God is Coming

Chapter 843 The Last Knight

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Cracked earth and stones covered the sky and the sun, and the three small fortresses that Mr. Chu returned to the front line were completely engulfed in gunpowder smoke and fire. The power and range of the naval guns were not comparable to the rapid-fire guns in the fortress. Dozens of rapid-fire guns were blasted into the sky after only a few shots. Large pieces of reinforced bunker materials were also blasted into the sky, and the outline of the small fortress was constantly broken and lowered.

Under the continuous bombardment of hundreds of auxiliary guns on the two landing ships, the three small fortresses resisted tenaciously for a full ten minutes without being completely flattened. It's not that the naval guns are weak, but that the three fortresses were built with real materials. The thickness of the armor layer is more than 2 meters, and the toughness is comparable to the armor plate of a starship. This is why they have resisted for so long.

"Okay, there will be no living people inside, move forward." The general finally said.

The two landing ships hummed strangely again, and slowly flew towards the No. 2 base. They passed over the small fortress and stopped, and the muzzles began to adjust one after another, aiming at the No. 2 base.

In the center of No. 2 base, Chu Jungui finally confirmed that the other party only sent two landing ships to bombard. They definitely have more landing ships, but they won't come any closer.

Chu Jungui pointed forward and said, "Get rid of those two things!"

Kaitian instantly decomposed the order into more than 800 specific tasks and distributed them to each node, and it couldn't maintain the human form, and turned into a light mist.

There was also a strange whistling sound in Base No. 2. Even with the protection of armor, everyone felt chills. Some small stones and sundries slowly floated up!

The tops of almost all tall buildings in the base were opened, revealing a terrifyingly large beam cannon!

"No!!!" The desperate scream just sounded in the bridge of the landing ship, but was drowned by the turbulent high-energy beam.

The defense of the landing ship is far inferior to that of the combat ship, and it is at a short distance of less than 20 kilometers. Although the power of the high-energy beam cannon is greatly attenuated in the planetary atmosphere, the landing ship is not a rough-skinned character. Can you stop it? Moreover, Light Year's beam cannons have always been known for their brutality, and Chu Jungui even prepared 20 light cruiser main cannons!

The two landing ships were equivalent to being concentrated fire by 20 light cruisers, and they were instantly battered and battered. They didn't even have time to complete the turn, and they fell headlong to the ground!

Amidst the roar and explosion, the two landing ships hit the small fortress ahead, and then began to explode continuously. At this time, Base No. 2 showed its hideous face, and the beam cannon began to extend forward, sweeping away the federal heavy troops exposed in front of the ridgeline.

This is the main gun of the light cruiser. The original goal was to bombard the enemy light cruiser hundreds of thousands of kilometers away. Now even if the power has been reduced to ten percent, it is not something that tanks and mechs can resist. A beam of light has expanded to 2 meters in diameter when it reaches the federal position. Wherever it goes, everything is distorted and deformed, and it will start to vaporize immediately after being irradiated for a long time!

The 20 high-energy light beams are like 20 erasers, slowly erasing the federal troops from the world bit by bit.

"Back! Back!" Countless voices echoed in the channel, interspersed with hoarse screams from time to time.

Under the sudden attack, the federal heavy troops were in chaos. The troops in front were eager to escape from the death beam, while the troops in the rear continued to advance to the front line. Under the confrontation, they suddenly became a mess, with their own people in all directions. There is no way out, and the high-energy beam cannons at base 2 are still tirelessly sweeping away, and even the heavy mechs will be melted into a mass of scrap metal.

The landing ships that were preparing for the second wave of strikes had long been frightened and turned hastily, but they forgot that this was at a low altitude of less than 200 meters from the ground, and there were many ground troops below. The overly rapid steering action caused a strong shock wave, which directly overturned a large number of troops, and the nearest tank was even blown away. The movement of the landing ship made the already chaotic situation even more chaotic, and even Admiral Morgan couldn't control the troops for a while.

At a critical moment, the general seized all the troops that could be mobilized, mixed them together with his own guards, and rushed to the front line, while ordering the rest of the troops to retreat at full speed.

Sure enough, when the base beam cannon was blocked by the ridge, light-year chariots appeared overwhelmingly. Thousands of chariots concentrated and charged in the narrow front, like locusts crossing the border.

Admiral Morgan ran into the Light Year Army head-on with a force he could control. A total of more than 2,000 chariots engaged in melee on an extremely narrow battlefield, and they could hit the enemy or their own chariots almost by turning around.

The news that the admiral personally cut off the rear quickly spread throughout the entire landing force, and one after another the troops stopped retreating and turned around to join the battlefield. The battles grew in size and took place in the most brutal melee style. Every now and then there were tanks being destroyed on both sides, and there was no need to even aim at this time, as long as the guns fired they would always hit something.

At this moment, the federal troops finally showed their due courage. One after another, troops went into the battlefield one after another. If there were wreckage in front of them, they would break away and continue to attack.

The defeated situation finally stabilized, and the general's command chariot was also withdrawn from the melee under the desperate battle of the surrounding troops. The various troops re-established the command system, and the melee continued in the front, while the rest of the troops had begun to reorganize in the rear. Reorganized into quite powerful assault groups one by one, and put them into the battlefield again.

In the middle of the base, Chu Jungui suddenly opened his eyes, he already felt the pressure obviously. The Federation's resistance was becoming stronger, and Light Year's casualties began to rise in a straight line.

"It's almost ready..." Chu Jungui let out a breath and ordered to retreat.

This order was formed and issued in his consciousness. Three minutes later, the light year chariots on the front line suddenly began to intersperse dazzlingly, retreating while firing. Many federal tanks hadn't reacted yet, and the muzzles turned around, only to find that all they saw were their own people. It wasn't until a few chariots pointed their muzzles at the light-year side that they realized that the light-year chariots had formed a neat line, violently bombarding the chaotic federal troops, while quickly retreating. By the time the federal troops reacted, they had retreated to the other side of the ridge.

Even the bravest commander broke out in a cold sweat and dared not climb over the ridge.

The federal chariots stopped on the ridge line one after another, but at this moment, the Guangnian troops suddenly came from the other side of the ridge line! This was a short and powerful assault. The light year chariot directly rushed into the federal array, and it turned into a melee in an instant. After fighting for more than ten minutes, all the Light Year Chariots retreated at the same time and returned to the back of the ridge.

This time, the federal commander kept an eye out and stopped when he was a certain distance from the ridge to set up a line of defense. But before his line of defense was set up, the Light Year Chariot split into two parts, got out of the front of the ridge, rushed out from the left and right, and launched a fierce assault on the federal army again.

Several rounds of surprise attacks made it impossible for the Federation to establish a stable frontline position. The Light Year Troops fight and run, run and fight again, endlessly. Morgan finally understood that as long as he didn't dare to cross the ridge, he couldn't gain a firm foothold here. The admiral immediately organized a resolute counter-assault, fought again with Light Year solidly, drove all the Light Year chariots back to the other side of the ridge, and then removed the chariot wreckage and wounded on the battlefield as much as possible. After gathering for a while, they began to retreat, and the retreat would cover hundreds of kilometers.

The living quarters of senior officers of the Lunar flagship.

With a ding, the pleasant electronic notification sound awakened the young man from his sleep. He rubbed his eyes, endured the flood of drowsiness, picked up the personal terminal, and opened it casually. After just one glance, he suddenly opened his eyes wide and sat up abruptly!

This time, he read it carefully from the beginning, and only then did he confirm that he was not mistaken. Admiral Morgan's first attack on the Light Year Base ended in failure, with heavy losses!

The young man jumped out of bed, grabbed his military uniform and put it on, then rushed out of the cabin and went straight to the command module. As soon as he rushed into the command cabin, he saw a noisy and chaotic situation. The staff officers were running around, shouting something loudly, and the entire command hall was filled with disbelief and panic.

The young man didn't see Phil. How could Phil, the supreme commander, not be in the command hall at this time?

He grabbed a passing staff officer and asked, "Where's General Phil?"

The staff officer's expression was different, and he said, "The general is in the mecha combat readiness warehouse."

The young man was taken aback, and had vaguely bad associations. He let go of the staff officer, rushed out of the command hall, ran all the way to the mecha warehouse, and then went straight to the inner area.

Sure enough, Phil was standing in front of a tall blue-gold mecha, looking up at it, while the mecha lowered its head, as if the two were looking at each other.

The young man didn't need to look to know that this was Phil's special combat mech 'Cang Lei'. It has extraordinary mobility and firepower, and it is also a top-notch mech in the entire Federation. But no matter how powerful it is, it is just a mecha, and it can hardly play any role. If even the highest command of an army needs to go into battle in person, then it is not far from being wiped out.

Hearing the young man's footsteps, Phil didn't look back, and said: "It has been with me for four years, and it has never really fought. Now the opportunity has finally come."

"You, what are you talking about?" The young man trembled slightly.

Phil was very calm and said, "Too many of us have died, someone must stop Chu Jun from returning."

The young man looked in disbelief: "You want to land on a planet?"

"Since Admiral Morgan has gone, why can't I go?"

"That's different! The general is on the front line, he's just in command! But you want to go to the front line and fight like a soldier!"

"Who else can it be if it's not me? You, or someone else? You will only die if you go. I know very well that Chu Jungui has not really resorted to the last resort. Once he goes to the battlefield in person, only I can face it." He can't stop him, we don't know how many more people we have to fill in. Besides, this is the battlefield Evans preset for me, and I have to go."


Phil smiled and said, "Every era has its own knights, doesn't it? I should go."

Before putting on the helmet, Phil said again: "If I don't come back this time, tell Evans for me, I forgive him."

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