God is Coming

Chapter 848 Live Two More Episodes

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The swarm of rescues completely disrupted Phil's actions. The gravitational field was in chaos, with mechas and chariots everywhere. The gravitational ball was no longer a help, but a burden. But in the chaotic scene, Chu Jungui is like a fish in water, his movements are flowing like clouds and flowing water, but the light of his sword is simple and sharp, and he hardly needs a second blow to kill.

In the blink of an eye, Phil's surroundings turned into a Shura field.

Every time a mecha is knocked down and a chariot is destroyed, the progress of the general mecha branch of the component will advance a bit, and it will be full in a blink of an eye. With the blessing of the new components, the mecha is like an extension of Chu Jungui's body at this moment. In his consciousness, he has been completely integrated with the mecha, and he is a life.

The reinforcements came not as fast as Chu Jun's return, and the list of casualties in Phil's field of vision rolled down like a waterfall, most of which were moon-shaped legions with silver borders. Phil's eyes were about to burst, so he could only desperately increase the energy of the gravitational ball to restrict Chu Jungui's actions. However, Chu Jungui was erratic, keeping distance from Phil and never giving him a chance to get close.

Phil pounced on Chu Jungui like crazy, but like a clumsy hound pounced on a butterfly, he couldn't catch his opponent no matter what. Under impatience and anger, Phil finally showed his flaws. How could such flaws escape Chu Jungui's eyes? He suddenly moved forward, and lightning slashed through the gap between the epee and the giant shield!

Phil was startled, and then felt a chill in his heart.

"Stop!!" There was a loud shout on the battlefield, and a dark blue mecha decorated with flame patterns burst out suddenly, and multiple engines on its back started at the same time, hitting Chu Jungui like a cannonball! He holds a three-barreled harpoon gun, and the super-alloy harpoon he fires is extremely powerful. It can penetrate Chu Jungui's mecha from a long distance, let alone close range, and can completely shoot Chu Jungui's mecha vertically. wear.

Chu Jungui also felt threatened. This guy completely disregarded his own safety, and it was obvious that he wanted to get close to him before he died. Only with the same style of play can it be possible to catch the ghostly Chu Jungui.

The timing of this guy's pounce was well chosen, and his attack strength was even more outstanding. His forbearance in the early stage was also considered qualified, but his painting had already betrayed him, and Chu Jungui had been keeping an eye on its movements. On the battlefield of life and death, a mecha with a different color suddenly appeared, and any fool knew that the person sitting in the mecha was not an ordinary person.

Chu Jungui gave way to its pounce with a side-sliding step, and the sure kill against Phil also collapsed. The guy jumped to nothing, turned over and fell to the ground, and the harpoon gun was aimed at Chu Jungui.

Chu Jungui didn't move his whole body, but suddenly he rose into the air, and then stopped in the air, like a miracle! Three alloy harpoons whizzed past his feet, without hitting anything.

Phil was startled suddenly: "He's using my gravitational ball!"

By this time, Phil finally understood that his gravitational ball had been providing power to Chu Jungui all along. Originally, the gravitational ball could be fine-tuned instantaneously. Even if Chu Jungui took advantage of it, he could change the law of output in an instant, and it would become his trap next time. This is why Phil has been refusing to turn off the gravitational ball. However, seeing Chu Jungui floating in the air at this moment, Phil finally understood that no matter how many times or how fast he adjusted his gravitational ball, it would be perfectly utilized by Chu Jungui. How did he do that?

Avoiding the harpoon gun, Chu Jungui landed slowly, and the molecular knife drew a beautiful arc of death, cutting towards the fallen mecha.

With blood surging, Phil jumped out with all his might, blocking the fallen mecha!

Chu Jungui held a knife in both hands, and with a flick left and right, Phil's epee and giant shield flew into the sky, and then he kicked Cang Lei back to the sky.

Even Cang Lei, even after being severely injured, has only 20% of its power left at this moment. Phil climbed back a few steps with difficulty, blocked the blue mecha with his body, and shouted: "He is still a child, if he wants to kill someone, come at me!"

Chu Jungui walked slowly with murderous intentions all over the sky. It was obviously just the most common mech, but at this moment, he was like the incarnation of death, looking down on all living beings.

He walked up to Phil step by step, pointing the long knife at his chest. This is the location of the cockpit. It only takes one sinking of the long knife to send Phil home.

The blue mech realized something and struggled desperately, but Phil held him back and pressed him firmly under him.

Phil knew very well that the federal fighters around him were afraid to fire only because they were concerned about him. Once he was dead, they would definitely fire wildly, and Chu Jungui would definitely not have time to kill the blue mecha. However, the firepower of the Commonwealth's mecha can't beat Cang Lei. With him covering it, the little guy below is safe.

In the cockpit, blood gushed from the corner of Phil's mouth, and he couldn't speak. He activated a switch with trembling hands, connecting the chip with the sensors all over the mech, and directly became one with Cang Lei.

"Old man, we lost... rest..." Phil closed his eyes.

Chu Jungui did not move.

After a while, he raised the long knife slightly, put the tip of the knife against Cang Lei's chin, and raised it lightly.

"I'll let you go." After saying those words, Chu Jungui withdrew his long saber, and then a ball of dazzling brilliance suddenly burst out from his hand, causing Phil to subconsciously close his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw that Chu Jungui had turned around and walked away. Behind him, parts were constantly falling from the air, and they were all gravitational balls that had been cut in half.

The movements of the entire federal army froze for a moment, as if time stopped at this moment. The next moment, the general's order spread throughout the army, and all federal soldiers stopped firing and retreated to their side. The Light Year Troop also tacitly stopped attacking, pulled up the destroyed chariot, and retreated to the direction of the attack.

Phil lay on his back, looking at the storm clouds.

The next moment, he suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Chu Jungui desperately, roaring: "What do you mean!? Don't go! I'm going to kill you! Today either you die or I live!!"

Cang Lei tried his best to move forward, but he stayed where he was, unable to move forward. At this moment, the blue mech tightly hugged his leg, refusing to let go no matter what.

Chu Jungui didn't look back, he returned to his army and went all the way.

Admiral Morgan looked at the battlefield full of wreckage, and slowly shook his head. The deputy's raised hand was slowly lowered, and the entire federal army silently watched the light years go away.

Then everyone turned their heads and looked at Phil who was still struggling desperately.

Phil froze suddenly.

He turned his head slowly and looked left and right, only to realize that both the chariot and the mecha were looking at him. Some mechas are very cunning, facing the other direction, but quietly turning the sensor to this side, thinking that Phil won't find out?

Phil kicked the blue mecha that was still hugging his thigh, and whispered, "Let go."

The blue mecha said categorically: "Impossible!"

Phil suppressed his anger, kicked him again, and shouted, "Let go! Isn't that embarrassing enough?"

The blue mecha looked around, then withdrew its hands, and stood up awkwardly.

Chu Jungui's mecha boarded a special truck, fixed it, and then walked out of the mecha. When he stepped out of the mecha, Chu Jungui's body suddenly shook, and a stream of blood flowed from his nostrils. The performance of this mecha is really mediocre. Many times, Chu Jungui has to rely on his own strength to provide extra power to make some actions. The battle with Phil seemed easy, but it was actually tense, and Chu Jungui was actually seriously injured.

When Phil led the army to the main force, the besieged Light Year's troops also successfully broke through. At this time, they joined the troops led by Chu Jungui and returned to the temporary base.

On the battlefield, the federal troops were clearing the battlefield. In the mobile command center in the middle of the temporary camp, Admiral Morgan, Phil, and a dozen generals sat around the table and watched the replay of the battle video together. The young man was standing behind Phil, also watching intently.

In the holographic image, the federal-style mecha is like a god coming down to earth, and like a god of death descending on the world, walking among countless enemies. I don't know how many mecha tanks will explode or be paralyzed after passing him. The entire federal planetary army armed to the teeth has now become a lamb to be slaughtered.

All the generals were also experienced in hundreds of battles, but they all held their breath at this moment.

The replay finally came to an end, and a staff officer came to the stage and said: "After our comparison and analysis, this mech has undergone a small amount of modification, the power output has been increased by 7%, and the overall performance has been increased by 5%. It can be said that it is the same as ours. Now there is no essential difference between the standard armor equipped in large quantities, and even our modified model is much better. The reason why it can achieve such combat results lies in the mech pilot."

A general breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Every single movement can be written into a textbook!"

Another general shook his head: "I have also learned this mech, but the textbook is not as good as it."

"So, our textbooks need to be revised?"

This sentence was originally just a joke, but Phil suddenly said: "It is going to be revised, so I will change it according to this video."

Admiral Morgan said slowly: "It's not very good, right? There are a lot of shots of thunder in this section, and there are also some, um, blazing blue shots."

Phil said: "I personally don't care anymore. This video can significantly improve our mecha combat technology. The sooner it is popularized, the sooner it will be able to reduce casualties."

The general nodded and said, "Okay, I will ensure that these images will not leak out of the Mech Tactics Research Center. Oh, by the way, you should take a vacation."

Phil shook his head, "I can't go. Don't worry, Cang Lei's ultimate kit is already on the way. In the next battle, Chu Jungui will see a completely different Cang Lei! I must kill he!"

The last sentence, Phil squeezed out from between his teeth.

At the light year temporary base, Chu Jungui was also watching the replay, shaking his head while watching. In front of Cang Lei, the federal-style mechs were simply too weak.

Kai Tian asked at this time: "You had the chance to kill him, why did you stop?"

Chu Jungui thought for a while and said, "He can be considered a hero, let him live two more episodes."

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