God is Coming

Chapter 841 One step away

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When the fleet commanded by Admiral Morgan officially entered the orbit of Planet 4, Chu Jungui still did not escape, and even most of the fleet was still there, only a few destroyers left the galaxy and disappeared.

Phil could only sigh. At this time, he was no longer the top commander on the front line, and the command was transferred to Admiral Morgan. The main force on the battlefield also changed from the moon wheel to the Federation's 17th Mobile Fleet and the 23rd Planetary Marine Corps, with 4 marine divisions under its jurisdiction. A total of nearly 100,000 people.

The Light Year Fleet disappeared, but the base was impossible to escape. After Admiral Morgan deployed the fleet, the Marine Corps began to land on a large scale. Countless large and small landing ships were thrown into the planet, like an unprecedented meteor shower.

The huge landing ship rushed out of the storm clouds with flames and lightning all over its body, then began to slow down and hover, and then slowly descended after the flames on the ship's hull were extinguished. In the blink of an eye, a vast plain area was covered with landing ships of all sizes, like an alien invasion movie.

A landing ship seemed to be unable to withstand the erosion of the storm clouds, lost most of its power, and fell into the ground at an angle, with a small part of the ship's hull not even touching the ground. A nearby landing ship that had already landed was re-launched, and more than ten rescue cables were thrown out, which were automatically fixed on the hull of the wrecked landing ship, and then the landing ship was dragged out bit by bit amidst a loud roar.

The landing ship unfolded on the spot, and each of these hundreds of meters long monsters unfolded like a small city. In the middle of the city cluster, Admiral Morgan stepped out of the landing ship, and a land airship flew over, then lost control right in front of his eyes, and fell to the ground. Admiral Morgan looked at his personal terminal. There was only a snowflake on it, and there were no images. There was only a special command channel with the strongest anti-interference that could be used barely.

Admiral Morgan smiled and said, "It's back to the primitive society!"

He immediately summoned a troop carrier, jumped onto the roof, and said, "Let's go, look at the surrounding terrain!"

Several generals who followed were shocked: "This is too dangerous!"

"What danger can there be? Didn't you always come here like this when you were a company commander? Unless my armor is unqualified, then I have to investigate the issue of corruption." After that, the general waved his hand, and the chariot flew Drive him out of the landing area. Several generals have long been accustomed to the general's style, they shook their heads helplessly, and quickly deployed troops to go out for reconnaissance, then boarded their chariots and followed the general.

On the top of the mountain a few kilometers away, a combat beast was wrapped around a big tree, using the wide leaves to cover most of its body, looking at the roaring landing base from the gaps in the leaves.

It raised three arms and legs, tapped the ground once and for all, and counted the number of landing troops. It's just that there are too many landing troops, both the personnel and the tanks are densely packed together, making it a little cramp in the wrists and feet.

It was observing and counting when it suddenly felt something. Looking back, Chu Jungui, the wise man and several fighting beasts had already appeared under the tree.

Chu Jun looked around and jumped onto a big tree. This position has a wide view, and he can see half of the landing field at a glance.

At this time, a group of intense flashes of light suddenly lit up in the center of the landing field, and a substantial wall of light appeared, quickly moving into the distance.

"Biological scan!" Chu Jungui said quickly.

The wise man immediately issued an order in his consciousness, and bumps rose up on the surface of all the fighting beasts, revealing the wooden texture. After giving the order, the wise man dispersed into a cloud of black mist and hid behind a two-leaf tree.

The invisible wall of light swept past their position in an instant, and continued to move into the distance. The convex particles on the body surface of the fighting beast are similar to the bark of the Futaba tree. The accuracy of this kind of ultra-large-scale biological scanning cannot reach 0.1 square centimeters. In the system identification, there is a high probability that the fighting beast will be recognized as a plant. Even if individual battle beasts are recognized, as long as they are not moving in groups, they will be regarded as local creatures and ignored by the system.

After the wise man turned into black mist, the scanning response was almost zero. Not to mention this kind of large-scale scanning, it is even a precise short-range scanning, and it is impossible to find wise men.

The armor on Chu Jungui's body was specially ordered from the Federation, and it comes with a variety of anti-reconnaissance functions. To deal with the scanning of this kind of high-end goods, you can make the other party recognize it as anything, even if it is disguised as a pile of giant biological excrement. no problem.

Chu Jungui's eyes slowly swept across the landing field, and all the targets where he passed were identified, organized, and analyzed, and most of the technical weapons were also identified. At this time, a small force was suddenly highlighted.

This force is composed of more than a dozen tanks, with no more than a hundred people, and is slowly moving along the outer edge of the landing field. It seems that this army is very ordinary, whether it is a reconnaissance army or an exploration army. However, the reason why Chu Jungui recognized it was that wherever this army went, the surrounding troops changed their actions one after another. Two people on a chariot in the center of the army were leaning out half of their body, observing the surrounding terrain . Regardless of whether the officers on the chariot in the front or the rear looked at the chariot from time to time, they were obviously waiting for instructions.

Chu Jungui made a judgment in an instant. This officer was neither high nor low. There was a high probability that he was a lieutenant colonel or a colonel. A real high-ranking general would not do such work as surveying the terrain himself.

Chu Jungui's heart moved, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, a battle beast presented a specially modified rifle. This 40mm caliber thing is called a gun here in Chu Jungui.

Chu Jungui picked up the 2.5-meter-long 'gun', pressed a 50-centimeter-long bullet as thick as a forearm, and aimed it at the slowly moving chariot. The airflow, wind direction and other factors were automatically calculated in the subject's field of vision, and a clear ballistic trajectory continued to extend, and finally landed on the officer's chest.

A bullet of this power doesn't need to start at all, even if it flies past the body, it can cut a person in two.

Chu Jungui took a second to aim and correct, and then pulled the trigger.

A wave of air spread across the crown of the tree, and the trunk of the double-leaf tree instantly tilted backwards at an exaggerated angle.

Chu Jungui jumped directly from the tree, landed, and then turned to look at the results of the battle. The bullet has to fly for nearly 2 seconds to hit the target.

When looking at the battlefield, Chu Jungui happened to see a dazzling light suddenly bursting out from around the officer's body, and a real light curtain enveloped him in it. The bullet shot on the light curtain instantly sparked a dazzling light, and then deflected. Shoot into the chariot. The chariot exploded instantly, throwing the officer into the air, but the light curtain protecting him was not broken.

Personal Defense Force Field!

Chu Jungui was taken aback. This single-person defensive force field is not a commodity. It requires at least tens of millions of kilowatts of power to activate. Micro-fusion energy cannot provide this level of energy. Only antimatter power reactors can do it. . Therefore, each set of personal defensive force fields is expensive, and only high-level generals are eligible to equip them. The people Chu Jungui had dealt with before were all major generals, and he was not qualified to equip such high-level items at all.

Chu Jungui knew that he might have missed a big fish, so he couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. But he couldn't stay for long at this time, he waved his hands to summon two battle beasts, and jumped on them. The two fighting beasts cooperated seamlessly, their bodies were close to each other, and more than a dozen arms and legs waved alternately, ejecting forward like a marble. Even though they were in the forest, they still left the scene quickly at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour.

Chu Jungui didn't know that Admiral Morgan, the commander of the Federation's 17th Fleet and the commander-in-chief of the landing force, was almost shot into the sky by him just now.

The landing force immediately carried out a carpet search of the surrounding area, and conducted a large-scale fire reconnaissance of the deep area, but found nothing. Except for some residual gunpowder components seized at the sniper position, no clues were found. The battle beasts are completely integrated with the surrounding environment, and if they are not specifically targeted, they will not be found at all.

While the federal landing force was still searching in depth, several armed reconnaissance teams suddenly lost their signals at the same time!

An alarm sounded instantly over the landing base, and all the troops that had completed their preparations moved into the temporary fortifications that had just been built. Many soldiers who had not yet received their equipment equipped with heavy armor also entered the fortification, and those who only wore light armor hid in the fortifications. Land on the ship and use shipborne weapons to fight back.

Before the defense was fully set up, countless chariots appeared on the horizon, converging into three torrents of steel, heading towards the landing base! At the same time, a large number of living missiles appeared in the sky, and they flew over the base against the storm clouds.

The fierce battle lasted for an entire hour, and the Marine Corps' front line of defense was completely destroyed. They fought and retreated, barely blocking Chu Jungui's attack under the cover of the ship's weapons. Seeing that the damage caused by the shipborne weapons was getting bigger and bigger, finally at a certain critical point, Chu Jungui ordered to retreat.

Many chariots retreated like a tide, and some chariots dragged the wreckage of the destroyed chariots.

Thick smoke was billowing on the landing site, corpses and wreckage were everywhere, piles of supplies that had just been moved down were still burning, and several landing ships on the periphery were destroyed.

Federation soldiers walked slowly among the wreckage, looking for survivors who were still alive. However, their efforts are doomed to fail, as long as the battle armor is damaged on planet 4, they will lose their lives within a minute.

Admiral Morgan appeared in front of the soldiers again. His face was a little pale, and several parts of his armor had been replaced. The admiral's face was solemn, passing through the smoke, corpses and ruins, and the surroundings seemed to be a scene of the end of the world.

A staff officer next to him whispered and quickly reported the battle report just calculated. More than 400 tanks were destroyed, hundreds of land assault craft were destroyed on the ground, and 6 landing ships were damaged, 2 of which were completely destroyed. Casualties exceeded 4,000, more than 500 were wounded, and the rest were war dead.

When he heard the casualty ratio, the admiral paused for a moment, and then he continued to move forward until he came to the wreckage of a destroyed light-year chariot. The admiral looked around. This chariot was only a hundred meters away from the central area, and two landing ships were left behind by it. This is the chariot that has advanced the farthest in the entire light year, and it is only one step away from Morgan's command center.

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