God is Coming

Chapter 849 He Will Become a Hero

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"This is the N7703 galaxy. It is 12 o'clock on April 27, 3415 in the dynastic calendar. We are still fighting."

Admiral Morgan frowned, looking at the intercepted news in front of him.

The same message was sent out at the same time every day, and then it was intercepted by the Federation and sent to Morgan, Phil and all the generals.

Since the last war, the two sides have been fighting fiercely for several days, and raids and counter-raids happen every day. Under the attack of the Federation's overwhelmingly superior forces, Light Year kept retreating, but every day it caused a large number of casualties to the opponent. Nearly one-third of the casualties were caused by that federal-style mech.

Except for the date, the content of the messages that Chu Jungui sends out every day is exactly the same. It stands to reason that one should be able to know the end after seeing the beginning, but the admiral stared at the message for a full ten minutes, reading each word carefully over and over again.

Phil, on the other hand, took the casualty report and analyzed it carefully, and also went through the names one by one. The other generals in the conference room did not speak, and were silently busy with their respective affairs.

The general finally put down the news in his hand and said, "What will happen if such news lasts for 10 days, 30 days, or even longer?"

Phil raised his head: "He will become a hero..."

After a pause, Phil continued: "In fact, he already is."

"Then we can't give him such an opportunity. I heard that his situation in the Dynasty is very delicate. Maybe we can reach a consensus with that General Su Jian on this matter." The general said.

Phil's face darkened, and he said slowly: "I will never have any cooperation with Su Jian, forever! And I will never give up hunting him, no matter whether the means are legal or illegal. If conditions permit, I will Find a way to bring him to the Federation and let him accept legal sanctions. If the conditions are not allowed, then I don't mind hiring a killer to lynch him and make him suffer so much before he dies."

"It's not cooperation, it's exploitation."

"You are the commander-in-chief. I have no opinion on what you want to do. It's just that I will not use the channels and resources of the dynasty in this matter. I will save them until the day when Su Jian is terminated."

The general sighed and said, "I can use my own resources, but I know you have a special channel in the Dynasty military, and I need you to give me a reliable middleman."

Phil thought for a while and said, "This is fine."

At this time, a staff officer came in and said: "General, we have repelled light years and successfully occupied one of their bases. But that base looks a bit... strange."

The general stood up and said, "A new base? Let's go and have a look."

Light Year's resistance at the new base was not fierce, and he retreated after a little contact. The new base was given over to the Federation, and everything that could be moved inside must have been moved away, and what could be destroyed should be almost destroyed, just like No. 2 Like the base, nothing can be blown up at all. Originally, Phil had no interest in the new base, but what the staff said made him a little interested, so he followed the general to the new base to investigate.

As soon as he arrived at the new base, Phil was taken aback by the size of the base, and so were the rest of the generals. Calculating the time, in fact, it didn't take much time for Guangnian to occupy the No. 2 base. In such a short time, Guangnian actually built a new base much larger than the No. 2 base!

There are still a large number of magnificent buildings left in the base. Those huge buildings that are tens of meters high and hundreds of meters long and wide are now only empty shells, inexplicably desolate, like the end of the world.

While leading the generals to visit, the staff officer explained: "7 kilometers from here, there are obvious traces of terrain transformation. According to the geological structure, there used to be more than a dozen large and small hills here, but now they have all been pushed away. It has become flat land. The area of ​​the new base is 4 square kilometers, and the building occupies at least 1 square kilometer. The rest of the area is presumed to have been used to stack raw materials and finished products, but based on the current traces, it is impossible to speculate what products are stacked.”

"Can't guess?" Phil felt a little strange.

"The composition of the scene is rocks, sand, mud and trees, and there are no traces of manufactured products. In other words, most of the locations on this planet are detected with these things."

A general with a technical background scanned the wall in front of him, and then dug out a small piece of material from the wall. After looking at it, he said: "This building material should be made of the waste residue left after refining the rock and soil. .These guys really have no shortage of energy, do they have a sun?"

Naturally, no one responded to the general's joke.

Phil said to the staff: "Where is the strangeness you said? Is it this pure natural square, or these huge buildings that will exist at the end of the world?"

The staff officer pointed to the distance and said: "There are a group of abandoned vehicles there, which is what I find strange."

The general and Phil followed the staff and saw several construction vehicles that had been dismantled into empty shells. Perhaps it was too hasty to go, and the wheels of these vehicles were still on the vehicles.

The staff officer said: "These vehicles have a regular 7-sided shape, and correspondingly have 7 wheels. Each wheel has its own engine and can rotate in all directions. That is to say, this vehicle can rotate in place or move anywhere. The strange thing is that it is not symmetrical and does not conform to human driving habits. Even light-year chariots are similar to our chariots, with a clear front and rear. But these engineering vehicles are not, they have no so-called Below, or rather, every direction is positive."

"Maybe just some special cars."

The staff officer shook his head: "No, there are a lot of this type of engineering vehicles in this base. According to the size of the remaining parts warehouse, there should be at least tens of thousands of vehicles..."

When Phil faintly felt as if he had captured something, the ground suddenly began to shake, and then there was a faint rumbling sound of cannons in the distance. It seems to be another surprise attack by the Light Year Troops, and everyone is used to it. However, at this moment, a list of casualties suddenly appeared in the field of vision of all the generals!

Rows of red names rolled down like waterfalls, which is also a habit. As long as the casualties increase sharply, everyone will know that Chu Jungui must have appeared again.

Light Year's raids are elusive, and sometimes even several teams raid at the same time, but Chu Jungui may not appear anywhere. But as long as he appears, the frontal federal troops will inevitably suffer heavy casualties. Several times down, the staff even gave this tactic a special name, called bloodletting tactic. It's just that everyone knew that Chu Jungui was bleeding the federal landing force, but there was nothing he could do. Only Phil can stop Chu Jun from returning, and General Morgan strictly forbids Phil to set foot on the front line until Cang Lei is repaired.

Phil looked at the direction of the distant gunfire, gritted his teeth, and forcibly turned his head back. Fortunately, his patience didn't take long. Cang Lei's kit had already arrived and was being installed. At this time tomorrow, a legendary mecha would appear in front of Chu Jungui.

"I'll go and see the final installation process of the mech." Phil said, but seeing the general's suspicious eyes, he had to add: "Don't worry, I won't install the final version of Canglei until the final version is completed." On the battlefield. Just wait another 10 hours, I can afford it."

The admiral hesitated for a moment, and finally let the two staff officers go with Phil.

The landing base is more than 100 kilometers behind. After returning to the base, Phil went straight to the mech maintenance depot. In the center of the maintenance warehouse, Cang Lei stands quietly, and dozens of engineers are making the final modification to it. The mechanical arm is hoisting six huge wings to Cang Lei.

These six wings are extremely powerful, with their own high-power gravitational engines, which allow Canglei to fly in the air with amazing flexibility, making all kinds of unimaginable maneuvers; they can absorb the energy of the surrounding environment, and even replenish it through the gravitational field of the celestial body Energy, that is to say, Cang Lei will not completely lose energy no matter what kind of environment it is in. They also have their own defensive force fields, and can also send and receive communication signals. When they are fully unfolded, each feather is a miniature high-energy beam emitter, and countless beams will eventually converge into a devastating blow!

Of course, destroying the sky and destroying the earth is just propaganda. Although the power of this final blow is considerable, at most it will flatten a medium and large building, and there is still a little distance from modifying the terrain. If it's a teenager, Phil doesn't mind giving this trick a name such as the Brilliant Sky Destroyer Cannon. But now that he is a big shot, he naturally has to be reserved.

However, when the Cang Lei's six wings were fully opened and the brilliant beams of light rolled out, it really had the aura of destroying stars and destroying the world. This is why Phil especially likes the ultimate version of Cang Lei. No matter how powerful this big move is, just this posture, this beauty, and this momentum alone can't find many opponents in the entire Federation.

Of course, there will be a price to be handsome. Originally, gravity flight consumes a lot of energy, and the energy consumption of the six-winged Archangel cannon has been increased several times. Therefore, Cang Lei had to carry an extra power engine on his back to provide power for the six wings. energy. This engine is the real master design, small but powerful enough, and the appearance is made by the top three art masters of the Federation. It is completely combined with Canglei and Six Wings, adding to its momentum.

The wings were hoisted and unfolded one by one in front of Phil's eyes for the final test. An engineer came over and asked, "General Phil, now we need to give it a new code name, what name do you plan to use?"

Phil said: "It doesn't take so much trouble, just call it Chao-Canglei."

"She totally deserves a bigger name." The engineer grumbled away, adding a new name to the chain of command.

At the temporary base in Light Years, the wise man appeared in front of Chu Jungui and said, "Boss, your new mecha has been built, and it took 76 minutes and 11 seconds. You need to give it a name now."

Chu Jungui said "oh", glanced at the freshly baked mecha, and said with the straightforward thinking unique to the test subject: "3X standard mecha."

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