God is Coming

Chapter 850 Six Paths of Reincarnation

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When Cang Lei's six wings began to shine, Guangnian's offensive suffered a heavy blow for the first time.

Cang Lei flew in the air a hundred meters away, its wings were like the flames of a burning star, and the six extremely hot beams either merged or dispersed, plowing through the light-year team over and over again. Even with the defense of the light-year chariot, it can't stop the continuous irradiation of high-energy beams. It only takes a few seconds for a single high-energy beam to pierce a tank, but when the six beams are combined into one, even the strongest tank cannot last for a second.

Behind Light Year's troops, there are three arks sitting in town, and dozens of rapid-fire cannons on them are mostly chasing Cang Lei. However, Cang Lei's movements are extremely fast. In most cases, the rapid-fire cannon can't keep up with its movements. For a few lucky people, the shells will also have obvious trajectory deviation around Cang Lei, and Cang Lei can easily avoid it. Pass.

Cang Lei had noticed the ark a long time ago, one of its wings raised, and three high-energy beams shone on the ark. The defense of the ark is not comparable to that of a chariot. Its armor is only one meter at the thinnest part, and it exceeds 3 meters at the thickest part. These three high-energy beams burned three small holes in the ark, and I don't know if they were pierced through.

Seeing that the opponent's weapon didn't work, Ark's momentum rose sharply, and he turned around and rushed into the federal army formation, heading straight to Cang Lei. It wanted to get closer to each other so that it could kill the opponent with a rapid-fire cannon.

Phil sneered, and Cang Lei suddenly flew into the sky with all six wings open!

With the sharp increase in power, the images around Cang Lei were obviously distorted! Immediately, six obviously thicker and brighter light beams fell and shone on the ark. Immediately, the six beams of light began to rotate, quickly engraving a huge circle on the ark. The circle is engraved deeper and deeper, and in a blink of an eye it is completely cut off and falls into the interior. However, the six beams of light were still whirling non-stop, extending rapidly through the fragile interior of the ark, and immediately created a straight circular channel with a diameter of several meters on the ark.

The whole process took only ten seconds, and the huge war fortress Ark stopped running, lying quietly on the ground.

Only then did the six swirling beams gradually dissipate. This is Cang Lei's ultimate killer move, which specializes in hunting all kinds of war fortresses. It has an appropriate dynasty-style name: Six Paths of Reincarnation.

There was silence on the Federation's war channel, and then cheers erupted! Since landing on planet 4, they have been passively beaten, and every battle has been extremely depressing. Even though it occupies two large bases light years away, all they occupy are empty shells. Until now, Cang Lei destroyed the ark with terrifying power, which made all the federal soldiers breathe a sigh of relief.

For the first time, Light Year's troops panicked. The two arks were obviously out of step. One wanted to rush over to drag the destroyed ark away, while the other stared at the thunder in the sky and began to retreat. There was also confusion in the chariot troops, many of them stopped advancing and began to retreat.

The morale of the federal army was greatly boosted, and it began to launch wave after wave of offensives. Another high-speed mobile force penetrated light years behind, intending to cut off its retreat and encircle and wipe it out.

This is a rare operation in the past, and the reason is very simple. Once they meet Chu Jungui, the outflanking troops will die like this. After two consecutive outflanking troops were wiped out by Chu Jungui, the federal troops never tried to attack the back road with light troops.

Now that Cang Lei is in charge, commanders at all levels can be full of energy and use the tactics they are good at.

Sure enough, smoke and dust were flying in the distance, and reinforcements from Light Years arrived. The Light Year Troops, which had already shown signs of retreating, suddenly began to counterattack on the spot, extremely tough and resolute. Many federal tanks that were chasing too quickly were hit head-on and destroyed directly.

But Phil could see clearly from the air that the reinforcements that came were actually only a hundred chariots and an ark. What is enough troops for? Even if Chu Jungui was in there, but with the six-winged Cang Lei joining him today, Phil didn't believe that he would lose. As long as he can stop Chu Jungui, the federal army will have a three times superiority in strength and will definitely be able to sweep away the remaining Light Year troops.

Phil glanced at the mech's energy reserve, there was still 35%, and it was slowly increasing at a rate of 1%, 1%. The Six Paths of Samsara just now was indeed fierce and cool, and the energy consumption was equally touching. One blow directly reduced the mech's energy reserve by 30%. This may be the only place where Phil feels a little lacking in confidence.

Cang Lei finally moved, and flew directly behind Light Year's troops, standing in front of the reinforcements alone.

There was another roar like a landslide and tsunami in the war channel. Every soldier was red-eyed, and no longer cared about his own safety, he threw himself at the enemy without any regard for his own safety!

Phil's heart is very calm at the moment, like an icy lake, reflecting everything around him coldly and clearly. This may be the most important battle of his life.

Cang Lei stopped in the air, and countless light spots appeared around his body, converging towards the wingtips of his wings.

A few kilometers away, Guangnian's reinforcements seemed to be intimidated by Cang Lei's aura and stopped far away. Immediately, the back of the ark opened, and a strange mecha crawled out from inside.

Phil's eyes widened instantly!

He has actually seen this mecha, and he has seen it more than once. Only in the legion he leads, there are at least a thousand or eight hundred of this most basic standard mecha. But no matter how many times he saw it, Phil never thought that the standard mecha could be modified like this.

Climbing out of the ark were three standard mechas, distributed in a triangle shape, and their backs were fixed together with structural parts, turning into a three-headed and six-armed mecha.

The structural parts are solid and sturdy, but the rough workmanship cannot be concealed, and what is even more difficult to see directly is the stupidity of the designer. Did Mr. Chu think that by welding three standard mechas together, the combat power would be tripled? Even if it really has the combat power of three standard mechas, they are still no match for Cang Lei.

Not to mention three mechas, no matter how many standard mechas there are, they are no match for Cang Lei. Eggs all over the world unite to break stones?

Except for eggs at the speed of light.

The mecha climbed out of the ark, and when it landed, it swayed, obviously a little uncoordinated. Then I saw its six arms scratching wildly, and there were three molecular knives, two harpoon guns and a shield in its hands.

There are offensive and defensive, long-range and melee, and it really looks like a thing. Phil wanted to laugh inexplicably, but when he thought that he was facing Chu Jungui, the smile disappeared immediately.

The mecha shook the weapon in its hand, and then its six short legs tossed about. The division of labor was clear, there was forward rush, back and sideways movement, and the speed was actually quite fast!

Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, that peculiar mech rushed towards Cang Lei, full of murderous aura.

Cang Lei leaped lightly and rose into the air, watching Chu Jungui rushing past under his feet.

Before Phil's icy lake-like state of mind had time to reflect the sky and the earth, two harpoons pierced through the air, pierced a wing each, and pulled Cang Lei from the sky back to the ground.

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