God is Coming

Chapter 840 Foreshadowing

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In the large conference hall of the cabinet building, the prime minister, the speaker, and the chairmen of several important committees sit high. Su Jian is standing in the hearing position, and behind it is a semicircular conference area. At the moment, dozens of people are sitting, half of them are from the military and half are from the military. government.

In the magnificent hall, only Su Jianxiong's powerful voice echoed: "...Anyone with a little military knowledge can see that our operation in the first stage was very successful, and we successfully surrounded and wiped out all of our opponents. From the replays of the battle, it can be seen that the enemy has high morale, is well-equipped and is not afraid of sacrifice, this is a unit that is no worse than any trump card of the Federation."

Everyone nodded slightly. They had already seen the replay of the battle, and were deeply shocked by their opponent's will to fight to the death.

"The significance of annihilating this force is far from being measured by the dry numbers on paper. It is no exaggeration to say that destroying it is equivalent to breaking the spine of the Federation, at least a fracture."

Everyone laughed one after another. Although Su Jian's words were humorous, the truth was good. The annihilation of such an ace force would deal a heavy blow to the morale of the entire Federation.

"Besides, in the previous sporadic battles, we fought the enemy at a close to the same loss ratio in a disadvantageous situation. This is the price we must pay for the second stage of the decisive battle, and the enemy paid no more than us few."

The statistics of the battle results of the entire theater have long been placed in front of the big shots. Before that, the 4th Fleet only lost one more destroyer than the opponent. Considering the passive situation in the entire theater, this battle loss ratio shows that Su Jian played quite well. It's just that although the numbers are true, there are some means hidden in the statistical methods. The loss of the Dynasty only counts the 4th Fleet, but the battle results include the entire theater, which means that the starships that Chu Jungui destroyed were also used by Su Jian.

This little detail is out of the eyes of big shots, they focus on the key points.

Su Jianzheng began to talk about the key points: "After successfully annihilating the target, I have basically achieved the combat goal. However, on the way to retreat, the main federal fleet of the moon wheel suddenly appeared, cutting off our retreat! At that time, I had already analyzed the fluctuations generated by all space jumps, and we There can be no main federal fleet around. The only possibility is that they have already jumped and went straight into my back. The jump point used by the Lunar Fleet is the jump point of the N7703 galaxy, and they passed through our defense line unscathed. And there is no news. Not long ago, the Light Year Corps stationed at N7703 refused to accept my call-up order twice, which caused the squadron I sent to be short of supplies and failed to hold back the fleet interspersed by the Federation."

At this time, a person in the high position said slowly: "You mean, the Light Year Legion has already cooperated with the enemy?"

Su Jiandao: "The suspicion is very serious. If it is not collaborating with the enemy, it is also avoiding war!"

Another asked: "How do you explain the act of blowing up the Starfield Communications base station? It has done irreversible damage to the dynasty's reputation."

Star field communication base stations have certain military uses, but mainly provide communication and positioning of public channels. In the vast deep space of the universe, the most frightening thing is none other than losing contact with the human base camp. Without communication and positioning capabilities, a spacecraft may not be able to approach any galaxy even if it floats for tens of thousands of years. Because of this, the communication station in the star field is the common property of all mankind, and its status is similar to that of the reservoir dam in the parent star era.

Because of this, this matter was discussed at the cabinet hearing, which shows that it is serious.

Su Jian raised his voice involuntarily, and said: "During the retreat, I just ordered the temporary closure of the communication base's functions, in order to prevent the escape route from leaking out. In view of the serious leaks that occurred in the second phase of the campaign, I think this is the case. The measures taken are reasonable and necessary. When the Federation takes over the base, it will naturally be reopened. The blowing up of the base station is a conspiracy, obviously it was done by the Federation, and the purpose is to pour dirty water!"

A dignitary frowned and said, "Regarding this matter, I would like to ask Dr. Ling, the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of National Defense and the head of Dynasty's Key Laboratory of Physics, Materials Science and Biology, to express his views."

After a while, Dr. Ling walked slowly into the conference hall, walked to the witness stand, and said: "My laboratory has successfully recovered part of the backup data of the N77 communication base station. This batch of data was sent at the last moment. The data shows that the base station communication The function module is turned off at..."

Dr. Zero looked at the time and continued: "91 hours and 22 minutes ago, and the explosion happened 91 hours and 05 minutes ago."

The big man said in a deep voice: "Dr. Zero, can you ensure the accuracy of these data?"

Dr. Zero said: "Humans are used to lying, but data will not."

"Very well, thank you, Doctor."

"Impossible! He's lying!" Su Jian's face was livid.

Dr. Zero glanced at him with indifferent eyes, and said calmly: "In the hall of science and truth, military rank is nothing."

Su Jian knew he had made a slip of the tongue, so he didn't say anything more. After Dr. Zero left, another cabinet member said: "We still need to investigate this matter further. Next is the last question, how do you explain the behavior of strafing the rescue capsule in the second phase of the campaign?"

Su Jian had regained his composure, and said: "I have never issued this order. Even if it is issued, the officers below have the right to refuse to carry it out. But what I want to say is that the battle situation was extremely tragic at that time, and many people on our side died. It is completely understandable for the commander to have some extreme behavior. Objectively speaking, this behavior has had a significant impact on the enemy's will to fight. This behavior of the officers has greatly promoted the progress of the battle. If it were not for them, we would have lost one more heavy cruiser, several light cruisers and destroyers, and the casualties would have increased by 3,000 to 4,500 people."

After a pause, Su Jian began his final statement: "Frankly speaking, although I don't approve of the actions of these commanders, I respect their courage and responsibility. If I was in their position at that time, I might as well I will not watch hundreds of thousands of soldiers die in order to protect the enemy and for the sake of so-called morality! Ladies and gentlemen, the reason why we can sit here peacefully to debate these ridiculous issues is because so many soldiers sacrificed! I I don’t think my soldiers need to die in order to protect the enemy. I can’t do it. In my heart, these soldiers are more important than the life of the enemy and the damned rights of the enemy! I even regret that I didn’t personally issue that Order. However, at least now I can share some responsibilities for my officers. As the supreme commander of the fleet, I am willing to take responsibility for this matter!"

Su Jian looked around the audience and said, "I've finished speaking."

At the end of the hearing, Su Jian did not show up at the press conference. Only a cabinet spokesperson attended and said some ambiguous words. The answer to all important questions is that further investigation is needed. The specific process and hearing content will not be made public on the grounds that they involve military secrets.

The news would quickly spread throughout the dynasty, and it didn't cause much trouble. People were more concerned about the situation on the front line, and whether the loopholes could be plugged after the fall of N77, rather than the boring pursuit of responsibility.

The news soon reached Chu Jungui. After reading it, Chu Jungui put it aside. On the contrary, Kai Tian and Zhi Zhi were indignant, saying: "That's the end? The old thief doesn't seem to be such a capable person!"

Chu Jungui didn't care, and said: "No hurry, this is just a foreshadowing."

At this time, the Federation's terrorist fleet has officially entered the N7703 galaxy and joined the Lunar Fleet. The start of construction of a new large-scale mobile base shows that this fleet is not here for fun, and it seems that it will never stop until Chu Jungui is completely driven out of the galaxy.

The Federation Fleet didn't cover up at all, and didn't even use anti-scanning measures.

In the command cabin of the Moon Fleet, Phil asked: "Is there any movement from Chu Jungui? When is he going to escape?"

"There is no movement at all, just a message to the outside world."

"Here." Phil took a look, and the message read: "This is the N7703 galaxy, and it is 12 o'clock on April 21, 3415 in the dynastic calendar, and we are still fighting."

Seeing the end of the message, Phil was taken aback, "It's gone? Shouldn't there be a request for support?"

In the past few days, Light Year has sent a rescue message every day at noon. Except for the time change, the rest of the content is the same, but this time there is one sentence missing, which makes Phil feel uncomfortable all over.

The staff officer next to him said: "At this time, even the dog knows that the Dynasty will not give him any support. How could Chu Jungui not know? Probably he himself felt that it was boring, so he left the last sentence."

Phil nodded, looked at the time, and said meaningfully: "If you don't escape, it will be too late."

There was silence in the command module, no one spoke.

Phil said: "Admiral Morgan, who supports the fleet, is a good friend of my father. I went to invite him and the senior management of the fleet, and said that I have prepared good wine, and I will invite them to dinner tonight."

The staff officer hesitated, and said, "Dinner? Shouldn't we start attacking then?"

Phil said: "I'm not in a hurry, it's the same if I call again tomorrow morning. Go hire someone!"

After the staff officer left, the young man who had been silent all this time said, "Chu Jungui doesn't seem to be able to run away. You have given him so much time."

"Try again, maybe he will run away?" Phil smiled wryly.

The young man asked curiously: "A while ago you still wanted to fight, why did you change your mind now?"

Phil pointed to the fleet outside the porthole, and said: "In those starships, there are people alive. Although wars will kill people, but fighting with Chu Jungui...too many people died."

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