God is Coming

Chapter 846 This is the end!

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In the center of the federal position, a mech was moving back and forth, leaving only wreckage in its path.

This is the most common federal frontline mecha, and it is also the most common weapon used by mechas. The left hand is a cannon mounted on the arm, and the right hand is holding a molecular knife.

The machine gun of this mech spews flames almost non-stop, every shell will hit something, and quite a few shells will directly hit weak points. Many mecha chariots can carry more than a dozen shots, but they are often paralyzed after only one shot.

Compared with the cannon, the molecular knife is hardly used, but all the federal mech pilots are staring at the molecular long knife in its hand, trembling with fear.

This mecha suddenly jumped vertically and appeared beside a federal mecha. The molecular knife pierced into the mecha's chest like lightning, and sank most of the blade! This is the position of the cockpit of the mech, this knife has pierced the cockpit!

This is the usage of Molecular Knife.

After a one-shot kill, the mech retreated like a ghost before the surrounding enemies locked on, avoiding all the locks, and then the machine gun roared again, and the molecular knife hung quietly by its side.

There is no blood on the blade, but everyone in the Federation knows that dozens of souls have been attached to this blade.

The surrounding Federation mechs were a little cowering, not daring to approach, only daring to hide in the distance and shoot. In fact, the safety of mech pilots on the battlefield is far higher than that of tank crews. The cockpit itself is a rescue cabin, so no matter how fierce the battle is, the losses of mech pilots will not be very high. However, this law is completely invalid for Chu Jungui. An apparently ordinary molecular long knife, in Chu Jungui's hands, is like an extinction blade found in the depths of hell, harvesting life ruthlessly and efficiently.

These federal mech pilots are also human beings. Although they are heroic, no one wants to be pierced by a half-meter-wide molecular knife. With this knife, I am afraid that most of the body will be gone.

The fight was still going on, Chu Jungui finally fired the last shell from the machine gun, and then with a long knife in his right hand, he picked up the magazine from a fallen mecha, and automatically replaced the empty ammunition hanging on his arm cabin, and after a short pause of 2 seconds, the cannon roared again, and Chu Jun's return quickly became a dead zone.

The Guangnian army that followed Chu Jun returned was unreasonable. They were obviously inferior troops but did not form a strict formation. They rushed into the depths of the federal position, and then scattered, completely mixed with the federal army, and started a scuffle.

The battlefield situation has become extremely chaotic, you have me, I have you, even Admiral Morgan can't control the troops, he can only grit his teeth and endure the surge of casualties every moment.

When Phil rushed to the battlefield, he saw Chu Jungui replacing the fourth bomb bay.

Chu Jungui fired one cannon, and six shells reimbursed four tanks. These chariots did not move after being hit by the guns, neither exploded nor burned. 4 chariots were originally guarding a battle mech, but at this moment the chariot was paralyzed, and the mecha immediately lost its cover.

Chu Jungui jumped in front of the mecha, and raised the long knife horizontally, aiming the blade at the gap between the two breastplates of the mecha. He has done this action dozens of times, and the height, angle and charging time of the blade have not changed at all each time, just like replaying the same scene dozens of times.

This knife will be inserted into the gap in the mecha breastplate, piercing the cockpit inside, the huge blade will directly cut the driver's body, and the high-frequency vibration attached to the blade will make the flesh and armor explode together, and finally the blade will It will penetrate the rear wall of the cockpit and cut into the power unit of the mecha.

Destroying the power unit can ensure that the mecha will not be repaired in a short period of time, so that even if the federation recovers the mecha, it can only be transported back to the rear for repair.

The molecular knife stabbed out as planned, and Chu Jungui could even imagine the frightened and desperate face of the driver. However, at this moment, a kite-shaped alloy heavy shield descended from the sky and inserted in front of the mecha, just blocking Chu Jungui's molecular knife.

Since the start of the war, Chu Junhui missed for the first time.

A blue-gold thunder fell from the sky, he pulled the stunned mech behind him, and said, "What's the point of unilateral massacre, your opponent is me!"

Chu Jungui's answer was only one sentence: "This is war, get out of the way."

Phil raised the heavy shield, raised the heavy sword with his right hand, and blocked Chu Jungui.

This is the battlefield, Chu Jungui stopped, and the mecha immediately hit several bullets in a row, and more tanks and mechas began to aim in the distance.

Chu Jungui took a step forward, suddenly appeared in front of Phil, and slammed into his heavy shield. With a muffled sound, Cang Lei only took half a step back, and was firmly nailed to the spot. At the same time, Phil's epee, like a dragon coming out of the water, came across the sky and swept Chu Jungui.

Chu Jungui held the knife and pressed down on the epee, but the epee's attack did not slow down at all. Chu Jungui's arm-mounted machine separated, bounced off, and dropped it. Then he held the knife in both hands, and finally suppressed the heavy sword. sword.

Phil sneered, raised his sword, and threw Chu Jungui into the air.

Chu Jungui turned somersault in the air, then suddenly turned on the power, and fell to the ground like a cannonball. At this time, Phil's epee whizzed towards him, barely passing over his head.

This maneuver was beyond Phil's expectations. His epee was originally slashing at Chu Jungui's cockpit, but it turned out to pass over his head.

Chu Jungui bounced off again like a cannonball, heading straight for Phil. However, as soon as he bounced off the ground, a heavy shield like a city wall appeared in front of him. Chu Jungui couldn't catch up, he bumped into him with a bang, and was bounced away.

At the moment of landing, Chu Jungui suddenly accelerated and took a step back, and Phil's epee almost fell against the tip of his nose.

In the split-second fight, Chu Jungui encountered two dangerous situations in a row. The fighting skills of the two sides were almost the same. Phil's mech fighting level was beyond imagination, but he was just as good as Chu Jungui. The real reason for the inclination of the battle situation is the huge gap between the mechas. Chu Jungui is only driving an ordinary standard mecha. Compared with it, the weight of Canglei is twice as high, the power is four times higher, and the defense ability is unknown. No matter how strong it is, at least that super alloy heavy shield will make Chu Jungui's Molecular Knife useless. With super power, Cang Lei's reaction speed is even 20% faster than Chu Jungui's small mech.

The gap between the two sides is so big that it can be described as a generation gap. According to Phil's prediction, Chu Jungui should either retreat, or find a way to bypass himself and find a weaker opponent. As long as Chu Jungui retreats, with his faster speed and more agile reaction, Phil can hold Chu Jungui firmly until he withdraws from the battlefield.

However, to his surprise, Chu Jungui neither retreated nor fled, and just raised his hand with a knife. This knife is unremarkable, that is, hurry up. Phil just turned the big shield slightly, and blocked the knife.

Chu Jungui paused for a moment, then slashed again, but was still easily blocked by Phil. Then Chu Jungui did not continue to attack, but moved slowly around Phil.

Phil suddenly shivered, feeling as if he was being targeted by a natural enemy, with a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart. The atmosphere on the battlefield seems to have changed subtly, and the wind on planet 4 seems to have become stronger.

Chu Jungui suddenly raised his head and looked at the storm clouds above his head. His intuition told him that something seemed to be watching him, but the data gathered by his senses and various sensors showed that there was no change in the storm clouds, just like usual. The test subject didn't believe in intuition, so he immediately withdrew his gaze and focused on the opponent and the battle.

At this time, in Chu Jungui's consciousness, a new component is being generated: melee mecha combat 0.1a.

This component is still in the process of being generated. The original progress was 62%. After Chu Jungui slashed twice, the progress became 63%.

Chu Jungui crossed the long knife, stretched out his finger and flicked the blade, and with the sound of Cang Yue's knife, the progress of 0.1a of melee mecha combat became 63.1%.

Chu Jungui was taken aback, then waved the pipa and played a piece to the long knife.

Phil also stared blankly, but finally couldn't help it, and slashed his head with the epee. As soon as he took out the sword, he regretted it. It was obvious that Chu Jungui was tempting him to make a move.

Sure enough, Chu Jungui was nowhere to be seen where the epee fell, and the Molecule Knife had already slashed from his back.

Phil didn't panic, and the heavy shield had already protected his back with a turn. Cang Lei's perception is all-round and has no dead ends. In fact, cutting from the back is the same as cutting from the front, and there is no such thing as a sneak attack. Blocking Chu Jungui's saber, Phil swung his epee backwards and slashed at Chu Jungui's cockpit again.

This battle between the two sides is no longer a temptation, but a tumultuous fight! The movements of both sides are dazzling. In an instant, I don't know how many shots I have attacked, and I don't know how many shots I have defended. The attackers may open wide and close, or fluctuate and change, the code is as stable as Mount Tai, or dodges like a charm.

Phil gave full play to Canglei's advantages, lifting weights as if they were light, and the epee giant shield seemed to be nothing in his hands. . His defensive actions are simple and efficient. Most of the time, when the heavy shield is moved, Chu Jun will return without success. That's all for offense, Phil's defense is already a bit clumsy.

But Chu Jungui is unpredictable, the offensive is like a storm, splashing towards Cang Lei from all directions. The molecular knife doesn't know how many times it will collide with Phil's sword and shield every second. Phil's defense was originally flawless, but when Chu Jungui attacked him, sometimes he was hit by a flaw.

It's a pity that Chu Jungui's mecha is too ordinary, and Cang Lei's super-alloy armor can't be solved even if he stands up and lets him chop it. Therefore, Chu Jungui's many unpredictable methods only left a cut mark on Phil's body in the end.

Phil gradually felt the pressure, Chu Jungui was like a tireless machine, it seemed that he would never make mistakes and always react so quickly.

At this moment, Chu Jungui suddenly stopped his offensive and took a step back instead.

"That's it." Chu Jungui said calmly. At this moment, the progress has reached 100%, and the mech fighting component is officially generated!

"You think too much!" Phil gritted his teeth.

Chu Jungui suddenly took a step sideways.

This step itself was unremarkable, but many federal tank mechas finally seized the opportunity of Chu Jungui to stop, and all completed the lock-on and launch action in an instant. Of course, they aimed at Chu Jungui's position a moment ago. So when Chu Jungui moved away, a ball of shells roared past his original position and hit Phil, who was caught off guard, in the face.

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