God is Coming

Chapter 853 Death Together

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Admiral Morgan used his troops steadily, advancing day by day, step by step. After winning two bases, he successively captured three temporary camps light years away. Although these bases were all given up by Chu Jungui on his own initiative, Light Year was still bitten by Morgan, and was gradually forced to retreat to the shadow of doomsday.

Light Years is still making surprise attacks, while the Federation is relying on its strong troops to deal with it calmly. The battle losses of the two sides are still disproportionate, but it is no longer the disparity at the beginning, and the battle loss ratio has gradually dropped below 10. But the federal landing force is more than ten times the light-year? If this consumption continues, Chu Jungui must be the first to be consumed.

This time, as in the past, the Federal Army and Light Year encountered each other, and both sides had reinforcements. In the blink of an eye, a small fight turned into a big fight, and then turned into a melee.

As soon as the battle started, Cang Lei appeared in the sky and entered the battlefield at an incredible speed.

Now that Cang Lei appeared, Chu Jungui had no choice but to come. Light Year's ordinary mecha chariots are no match for Cang Lei at all, and neither is the Ark. When Phil stepped onto the battlefield again, he knew that Chu Jungui would appear sooner or later. If Mr. Chu doesn't come back, the light-year army in front of him won't even be able to escape.

Cang Lei's six wings spread out, and the high-energy beams were more turbulent than before. Two beams attacked a target, killing three light-year chariots within seconds.

Phil's expression was serene, even a little melancholy, but it didn't hinder his killing efficiency at all.

When the second round of six reincarnations killed three more chariots, the ground began to shake, and Phil looked solemn, knowing that Chu Jungui would finally appear.

It's just that Chu Jungui who appeared this time was beyond everyone's expectations, and even Phil was in a trance for a while before finally confirming that the huge sea urchin monster rolling in was Chu Jungui.

The speed of the sea urchin's progress is astonishing. It takes hundreds of meters to roll around, roaring and rolling. Light Year's chariot mechas fled to both sides like frightened birds, making way for the passage.

The huge spherical mech like that mountain rushed directly into the federal army. A dozen tanks below were immediately pierced by the molecular knife, and a dozen of the nearby tanks were cut off by the molecular knife. The harpoon blasted out, nailing more than 20 chariots to the ground. With just one charge, this giant mecha killed more than 50 tanks!

Phil's mind went blank for a moment. The giant mecha in front of me is simply a killing machine, with several mechanical arms swaying unsteadily, ready to turn into sharp weapons for harvesting life at any time. Cang Lei, who appeared first, killed 6 light-year chariots, and Chu Jungui returned 50 in a blink of an eye.

The key is, how many people are hidden in this mecha? How could they control such a huge and complex mecha so flexibly?

Before Phil could find out the answer, the sea urchin avoided the Canglei and rolled towards the federal troops on the side. This time Phil finally saw it clearly, the dozens of robotic arms under the sea urchin had turned into legs, pushing the sea urchin forward. They stomp unceremoniously over chariot mechs that get caught under sea urchins. Under the terrible weight of the sea urchin itself, both the mecha and the chariot were obviously deformed on the spot, and basically stopped moving after being run over. A few lucky ones were still able to move, and a few mechanical arms grabbed the molecular knife and stabbed it randomly, forming a honeycomb on the spot.

There are already quick-response troops bombarding the sea urchins, but nearly half of the robotic arms still hold heavy shields, hard-topped high-energy light speeds and shells. The high-energy beams are almost useless, only the heavy artillery shells can have some effect, and several mechanical arms are blown away. But the killing of sea urchins was too fast, and the killing range was too large, leaving behind a 200-meter-wide death gap! When all its mechanical arms are destroyed, how many people will die in the Federation?

The sea urchin that was rolling forward suddenly paused and stopped halfway.

With the help of tens of thousands of sensors, Chu Jungui has already seen clearly who is blocking him.

Cang Lei's six wings were fully opened, and his legs sank deep into the ground, firmly resisting the rolling and killing sea urchins!

Cang Lei is less than half the height of a sea urchin, like a mythical Hercules, supporting a huge rock rolling down from the top of a mountain.

It's just that the descendants of the gods have infinite divine power, while the power of Cang Lei is limited. When Chu Jungui moved his mind, the power of the sea urchin increased sharply, and its forward strength more than doubled! The light on Canglei's six wings became indeterminate, and the surrounding tens of meters of ground slowly descended under heavy pressure. Cang Lei's entire energy is used to amplify the gravitational field to counter the terrifying forward momentum of the sea urchin.

Chu Jungui didn't show any expression, and increased the power by 50% again. Regardless of the volume, half a sea urchin is stuffed with a power furnace. Only in this way can it withstand the terrifying defensive force field covering the entire mecha. Competing with Cang Lei now is simply a war without any suspense. Canglei's body frame has been finalized, and the miniaturization of the engine still needs to be considered, while the sea urchin has no such concerns. If necessary, Chu Junhui can double it again, and the power can be as high as it needs to be. .

In Phil's field of vision, the energy warning was constantly flashing, and many unnecessary devices were forcibly turned off. Fortunately, Cang Lei's body structure is of extremely high quality, so it can withstand opponents who are 100 meters high without changing shape.

Phil's expression was still calm, and he activated a preset order, and the federal troops immediately receded into the distance like a tide, not even after the break.

At this time, the advantage of sea urchins with many hands is manifested. In addition to the hundreds of mechanical arms at the front and below competing with Cang Lei, there are more than a dozen mechanical arms around them that wield molecular knives and land on them like chopping melons and vegetables. Cang Lei's body was slashed with flames.

Looking at the behemoth covering the sky and the sun in front of him, Phil said softly, "Goodbye."

At the same moment, Chu Jungui suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky. The originally calm storm cloud suddenly surged wildly the moment his line of sight touched it, and a huge bulge hung down, almost reaching the top of the mountain!

The bulge burst instantly, and a federal transport ship broke through the storm clouds and smashed down on Chu Jungui's head. Before the huge sea urchin could react, a flash of light lit up the whole world. In an instant, there is only one color left in the world, pure white!

The mechanical arm of the sea urchin melts like ice and snow, then the shell, and the internal structure. The giant sea urchin melts and collapses like a ball of ice cream. In the face of extreme high temperature and energy, the outer armor that can resist heavy artillery bombardment is also so fragile that it melts without temper.

At this moment, Chu Jungui glanced at Cang Lei. Cang Lei, which was originally used to resist the sea urchin, now firmly grasps the sea urchin, preventing it from escaping from the center of the energy storm.

Cang Lei's cockpit was pure white, and Phil also closed his eyes. Now all the sensors are useless, he can't see or hear anything, he just holds on to the mechanical arm of the sea urchin tightly, and works together. Undertake the baptism of terrifying energy.

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