God is Coming

Chapter 842 I'll do my best

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On the Lunar flagship, Phil sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling porthole, gently shaking the ice water in his hand.

The young man came over and was taken aback when he saw the water glass in his hand, and asked, "What kind of cultivation are you doing?"

Phil pointed to his head and said, "I need a clear head, so I decided not to touch alcohol until the end of the war."

The young man didn't take it seriously, and said, "Forget it, with your physique, you won't lose your mind even after drinking 10 bottles of whiskey."

"Sense of ritual! There must be a sense of ritual in life, understand? Didn't your sister teach you this?"

"My sister never engages in such useless things. Don't make excuses for yourself, you are trying to do something stupid again!" The young man mercilessly exposed Phil.

Phil smiled wryly, and said, "Admiral Morgan has been landing for a week, have you read all the battle reports these days?"

"Look, the accident was fierce and the losses were heavy. To be honest, I never thought that the casualties would be so unequal. I used to think that Chu Jungui was very good at fighting guerrillas, but he couldn't do it in the frontal battlefield. Now I still think Underestimated him."

Phil said: "The loss of technical weapons is 4:1, but the casualty ratio is 10:1. In just one week, we have lost more than 18,000 people, and the ratio of casualties is very low, most of them were directly killed in battle. "

"The environment of this planet is like this. If the battle armor is damaged, it means death. However, I didn't understand some parts in the battle report. There was a strange creature's body in the wreckage of Chu Jungui's chariot. The test results showed that it was an unnatural species. Could it be? Is this the secret of Chu Jungui?"

Phil shook his head and said, "I also read the report. That kind of thing can only be said to be a little more advanced than ordinary animals, but its functions are incomplete, and there is no sign of strong intelligence. The brain volume is much smaller than that of ordinary humans. It is not much better than the orangutan. It may have some special functions, but it should not be the key to Chu Jungui's victory."

"Then why did he put such a thing? Totem, belief?"

"Who knows, this is something the technical department needs to worry about. Come here and look at this." Phil released a video.

It was a battle on the surface of the planet, the picture was very shaken and blurred, and it was barely possible to see what happened. A team of federal tanks is attacking swiftly. They are facing light-year tanks that are less than half their number. The two mechas in the center of the team are desperately outputting firepower. However, they did not launch the deadliest missiles, but just used The machine guns continued to pour out firepower.

The Light Year Chariot's defense was exceptionally solid. It fought back against the mech's artillery fire, and was bombarded for almost half a minute. It took hundreds of shells before it was destroyed. Their line is loose but orderly, like a large elastic net, constantly undulating and stretching, but it just doesn't break. Just when the battle was at a stalemate, a light-year-old troop suddenly appeared on each flank of the federal army!

Under attack from three sides, the federal army was about to fall to the brink of collapse. It suffered heavy losses for a while, and both mechs were destroyed. Fortunately, the reinforcements arrived in time, and the three light-year armored units retreated separately and left the battlefield. The federal troops who suffered heavy losses were also unable to pursue them, and watched Light Years leave helplessly.

"Have you seen that similar situations happen several times a day, and Light Year can always accurately establish an advantage in local wars, not once or twice. And more than half of our troops are either looking for the enemy's traces, or Support, running back and forth, exhausted. Obviously we have an absolute advantage, but until now, Light Year seems to be the side with stronger troops."

The young man was thoughtful, "You mean to say that Chu Jungui's command is very good?"

"Not only is it powerful, it is simply a god! Hauge's loss is not wronged at all."

The young man shook his head, "There is no god in this world. As long as a person is human, he must have flaws, and Chu Jungui is no exception. It's just that we haven't found his flaws yet, it doesn't mean he has no flaws."

Phil nodded, "Yes, as long as he is still human."

The video has come to an end, and it is playing in a loop again.

The young man suddenly said: "Chu Jungui is obviously very familiar with this battlefield, but we are not. But after fighting once, we will also be familiar with the terrain. In addition, this method of warfare also has weaknesses, that is his The base. As long as he attacks his base, he will have to shrink his troops and fight us head-on! At that time, we will be able to give full play to our superiority in firepower and troops."

Phil took a deep look at him and said, "We don't have a firepower advantage."

"No, we have! If it were me, I would drive the landing ship directly to the gate of his base and bombard it with shipboard bombardment! Although the main gun can't be used, the secondary gun can completely suppress the fortress gun!"

Phil patted the young man on the shoulder, and said, "That's a good idea! In fact, this morning, General Morgan has already started marching towards the fortress, and sent six landing ships to take off as a mobile firepower fulcrum."

The young man let out a sigh, and seemed a little excited: "General Morgan thinks the same as I do!"

Phil laughed and said, "When he comes back, I will introduce you to him."

"Would you like to open a bottle of wine to celebrate?"

Phil looked at the ice water in his hand, shook his head and said, "Not yet."

At this time, a staff officer came in and said: "The reinforced 24th and 25th Marine Corps have completed their jump and are ready to enter the galaxy."

The young man was startled, and said, "Two more legions have been reinforced?"

Phil said meaningfully: "Do you think one legion is enough? These two legions were dispatched by General Morgan, and the 23rd legion on the planet is just an advance force."

"We value Chu Jungui so much? Why did the dynasty leave him here to die?"

Phil patted the young man on the shoulder again, and said, "Only by fighting Chu Jungui head-on will you truly know his value."

Phil looked at the time and said, "It is estimated that General Morgan will arrive at the fortress in 4 hours. The offensive should start in 5 hours, and then fight for a day? Go and rest for a while, and just read the battle report after waking up."

The young man was indeed rather tired, so he went back to the cabin to sleep.

In Base No. 2, Chu Jungui stood on the roof of the command building, overlooking the entire defense system, and issued dozens of orders every second to make final fine-tuning of the defense line.

Wilson appeared next to him, and Chu Jungui asked, "How's morale?"

"Frankly speaking, it's not very high, especially those who have just surrendered. They are still not used to facing their former comrades in arms so soon. It's just that they will persist in fighting because they will die if they fail."

With a thought, Chu Jungui withdrew the prisoners of the Marine Corps from several important defensive positions and replaced them with light-year-old veterans. Since the newly surrendered people are afraid of death, it is impossible to expect them to fight to the death. It is good to be able to persist in fighting. If they escape, Chu Jungui, who has the bottom-level authority of the battle armor and chip, can kill them at any time.

After making the adjustments, Chu Jungui said to Wilson: "Tell them that they will die faster standing opposite us. Also, I will not lead them to fail."

Wilson cheered up, Chu Jungui glanced at him, sighed, and said, "I can only guarantee that we will win this battle."

Wilson was taken aback.

Chu Jungui said: "Now it's just an appetizer, and the big meal is yet to come. After this battle is defeated, the Federation will never stop here, and will definitely increase more troops. At that time, our fleet in orbit may also be defeated." I can't hide anymore. So this battle has no end."

"Then fight, it will never be more difficult than when facing the beast horde."

Chu Jungui said: "Always fighting the Federation, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Wilson was startled again, and said after a while: "This is war. As a soldier, my duty is to win the war. It is the people above who start the war. to me."

Speaking of this, Wilson smiled silently and said: "Boss, if you feel guilty towards us, then quickly climb to the position where you can decide the war and change the world. To be honest, I have never Know how the war was fought."

Chu Jungui smiled wryly and said, "I will do my best."

On the ridge line of the highland in the distance, a federal tank suddenly jumped out, and then endless tanks drove up the ridge line, and a tall mech also stepped out from the group of tanks.

The earth was full of dust, and the billowing smoke and dust almost covered half of the sky, rushing into the storm clouds, and no one knew how many chariots were rolling forward in the smoke and dust!

Several tall metal poles stood up in the federal army formation, and then light curtains appeared one after another, moving towards the No. 2 base. Where the light curtain passes, the outer contours of all objects are outlined, and even the internal structure is also outlined a lot. Only particularly thick places or particularly defensive places can block these scanning light curtains.

Admiral Morgan quickly got the scan results, frowned slightly, and said, "More than 900 rapid-fire guns are really armed to the teeth."

"If he keeps fighting in mobile warfare, there's really no good way to deal with him. But now, he doesn't think that the large number of small guns can counter our naval guns, right?" said a general next to him. Looking at the base in the distance, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

The admiral said slowly: "Let the landing ship come up, and first bulldoze the three small fortresses on the periphery."

A moment later, huge shadows swept across the ground, and amidst strange buzzing sounds, several landing ships appeared above the battlefield. They hovered at a height of less than 100 meters, and the huge hull of nearly a thousand meters seemed to be soaring fortresses in the sky, making people breathless.

Although the front of the battlefield is wide, it can only accommodate two landing ships. The side hull of the landing ship opened, and gun barrels protruded, slowly aiming at several small fortresses in front of No. 2 base.

The landing ships were out of the range of the rapid-fire guns, and even if they were occasionally hit by stray bullets, their wall-like armor would not be able to do anything about it.

All the generals held their breath, waiting for the moment when the naval guns roared.

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