God is Coming

Chapter 845 Run and Run!

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On the top of a mountain in the distance, Chu Jungui silently watched the natural disaster-like video, and Hauge and a group of officers who had surrendered and refused to surrender also witnessed the whole process.

Hauge's hands were trembling slightly. An officer next to him whispered: "Maybe the Federation knows that we have all left..."

Another officer immediately sneered, and said unceremoniously: "It's not that we haven't fought before. As far as the defense of this base is concerned, how do they conduct reconnaissance? Although we don't want to admit it, the only reason we are still standing here alive is because Chu Jun Gui anticipated this attack and immediately withdrew us. Otherwise, who would have survived the attack just now?"

Suddenly someone said: "Let's see what General Hauge has to say."

Hauge turned around and left without saying a word, then picked up a box of ammunition and sent it to the ark. His attitude is very clear, he still doesn't want to fight the Federation, but he is willing to work. Chu Jungui doesn't force it, as long as these people don't make trouble, he has more important things to do now.

Countless federal tanks appeared on the mountains, approaching base 2 cautiously. The entire base is now coated in a strange off-white color, which will turn into fly ash at the slightest touch. Immediately, several teams of fighters entered the No. 2 base from different directions and searched cautiously.

After a while, the reconnaissance results were sent to Admiral Morgan and Phil respectively. The results showed that there were not a large number of remnants of life in the base, and there were very few wreckage of advanced equipment. Obviously, the Federation bombed an empty city.

Phil's face suddenly turned serious, which meant that Chu Jungui's strength was still intact and not damaged at all!

Suddenly, smoke and dust rose in the distance, and Light Year's chariot troops appeared on the flanks of Morgan's main force and launched an attack. The first round of attacks made the federal troops retreat steadily.

However, Admiral Morgan's command was also quite good. He let the frontline troops retreat while fighting, and bite the light years' troops to death, even if they suffered heavy losses. Then a heavily armed troop rushed out from the flanks and went straight to the rear of Lightyear's troop. Phil also received an order to lead his troop in a detour, preparing to cut off the retreat of Lightyear's troop.

The situation in Light Years has gradually become severe. Their offensive is still fierce, and the superior enemy is retreating steadily. However, as the losses increase, the attack power is inevitably attenuating, and the enemies on both sides are outflanking. There is no way, Admiral Morgan's force advantage is too great, one is divided into three, and each force is more than light years away.

Just when the encirclement was about to be closed, all the chariots of Light Year suddenly retreated at the same time, and then completed their turns in a uniform manner, breaking through the encirclement net that had not yet been formed, and then retreated.

Admiral Morgan naturally wouldn't let Light Year run away like this. He dispatched a high-speed mobile force to hold Light Year tightly, while the main force slowly followed up to respond.

Chu Jungui in the distant ark frowned slightly, feeling a little tricky. This federal army is not a soft persimmon, and its own losses are not small if it fights head-on. Moreover, after the base is mobile, the production capacity will inevitably be greatly reduced, and it is now less than half of its peak.

At this time, the wise man sent an image, a federal mobile unit was advancing at high speed, and had inserted between the light-year mobile unit and the mobile base, blocking the retreat of the light-year mobile unit!

This force was like a divine soldier descending from the sky, blocking the way, and the Light Year Mobile Force was biting a federal mobile force behind it, and Morgan's main force was tens of kilometers away. According to intelligence, they suddenly accelerated, at most There are still 15 minutes to arrive at the battlefield!

At this time, nearly a thousand chariots and thousands of soldiers were in danger in Light Years. They took turns to attack and cooperated with each other seamlessly, but they still couldn't break through the interception of the troops in front, and there was a tail biting tightly behind them.

Chu Jungui's slightly closed eyes slowly opened, and with a bang, the surrounding ground shook, and the sounds of countless engines starting together sounded like an uninterrupted thunder. The earth and the mountains were shaking, and more than a thousand chariots drove out from various places and gathered at the starting position. This was the last strength in Chu Jungui's hands, and the wise man mobilized according to the predetermined plan, ready to attack. Under the attack from inside and outside, it should be able to defeat the intercepting troops.

Everything was going to be carried out according to the plan, when a picture suddenly appeared in Chu Jungui's consciousness, several federal reconnaissance tanks suddenly appeared on the periphery of the new base!

The new base has not yet been finalized, and it is only a few tens of kilometers away from the No. 2 base, and now it has finally been discovered. With the scale of the new base, nine times out of ten it will attract another orbital attack. At the moment, there are tens of thousands of working beasts in the new base, 20% of the body of the wise man is there, and thousands of workers and engineers are working hard at the moment, and a destroyer inside has been completed 90%, and it will be launched in one day up.

Even if you want to withdraw now, it's too late, you have to do something.

Chu Jun returned to his composure, suspended the original plan, and then planned a new attack route. A wise man doesn't think so much, and starts to decompose and execute immediately after getting the route.

After receiving the new plan, Wilson was taken aback, and couldn't help asking in the command channel: "This will hit Morgan's main force!"

Chu Jungui said calmly: "I've changed my mind, this time I'm going to find Morgan's main force. I'll go with you."

Wilson was even more surprised, and said: "How can this be done? Nonsense, it is nonsense! How can the commander-in-chief go to the battlefield in person? Kaitian, wise man, can't you two have a word?"

Kai Tian said: "The boss is always right."

The wise man said: "Although Kai Tian is very unreliable most of the time, it is rare to get that sentence right once."

"Crazy, it's crazy!" Wilson felt that he couldn't communicate. Since Li Xinyi and Ruobai left, Wilson found that there are fewer and fewer people who can speak.

Chu Jungui felt that it was necessary to explain to Wilson. After all, unlike Kaitian and the wise men, he could communicate directly through consciousness, so he said: "The Federation also has a lot of talents. I didn't expect to be surrounded this time. So I think it is necessary to communicate with Wilson." They fight head-on once, at least let them know that in front of me, 5 times as many troops can't do whatever they want!"

A dedicated heavy-duty tank drove over, and there was a mecha on board!

A minute later, a torrent of steel rolled out of Light Year's hiding place.

Such a large-scale troop was dispatched at full speed, and was noticed by all the federal troops in a blink of an eye. A few minutes later, all the troops were shocked to find that Light Year's reinforcements did not go to rescue their surrounded troops, but went straight to Morgan's main force And go!

The signal shows that the light year's army is about the same size as the besieged army, with thousands of chariots up and down. The federal troops that intercepted and pursued each had more than a thousand tanks and mechas, but Admiral Morgan led the main force, with 4,000 tanks, 800 mechas, and tens of thousands of auxiliary and functional tanks!

All the federal commanders couldn't believe their eyes. No matter how they chose, they shouldn't choose Morgan's path. Could it be that Light Year's detection methods are so primitive that they can't even detect the strength of the base?

On the mountain peak, the blue-gold Cang Lei was carrying a huge cannon, detonating light-year chariots one after another. This giant cannon was as light as nothing in his hands, and its accuracy was frighteningly high. It's almost a one shot.

Around Cang Lei, the heavily armored troops painted in dark silver are like a city wall, firmly blocking the only way for Light Year's troops to pass through. No matter how fierce the enemy's offensive is and how heavy the casualties are, they will never take a step back. Because Phil, the supreme commander of the legion, was standing among them, fighting on the front line.

So they risked their lives to fight and block their opponents. They know that as long as they block their opponents here, and when the big troops arrive, victory will be theirs.

The blue-gold mecha emptied its magazines, took a few steps back, and threw the cannon to the auxiliary mecha to reload. Taking advantage of this breath, Phil quickly glanced at the battle report. On the topographic map of the mech's field of vision, the newly-appeared Light Year Troops are rushing straight to the rear of the battlefield with unprecedented momentum, while on the opposite side, there are countless federal troops in darkness.

The two troops were approaching quickly, and Phil started counting down subconsciously. He even forgot to pick up the cannon after his subordinates loaded the cannon and sent it over.

The distance between the two sides quickly approached, and with the end of Phil's countdown, Light Year's troops finally slammed into General Morgan's large army!

Phil's mecha vibrated, and then all kinds of real-time casualty intelligence data rained down on the screen, and each number was like raindrops from a storm, constantly hitting Phil's field of vision! Each of those numbers represents a mech, a tank, or an auxiliary function vehicle. Behind every number, there are several or even a dozen fresh lives!

In just one breath, hundreds of federal soldiers lost their lives. Then the rate of Federation casualties did not slow down at all, and was maintained at a steady and almost constant rate. If the main force of the Federation is a behemoth, then Light Year is a knife, which has already cut a huge wound on the behemoth, and is continuously bleeding the behemoth.

"It shouldn't be, it's impossible! How could so many people die??" The voice in Phil's head was so noisy that it almost exploded, and it couldn't be suppressed at all.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed across his mind, and Phil suddenly understood: "Mr. Chu returns! Mr. Chu returns over there!"

Phil calmed down in an instant, took over the authority of the command channel, muted everyone, and then issued a series of orders: "All mecha troops retreat to point A to assemble, mount temporary energy packs; high-speed units retreat to point B, reassemble The armed forces retreated while resisting, and assembled at point C. Therefore, the troops that have left the battle should go to the main force to join the battle as soon as they are assembled!"

"General, this will let the enemy in front of you go!" Someone said to Phil in private.

Phil said decisively: "Run and run! As long as Chu Jungui is captured, Light Year will naturally cease to exist."

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