God is Coming

Chapter 851: Expert Showdown

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The tall Cang Lei fell into the ground like a hill, and then saw the 3X standard mech leap into the air, not only stepped on six feet together, but also chopped down with three knives at the same time.

The Cang Lei is twice as tall as the standard mecha, and it is even bigger with the addition of wings. The standard mecha looked like a monkey in front of it, even if the three were welded together, it would be a strange monkey at best. Now the monkey is going to ride on his face, how can Phil bear it?

With a roar from Phil, Canglei's gravitational engine was fully powered, and Chu Jun rose instead of descending. The weight of his mecha was not enough for Canglei's gravitational engine, and he was sent directly into the sky.

Then Phil also rose into the air, clenched his fists, and was about to fly into the sky in a heroic and domineering posture, when the fuselage suddenly tilted. It turned out that Chu Jungui pulled the harpoon line hard, and the two harpoons nailed to the wings dragged Phil off balance. Phil felt ashamed and angry for a moment, but he didn't expect to say twice in a row, and he lost all embarrassment.

He managed to remain calm, and with a movement of his wings, several pieces of metal feathers pierced by the harpoon fell off from the wings, breaking free from the harpoon's control. It's just that a few feathers are missing, and the power of this pair of wing beam cannons is greatly reduced. The two feathers together barely have the energy level of the previous one.

Phil didn't care about the six reincarnations and became five reincarnations, and directly blasted at Chu Jungui!

Chu Jungui immediately erected the big shield in his hand. This kind of alloy shield has a much higher defensive power than the armor plate, but it still can't stop Phil's five reincarnations. The high-energy light beam only spun three times before burning a big hole in the middle of Chu Jungui's shield. Seeing that the giant shield was about to be pierced, Chu Jungui moved his position a little, and let Phil continue to engrave in another place. Anyway, Cang Lei's high-energy beam has a high energy level, but the beam is very thin. After the two circles are carved, the two intersecting points will be burned through, and Chu Jungui has long avoided those two points. Burn whatever you want.

Of course Phil couldn't make him wish, he appeared in front of Chu Jungui in an instant, and punched the center of the heavy shield with his fist. The heavy shield was almost burned through, but under Phil's punch, a round shield slammed into Chu Jungui's face!

However, the scene Phil had expected did not appear. The 3X standard mech blocked the shield with two hands, and the other two held knives to cut Phil back. Phil has another shot.

Phil was in a hurry and blocked two knives, but the harpoon was nailed to Cang Lei's chest with a bang, piercing deeply.

Phil snorted, pulled out the harpoon, and dragged it hard, trying to drag Chu Jungui's entire mecha over. With a bang, Phil made a blank, and Chu Jungui let go of the harpoon rope at the right time, and then shot another fork, nailing it into the same wound.

No matter how good-tempered Phil was, it was difficult to calm down. Chu Jungui's attack was not very powerful, but every time he hit the same part, it was a complete humiliation. He snorted coldly, and didn't intend to test it anymore. He opened his six wings and flew directly into the air, condescending. This time, he wanted to see how Chu Jungui avoided his 5.5 reincarnations.

Chu Jungui suddenly moved sideways, pierced into the federal army formation, knocked down two mechas, snatched their heavy shields, and then raised the shields with two hands to protect his body, while the other four hands scrambled in the federal army. Hacking and killing, the harpoon gun continued to roar. Although the alloy harpoon can't do anything to Cang Lei's armor, it is quite effective against other tank mechas. As long as you find a good angle, it can penetrate the entire tank with one shot.

The Cang Lei in the air was like a god of death, constantly sprinkling destruction beams on the ground, but Chu Jungui was as cunning as a mouse, holding up two shields to protect himself, and constantly beheading ordinary troops.

When the heavy shield was about to be burnt through, Chu Jungui picked up two more pieces at random, and then turned one side to resist the five reincarnations, and threw away the useless shield with two hands on the other side, and drew his sword to fight again.

Phil gritted his teeth. He was about to increase the power when an energy warning suddenly lit up in his vision, and the energy reserve was only 15% left!

Phil was taken aback, only to realize that he had been bombarding Chu Jungui for several minutes without knowing it, and the result of the battle was that he had killed more than a dozen shields from his opponent. Seriously speaking, these shields belonged to the federal army.

The light on the wings flickered for a while, and then went out. Cang Lei automatically closed the four reincarnations to ensure basic combat effectiveness.

Phil didn't expect that the ultimate weapon he was proud of would be broken by the opponent with this primitive method. However, Phil was not discouraged, and the situation of the battle did not allow him to be depressed. Cang Lei grasped back with both hands, with an epee and a hand cannon in his hands respectively, and then retracted his wings, Cang Lei suddenly accelerated, and hit Chu Jungui like a cannonball!

Although Cang Lei's feathered beam cannon was useless, the gravitational control function was still there. Under the impetus of the wings, Cang Lei's mobility increased by an order of magnitude.

Phil's epee opened wide and closed, slashing wildly, and the hand cannon fired from time to time. Chu Jungui's long sword became extremely delicate, tightly wrapped around the Cang Lei epee like a gentle girl, Phil felt the force from the epee fluctuate from left to right, and if he was not careful, he would be led astray.

As for the hand cannon, Chu Jungui just dodged it, and if he couldn't dodge it, he used a heavy shield to deflect it. Phil can't fire at will, because when Chu Jun returns, he will slash at his hand cannon. The hand cannon has no defensive power, and it will definitely be useless if it is slashed with a sword. This is Canglei's special arm-mounted cannon, and one cannon is much more expensive than three standard mechs.

The two sides fought endlessly like this, and each had gains and losses. Cang Lei was stabbed three times and had two harpoons stuck in his body, while Phil knocked Chu Jungui's heavy shield flying. It's just that Mr. Chu returned too many hands, so the mecha on the side picked up another shield and changed it to the front mecha.

Cang Lei's final kit not only has wings and an engine, but also a complete set of external armor. The hands and feet have also been replaced with longer and more powerful parts. The new external armor makes Chu Jungui helpless. Chu Jungui could only keep wandering around, trying to kill and injure ordinary federal troops as much as possible.

When he hit Phil, he realized something was wrong. Chu Jungui could completely block him in a frontal fight without delaying him from beheading the federal troops.

So Phil tried to change his tactics, and wanted to attack Chu Jungui's side, but found that Chu Jungui had neither side nor back. Every face of him is positive.

The battle situation was stalemate again, and the Light Year Troops took advantage of the situation to counterattack, while the morale of the Federation Troops began to become low and chaotic due to the continuous casualties.

In addition to being a superb fighter, Phil is also an excellent commander. He immediately noticed the change in the situation, but he did not change his tactics. He ordered an all-out attack and was not allowed to retreat.

The federal troops had a feeling of admiration for Phil. Under the order, they immediately attacked without risking their lives, and finally suppressed the chaotic situation.

After a round of onslaught, Light Year suddenly began to shrink, re-formed a complete front, and began to retreat. This is a harbinger of Light Year's retreat, but now there is a Chu Jungui in the center of the federal army who is on the rampage, and he can't organize an effective interception at all. I don't know how many times Light Year has escaped like this in the past, and the federal army can only watch the opponent escape.

Phil gritted his teeth and attacked fiercely. He was betting on one thing, the energy of the standard mecha is limited!

Not to mention three, even ten standard mechas are not as powerful as one Canglei engine. Up to now, the energy of Chu Jungui's mechas must have bottomed out, and the recovery power of Canglei's energy is not at all comparable to that of the opponent. one level. Now Phil is going to stare at Chu Jungui and fight for consumption.

At this time, the three arks had converged and began to pour artillery fire on the federal troops. Under the intensive artillery fire, Chu Jungui also began to retreat. Phil insisted on clenching his teeth tightly, but Light Year's artillery fire was so dense that even Phil was shot several times. Although Cang Lei didn't care about heavy artillery bombardment at all, his actions would still be hindered, especially if he was directly hit by a shell, he would still be blown back two steps.

The strange thing is that Chu Jungui didn't get hit by a shot, and went away like the wind, and quickly distanced himself from Phil. No matter how unbelieving Phil was, he felt that the scene in front of him was a bit weird. He gritted his teeth, raised the hand cannon, turned on the full-fire mode, and fired all the shells in the magazine in one go!

Chu Jungui didn't expect the opponent's attack to suddenly become so fierce. The heavy shield in his hand was instantly smashed to pieces, and then the body suddenly weighed a thousand tons. It turned out that Philcha cast a gravitational trap at this time, restraining Chu. Jungui's action!

In just a momentary delay, a cannonball pierced through the air. This cannonball had a special silver brilliance and directly hit the mech's chest.

In an instant, Chu Jungui's mecha was coated with a layer of gray, and then the paint peeled off one after another, and the armor was also covered with cracks. This is a special shell, specially aimed at the metal structure of the standard mecha, which can embrittle most of the metal parts of the standard mecha. Then another shell flew over and hit Chu Jungui's mecha, and the upper body of the mecha instantly disappeared in a terrifying explosion!

At this time, the light on Cang Lei's wings was completely extinguished, the energy finally bottomed out, and the gravitational trap ended. Chu Jungui's mech got rid of its restraints and immediately ran into the distance. There were three standard mechas in his mecha, one was destroyed and two were left. Running with four legs was not much slower than running with six legs, and disappeared into the distance in a blink of an eye.

Phil looked at the direction where Chu Jungui was going away, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to himself: "Isn't he in this mecha? That's right, he won't be hiding in the mecha facing me. But next time, you You wouldn't have such good luck."

At this time, the Light Year Troops had already withdrawn from the battlefield, leaving the Federation Army licking their bleeding wounds. Phil quietly waited for Cang Lei's energy to return to the lowest level, and restarted.

After regaining his mobility, Phil suddenly received a message, which was intercepted from Light Years:

"This is the N7703 galaxy. It is 12 o'clock on April 30, 3415 in the dynastic calendar. We are still fighting."

The image of the standard mecha exploding flashed before Phil's eyes, and his mood suddenly became a little complicated. Maybe Chu Jungui won't be so lucky next time, maybe he is still lucky, but with a one-third probability of death, how long can he last?

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