God is Coming

Chapter 847 The battle has just begun

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Cang Lei fell to the ground, and then its body, limb joints, and even the huge shield and epee were lit up with halos of different sizes, and then rose into the sky and landed slowly in front of Chu Jungui.

Chu Jungui suddenly felt that the mech sank, the weight increased a little, and he was constantly being pulled towards Cang Lei by force. He was also taken aback, he didn't expect that Cang Lei actually carried a gravitational trap, which requires a lot of energy. Cang Lei's engine alone might be able to buy half a light-year army.

The Federation's chariots and mechas began to withdraw, avoiding the 50-meter range around Cang Lei. In the gravitational field, Cang Lei moved freely, even more quickly and agilely with the help of gravity. And Cang Lei itself has become more dangerous. When Chu Jungui attacked, the mecha was involuntarily pulled by the giant shield. If he didn't make adjustments, it would hit the shield directly, and Phil didn't even need to move.

And when Phil slashed down with his sword, Chu Jungui would also be drawn to the edge of the sword, waiting to put his head under the opponent's sword.

If it was someone else, it would be unavoidable to be in a hurry under the sudden change. However, for Chu Jungui, it was just a matter of fine-tuning, and the movements were so smooth that it seemed that there was no such thing as a gravitational field at all. However, after easily dodging a sword, the tactical deception came online in time, and Chu Jungui, who had been firmly nailed to the ground, suddenly staggered and fell headlong towards Phil's heavy shield.

Phil hit with the shield, and then hit nothing.

Chu Jungui came out from the side of the heavy shield, and his saber was like lightning, and he slashed seven times in a row on Phil in an instant. Even Cang Lei's superalloy armor has a deep cut mark.

Chu Jungui believed that this knife was enough to make Phil sober. Cang Lei took a step back, and then shot more than ten gravitational balls. These gravitational balls floated in the air, causing the gravity in the entire area to become abnormally disordered. However, Cang Lei actually floated in the air as if with wings, and then rushed straight to Chu Jun. return.

Cang Lei was like a falcon at this moment, swift and fierce, constantly pounced on Chu Jungui, and those gravitational balls became its booster, making it make all kinds of unimaginable maneuvers. For Chu Jungui, all kinds of traction were like a big net wrapped around his body, making every movement of him extremely difficult.

Chu Jungui seemed to have transformed from a peerless master into an ordinary passerby in an instant, resisting Phil's tide of offensive with difficulty and clumsily. At this time, Chu Jungui finally felt the difficulty. The power of this mecha was insufficient. The thickness and material of the armor were far inferior to that of the opponent. Numerous gravitational balls are constantly interfering, and by the time these tractive forces have been aggregated to Chu Jungui's consciousness through the mastermind of the mecha, it has been a beat slower, and the mecha automatically triggers confrontation, and most of this kind of confrontation is not needed by Chu Jungui, and it is also What Cang Lei wanted.

Cang Lei must have a complete set of combat systems, which can use every gravitational ball, both offensive and defensive. Chu Jungui did not have this condition.

After blocking Phil several times in a row, Chu Jungui finally decided to bypass the main brain of the mecha and fully take over every sensor in the mecha's body.

The moment the sensor was connected to his consciousness, Chu Jungui was in a trance for a moment, as if his body had grown more than ten times, and he had become a creature with steel and flesh. Everything the mech perceives and sees becomes his eyes and his senses. The mecha has no eyes, but sensors are everywhere, so what Chu Jungui sees is a 360-degree panorama, accompanied by a variety of information modes.

If it was a normal human being, it would take a long time to adapt even if he wasn't crazy. However, Chu Jungui is not a human being after all, and he has long been accustomed to the mode of multi-threaded concurrent processing of problems, and adjusted after a moment of trance.

He sensed the direction of gravity, and suddenly his body turned sideways in the air, just avoiding Phil's sword. This was an incredible movement, but under the pull of the gravitational ball, Chu Jungui hovered in the air strangely for a moment, and then rose instead of falling, flying more than ten meters into the air.

Phil was taken aback, and hurriedly manipulated the gravitational force to pull Chu Jungui down.

Chu Jungui stood firmly on the ground. In his mind, there was another branch under the version 0.1a of melee mech fighting: the prototype of the federal general mecha.

The progress bar of this branch is soaring, Chu Jungui seems to be motionless, but in fact has been resisting the pull of various gravitational forces, and the two sides are fighting invisible all the time. It's just that Phil is using the driver that has already been compiled, while Chu Jungui is using his own brain to fight against Cang Lei's main brain.

Seeing Chu Jungui standing still, Phil's expression gradually changed.

Chu Jungui suddenly took half a step back, and Phil immediately pulled back subconsciously, but he immediately knew that he was wrong. Chu Jungui retreated only feigningly, and with the help of gravity, he appeared in front of Phil in an instant, then reached out and put his hand on the edge of the heavy shield, and walked around it lightly and deftly.

Phil closed his eyes, and slashed over with a backhand sword!

With a loud noise, the two mechas were separated, and the cut marks on Cang Lei's body were much deeper, and most of the armor layer had been cut through. This time, Chu Jungui once again unleashed nine knives in an instant, and the knives all landed in the same position.

Phil touched the knife marks on the mecha, and his expression gradually became firm.

Chu Jungui was also looking at his mecha. There was a cut mark on his arm, which was cut by Phil's counterattack.

Phil's strength was beyond Chu Jungui's expectation. It's just that no matter how strong he is, he is still a human being, and a human being will make mistakes, but Chu Jungui will not make mistakes.

"Step aside."

Phil laughed and said, "How is it possible?"

"You are courting death."

Phil erected his shield and crossed his sword, and shouted, "So what!"

Chu Jungui frowned slightly, it would not take a short time to take down Phil. But he was pinned down here by Phil, and the casualties of the Light Year Troop behind him increased sharply. Although the federal troops had an absolute advantage in numbers before, they could not bring out their superiority at all in the deliberately created melee situation, while Chu Jungui used super efficient killings to bleed the federal troops. His kill alone is close to that of the entire Light Year Troop, and the blow to the morale of the Federation Army is even more incomparable.

But now it seems that Phil is unwilling to retreat no matter what, which is tantamount to death in the eyes of Chu Jungui.

Chu Jungui suddenly raised the volume, so loud that almost the entire battlefield could hear: "Since you want to die, I will help you!!"

The volume of this sound was as loud as thunder in the clear sky, and the mecha's energy dropped by 2 percent just by that sound.

The effect of this voice also appeared immediately, and all the federal soldiers found that their second commander, Phil, who was second only to General Morgan, was standing in front of Chu Jungui, standing in front of the guy who seemed to be reborn from death. It doesn't take a brain to know that their commander is in danger.

So many federal soldiers spontaneously turned to this side, wanting to come to the rescue, and the Lunar Legion directly put down the enemy on the opposite side, desperately trying to rush over. So in an instant, Light Year's casualties plummeted, and the results of the battle soared.

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