation or the Dynasty, I will definitely give you a good life. Now I understand the culture of the Federation very well. You want to have a good life in the Federation. With a good ending, you must never go back as prisoners of war. Only when they are beaten, they will find humanity and morality in themselves. It is useless to beg, as long as it invites more violence."

"As for Su Jian..." Chu Jungui paused, then said slowly, "The moment I win the battle is the moment he falls off the horse!"

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