God is Coming

Chapter 844 The Roar of the World

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After nearly ten days of fighting with Admiral Morgan, and more than a hundred battles, large and small, it was the first time that Chu Jungui had gained control of the battlefield. Tens of thousands of light-year warriors entered the battlefield, and beside them were 10 times the work beasts. These working beasts are powerful and much more flexible than construction machinery. They even have a certain ability to judge independently and can use tools. For example, several working beasts cooperate with each other, holding three chainsaws at one end, and cutting three federal tanks at the same time, anyway, their arms and legs can be stretched far.

The other heads dragged the driver out of the chariot with the opening cut out, checked whether it was dead or alive, transported the alive ones away, and put the dead ones in a pile. The working beast is also very careful when cutting, so as not to damage important parts such as the main gun and engine. Tens of thousands of work beasts climbed onto the crashed landing ship and dismantled the usable parts.

Chu Jungui knew the casualties on his side from the very beginning. In this battle, the casualties of the Light Year soldiers exceeded 2,000, and the battle beasts lost more than 3,000 heads. Fortunately, most of the soldiers survived the injuries, and only a few hundred people were actually killed. Most of the casualties came after Morgan organized an effective counterattack. There are no people in the small fortresses in front of No. 2 base, only a few low-level work beasts, responsible for firing a few cannonballs indiscriminately, indicating that there are people inside.

On the federal side, Chu Jungui visually estimated that the direct casualties should be around 15,000 people, not much more, and even the corpses of those swept by the beam cannon could not be found. In fact, most of the losses were caused by light-year raids, but the psychological impact of the starship's main gun raid was too great, directly causing the Federation's battle-tested front-line troops to collapse.

This battle has won more with less, which can be said to be a classic victory. From the landing of the federal reinforcements to the present, 40% of the landing troops have been wiped out by Chu Jungui, but compared to the huge war potential of the federation, this loss is not even a drop in the bucket.

Chu Jungui stood quietly at the height of the base, watching the two landing ships in the distance being dismantled and turned into materials at a speed visible to the naked eye. He frowned slightly, and caught something vaguely, but couldn't tell clearly for a while. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the storm clouds above his head. The storm clouds are always so tyrannical, and there are lightning flashes inside them all the time.

Chu Jungui's consciousness moved, and he gave orders to the wise man and Kai Tianxia at the same time.

Most of the workbeasts were originally cleaning the battlefield, but following Chu Jungui's order, half of the workbeasts put down their work, returned to the base, and then started dismantling the beam cannon!

Wilson and the others were taken aback, and hurried over to ask what was going on, but Chu Jungui did not answer, and first issued a series of orders, pulling almost everyone who was still sleeping to work, and then said to Wilson: "This The base is gone."

"Why?" From Wilson's point of view, there is almost no solution to the current No. 2 base. If the Federation does not use large troops and heavy firepower to siege, it will be impossible to defeat No. 2 base, which is equipped with the main gun of the starship.

Chu Jungui first ordered the 12 captured landing ships to wait outside the base, and then said: "The storm clouds cannot block the Federation forever, and the next attack may come from outside the storm clouds."

"None of the Federation's existing orbital weapons can penetrate the storm clouds." Wilson thought he knew a lot about the Federation's military affairs.

"Orbital weapons can't, but starships can."

A huge horde of beasts swept back from the battlefield, and turned into a demolition army. First, they moved all kinds of workstations, masterminds, and power furnaces in the base to the landing ship, and then transported a beam cannon to the ark. The energy consumption of these beam cannons is too terrible, and the energy that comes with the ark can't be driven at all. There can only be two arks serving one beam cannon, one carrying the cannon, and the other supplying energy.

The construction of the base was difficult and easy to relocate. In just one day's work, there was only an empty shelf left in the No. 2 base. All the equipment was evacuated, and even many building modules that could be taken away were removed.

Thanks to the dozen or so landing ships sent by Hauge, Chu Jungui's current transportation capacity has been directly increased by 2 times, so that he can move efficiently.

The new base in charge of the wise man has not been moved for the time being because its location has not been exposed, but the production capacity of the entire base has been turned to Ark. Now Ark is a collective name for a series, and basically all super-large planetary surface mobile platforms can be classified into the Ark series.

Just as Chu Jungui was nervously making arrangements, Admiral Morgan had already returned to the orbital fleet. In the command hall, a group of generals faced the holographic image of the No. 2 base in the center, and they all said nothing.

The number of casualties emerged from the admiral's mind again. He broke the silence and said: "In nine days, we lost 2,100 tanks, 180 heavy armors, and 39,000 casualties, of which more than 30,000 were killed in battle. , only 4,000 were wounded, and the rest were missing or captured. Our opponents had less than 5,000 casualties.”

A general said: "Light Year is a very difficult enemy, but although their casualties are not high, they have lost more than 1,800 tanks. We still have a steady stream of supplements. This time, the two legions brought a total of 5,000 tanks." chariots and 900 mechs. How will Chu Jungui make up for the loss?"

"But we have to find a way to destroy his base. I really don't understand how he managed to power 20 starship main guns."

The general said slowly: "There is still a way to destroy the base. The question is, what about the Federation fighters in the base?"

The generals fell silent again.

The admiral didn't wait any longer and said, "Since none of you are willing to give advice, let me make this decision: carry out the attack on the Light Year Base!"

The generals didn't say much, they dispersed silently and prepared separately. After a while, a 15-minute countdown began in the command hall.

The admiral stood on the podium, quietly looking at the No. 4 planet outside the window.

On the 4th planet, the blue-gold Cang Lei climbed to the top of the mountain, from here you can see the 2nd base from a distance. Behind Cang Lei, there are all heavy armors, and then the tanks and support troops. However, all the troops hid on the reverse slope of the mountain, and only Phil stood on the top of the mountain.

The view here is excellent, not only can you see the No. 2 base, but you can also see the sides of the mountain in front of the No. 2 base. A large number of federal heavy troops approached quietly again, only a few tens of kilometers away from the battlefield where the corpses were strewn that day, which was almost a distance that could be reached by accelerating.

Phil watched Base No. 2 silently. Even at this distance, he could only see the outline, not the details. But that's enough.

The time has come.

The ground suddenly trembled faintly. The double-leaf trees in the forest seemed to feel something, and they were shaking their leaves uneasily. Some scattered small animals in the forest suddenly came out of their hiding places, looked around nervously, and then Flee quickly to the distance. In a blink of an eye, even the comfrey on the ground began to shake, as if it wanted to pull itself out of the ground and escape to another place.

Phil squatted down, pulled up a comfrey, and put it in the palm of his hand. Under his control, the giant palm of the mech was as delicate as a girl's slender hand, without damaging the purple grass at all.

In the palm of his hand, this purple grass is actually moving! Its roots and grass blades are swaying, squirming a little bit towards the edge of the palm, trying to escape.

Phil folded his palms together and squeezed this weird comfrey into a ball. He suddenly felt something was wrong, looked down, and saw that the comfrey at his feet had all fallen to the outside, as if he wanted to stay away from him.

At this moment, there was a strange piercing scream in the sky, the storm clouds suddenly began to surge violently, and the lightning inside surged, almost lighting up the entire sky!

A huge landing ship rushed out of the storm clouds with lightning all over its body. Its speed was extremely fast, and it fell straight to the No. 2 base, hitting the center of the base.

A huge mass of blue light rose up, and then a halo of light spread in all directions, almost everything it passed was stained with a layer of gray. The double-leaf tree stopped swinging, and the comfrey disappeared directly. The ground seemed to have turned into mud, constantly churning and bubbling.

The halo passed over Phil, his vision instantly turned dark red, the alarm data fell like a waterfall, and the temperature outside the mech exceeded 5000 degrees in an instant, as if he was standing on the surface of a star.

Phil is tens of kilometers away from the center of the explosion, and still detects such power, not to mention the base at the center of the explosion. All the tall buildings are twisting and melting, like chocolate being baked by fire.

Another landing ship rushed out of the storm clouds and landed on the base again. The terrifying blue light swallowed everything. Wherever the halo passed, the Futaba tree was completely stained with gray, and then exploded into a cloud of smoke and dust, being captured The wind blows away.

The storm whizzed past Phil's mecha, and pieces of gravel hit the mecha with crackling crackling. He stretched out his hand and grabbed a half-meter-square piece of gravel, looked at it with his eyes, and gently twisted it, the piece of gravel turned into a gray-white stone surface, and then was blown away. This piece of gravel was originally very hard, but now it has been turned into a piece of broken stone by the high temperature of the ion.

The storm clouds were still churning, but no landing ship appeared again. After a while, another landing ship rushed out of the clouds, but only a small half of the ship remained, and fell to the edge of No. 2 base without explosion. . However, the No. 2 base is like gray and white monochromatic building blocks at this moment, and it will fall when touched. The impact of the starship falling to the ground turned half of the base into a cloud of gray fog in a blink of an eye.

The storm gradually subsided, and Phil's mecha was covered with a thick layer of white ash. He patted the ashes off his body and looked into the distance. At this moment, there is already a gray-white world in front of him, dead silent, lifeless.

"Report casualties." Phil ordered.

After a while, the casualties were summarized, only a few chariots broke down, and less than 10 unlucky ghosts were slightly injured. Phil's troops were far away and covered by mountains, so they didn't lose much.

Phil was relieved, but looking at the dead world in front of him, he couldn't calm down. The admiral's attack was extremely ruthless, and he only hoped that Hauge hadn't stayed in the base, otherwise he would surely die. However, how could Chu Jungui's counterattack be easy to deal with?

There was a sudden thunderbolt between the sky and the earth, and countless thick electric pillars fell from the storm clouds to the earth, just like the roar of the whole world, and then heavy rain poured down.

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