God is Coming

Chapter 852

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Human beings are divided into front and back, and higher life has no dead ends. ---- open day

At the Light Year Temporary Base, Chu Jungui was inspecting a brand new mech. This mecha was successfully developed by absorbing the experience and lessons of the previous battles, and through the joint efforts of himself, Kai Tian and the wise man. In Kaitian's words, it perfectly avoids the inherent weaknesses of lower life forms, and brings out the natural advantages of higher life forms to the extreme, without any shortcomings.

The construction of the mecha is of course the responsibility of the wise man who has commanded countless working beasts, and it is also the one who explains it. In fact, Chu Jungui took the lead from the blueprint stage, but the blueprint is not equal to the real thing, and many fine-tuning is needed during the construction process.

A mecha arm hangs down, holding a molecular long knife in its hand. The wise man pointed to this exceptionally long mecha arm and said: "The most important modification of this arm is the joints, which are divided into three sections and two joints. Each joint can rotate in all directions. The arm has been specially reinforced and lengthened. Now the total length is 15 meters, the end fingers and wrist joints can also rotate in all directions, and there is a universal weapon interface, which can directly mount most of the Federation’s mech weapons. However, based on the current situation and combat tasks, we have removed most of the deficiencies. Practical mech weapons, only the molecular knife and harpoon gun remain."

"They also have a movement function, and they can no longer be called hands. A more accurate name is a full-featured power arm. We have installed a total of 370 such power arms."

"Human beings are limited by their senses and limbs, and it is difficult to understand the feeling of three hands or four legs, but we do not have this kind of weakness. At present, one difficulty is naming. From the perspective of the mother star ecological group, starfish or octopus are strictly speaking In fact, they are all two-dimensional creatures, and there is only one kind of creature that is closest to this mech, the sea urchin."

"The last problem is that we don't have so many molecular knives and harpoon cannons on hand, so about one-third of the power arm is empty and can only be used as a purely moving part."

With the end of the wise man's introduction, all the information was transmitted, and there was another branch of mecha fighting: sea urchin. This component branch has a 45% progress from the very beginning, which is the result of deduction in advance by the wise men and Kaitian.

The sea urchin is a huge monster with a height of nearly 100 meters. Although only half of the hundreds of power arms hold weapons, it is also frightening. It is conceivable that once this big guy enters the battlefield, how efficient the killing efficiency will be.

There are tens of thousands of large and small sensors distributed on the entire mech, and these will be Chu Jungui's eyes, and it is not too difficult for Chu Jungui to control hundreds of power arms that are both hands and legs. Go out and roll a few times, and the progress bar will probably be able to advance by dozens of percentage points.

This mecha consumed more than half of the production capacity of the mobile base. Chu Jungui only hoped that it was worth the money and could delay for a while longer.

At this moment, Phil is also looking at Cang Lei. The 40-meter-high ultimate version of Cang Lei is a huge monster for ordinary mechas. If it is bigger, the engine will not be able to bear it. Now hundreds of engineers are climbing up and down to make further changes to Cang Lei.

The main part of Cang Lei's modification is the engine. The engineers saw every stitch and added a few small power engines. In the last battle, Phil lost due to lack of energy, but even if he had 10% more energy, Chu Jungui would not be able to run away so easily.

Looking at it, Phil suddenly sighed and said, "Unfortunately, he is also a hero, but he is about to die. After he dies, this world will be much lonely, right?"

The young man stood beside him and sneered when he heard the words: "Stop bragging, I have seen you being beaten after these few fights. When he saved me, he didn't know which muscle was wrong, so he didn't strike If he cut it down with a knife, we would have chatted in another world."

Phil was not angry, sighed again, and said, "You are still young, this is war, not two people fighting each other. War is about destroying each other by any means. In fact, he has always done a very good job of this."

The young man frowned slightly, handed over a document, and asked, "Is this also a war?"

Phil took it over and saw some news from the dynasty. One of the three major news stations of Dynasty released a message: N77 is still fighting? Another message was titled 'What is the truth about the N77 debacle? '. But more sources believe that the information from N77 is a hoax, and the Federation is deliberately trying to induce the dynasty to divide its troops. Another blockbuster article pointed directly at Light Year, arguing that it was Light Year's collusion with the Federation that led to the collapse of the dynasty, and that Chu Jungui was a traitor. This article enumerates the deeds and industries of the Light Year Group in the Federation, and at the end of the article, it is loud and clear: How can a person who puts his main industry in the Federation, and a person who tries to sell weapons to the Federation, fight for the dynasty?

Phil threw the information aside casually, and said, "These are nothing. The official media will speak up soon, and Chu Jungui's identity as a red beard will also be exposed."

"But what his red beard did was to harm our Federation!"

Phil said: "Those media don't care what Redbeard has done, they only focus on the identity of Redbeard Federation's official registered star thief. To them, this is the ironclad proof that Chu Jun is collaborating with the enemy. And you think those Will the media report fairly and objectively? They won’t. How can a serious and factual report have more traffic than a unilaterally inciting article?”

The young man obviously couldn't accept it, and said angrily: "But Chu Jungui is the hero of the dynasty! Now it is a fact that the dynasty fleet has run away, but he didn't run away, and is still fighting us here. If it weren't for him, how could we have such a large army? Will be dragged here?"

Phil gave him a meaningful look and said, "Do you think that if he plays well, he will definitely become a hero? There are many people in Dynasty who are less willing to see him become a hero than we are. The more Chu Jungui plays, the more he plays. Okay, won't it show the incompetence of Su Jian and others?"

The young man finally understood, and spat: "It's disgusting! It's as disgusting as our Federation!"

Phil smiled and said, "Such things happen everywhere, the world is the same. However, Xu Bingyan is already at the end of his strength, and his offensive should be stopped soon. So the outcome of this war is still uncertain."

"Isn't the good day of Chu Jun's return coming soon?"

Phil shook his head: "No. We will prepare a gift of sufficient size for him here, and I believe those guys from Dynasty will make good use of it. Before Xu Bingyan is stopped, Chu Jungui's collaborating with the enemy and treason should be concluded. On this matter, those guys from Dynasty are more anxious than us.”

The young man was silent for a while, and asked, "What kind of gift?"

"The Federation will award the red beards a medal to thank them for their outstanding contributions to this war."

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