God is Coming

Chapter 854: Whereabouts

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perish together?

It didn't exist, Phil stood in the middle of a vast land, looking around blankly.

The surrounding area of ​​tens of kilometers has become a shallow dish, the ground is radiant crystal, the original terrain has been completely melted, and all substances have been melted into one furnace and completely crystallized. The hills, the land, the forest, and all life, big and small, disappeared. Even a terrifying hole appeared in the storm clouds, and it was almost possible to see outer space and make the history of the entire planet.

Cang Lei was still standing, although there were some signs of melting on the outside, but for this super mecha that could operate on the surface of half of the red stars, the energy storm just now was not fatal enough.

The power radius of the energy storm exceeds one hundred kilometers, and the absolute lethal area is 30 kilometers. Those who are on the edge of 30 kilometers will be lucky. A large number of federal troops were parked in the distance, all of them were shocked by the scene in front of them, and they were all motionless. At the edge of the troops, there are some half-melted chariot mechas. These unlucky guys accidentally stopped on the edge of the center of the storm power, and they became like this. And at least hundreds of chariots and dozens of mechas have completely disappeared.

In contrast, Light Year's losses were even more severe. They retreated not far away, waiting to fight back. As a result, most of them fell within the range of the explosion's power, and less than 30% of the chariots survived.

Phil lowered his head, and the ground in front of him raised slightly, a piece higher than the rest of the ground. This is the remnant of a giant sea urchin.

Since landing on planet 4, the Federation's damage in this battle was lower than light-years for the first time, which can be described as a big victory. But for some reason, Phil just couldn't be happier. In order to eliminate Chu Jungui, it is worthwhile to take hundreds of thousands of federal soldiers as funerals?

In fact, Phil knew that a qualified general would not ask this question.

Cang Lei turned around with difficulty, and with this movement, the remnants of the six wings fell off one after another. The Canglei covered by heavy armor can withstand energy storms, but the six wings used as pendants can't. The pendant whose price is as high as Cang Lei's body has been completely crystallized at this moment, and it will shatter at the slightest movement.

Cang Lei couldn't even fly at the moment, and walked out of the dead zone with difficulty. Someone drove over, hoisted Cang Lei and put it on a special heavy-duty truck. Phil walked out of the mecha, just signaled to clean up the battlefield, and passed out.

On the other side, the remnants of Light Year's troops who had been lingering suddenly turned around and walked away without knowing what order they had received. The federal army knew that they couldn't catch up, so they didn't bother.

In fact, there was nothing left to clean up on the battlefield. Federation soldiers smashed the crystallized ground vigorously, looking at the debris below. In fact, even the ground has been crystallized several meters, not to mention the things on the ground? There is nothing to be found in these crystallized remnants, even post-mortem inspections can't detect anything.

It didn't take long for Phil to wake up from a coma. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw General Morgan. The old general looked very old and tired at the moment. Seeing that Phil woke up, he said slowly: "This is the second time we have used antimatter bombs. Fortunately, your Cang Lei can really withstand it, otherwise I wouldn't have Find a way to explain to your family."

Phil sat up and asked, "How many people did we die?"

The general said: "There are more than 340 people within the range of the explosion."

Phil was silent for a while, and asked, "Where is Chu Jungui?"

"His body was not found."

Phil nodded, unable to tell whether it was regret or something. Within the range of the antimatter bomb, no one could leave a corpse, and Chu Jungui was no exception.

"We've won, right?"

The general shook his head, "There is still a base and more than 10,000 evils, let's talk about it after clearing it."

Phil didn't object either. So far, the casualties of the Federal Landing Army have exceeded 100,000. If the light years are not completely wiped out, there is no way to explain it to the top and bottom.

He felt a little tired and tired, and wanted to sleep for a while. However, he glanced at the clock on the wall and was suddenly taken aback. It's already 12 o'clock, will there be any news?

The admiral is also checking the time.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door of the ward, and a staff officer walked in, silently handing over an intercepted message: "This is the galaxy N7703, and it is 12 o'clock on May 2, 3415 in the dynastic calendar. We are still in the fighting."

The admiral looked at Phil with inquiry in his eyes.

Phil shook his head and said, "That mecha melted right in front of me. I'm sure he's inside that mecha."

The admiral relaxed a little and said, "That's good."

Phil thought for a while and said, "Let them continue sending this news, we can prepare to intercept it."

The admiral said: "I'm afraid we won't be able to intercept any oil or water. The jump point leading to this place from the Dynasty has been blocked by the 4th Fleet, and no one is allowed to pass through."

Hearing the news, Phil was silent for a while. The general said slowly: "It seems that the effect of the medal is better than expected. Now maybe there are many people on the side of the dynasty who scold us for being useless. After so many days, we still can't kill a little light." Year."

Phil sighed and said, "I'm tired, let's sleep for a while."

The general stood up, hesitated for a moment, and said, "You should have a good rest first, the person who will replace you has already set off, and should arrive within two days."

Phil lay back in the medical cabin and said, "Alright, it's time for me to take a vacation too."

At a depth of 100 meters below the battlefield, several working beasts are digging hard, the ones in front are opening the way, and the ones behind are constantly backfilling the dug passage. In the middle is the wise man who had returned to the mist form, and Kai Tian carried Chu Jungui together, and walked slowly underground.

After a while, Chu Jungui woke up slowly, and began self-examination after regaining consciousness. At this moment, he was covered in cuts and bruises that could not be described. The damage to his entire body was close to 40%. The surface of his body had been charred, and his left leg had no feedback from the thigh down.

Chu Jungui tried to breathe, but as soon as he tried hard, the inner wall of the nasal cavity and trachea fell off and became countless fine pieces. These tissues have been carbonized, it's okay if they don't move, they will shatter when they move.

Chu Jungui felt that his sanity was still a little fuzzy, and his thinking speed was also extremely slow, less than 3% of the normal speed. He can't see outside now, and he can't hear anything. All he can feel is the middle part of his body. Now regaining consciousness and thinking is only a part of his spine.

Chu Jungui started another self-inspection, this time the feedback information was more and the scope was wider. He first activated the heart, and as the heart began to beat, the slowly circulating blood sent energy to various parts of the body, and activated more organs and tissues along the way.

Chu Jungui's respiratory tract kept wriggling, and then spewed out a cloud of black smoke, regaining the ability to breathe. It's just that the first breath did not inhale any oxygen.

Sensing that Chu Jungui started to breathe, Kai Tian immediately put a breathing mask on Chu Jungui's completely charred face. This time it was pure oxygen. Accompanied by breathing, Chu Jungui continuously activated the energy stored in various parts of his body, repairing the damaged parts bit by bit. A few minutes later, another thought center in the spine was activated, and the speed of Chu Jungui's consciousness suddenly doubled.

Neither the wise man nor Kai Tian spoke, and directed the work beasts to dig underground. One of the working beasts suddenly fell down without a sound, and the rest of the working beasts continued to work without any response.

At this time, the energy reserves of the remaining working beasts were running low, so the wise man hesitated for a moment, and let the working beasts start digging obliquely. The position drilled out of the ground like this is actually not far from the center of the battlefield, and it is still dangerous, but it is better than being trapped to death underground. At this time, the wise men began to regret not evolving the eating and digestive systems for the working beasts. As a result, there is no place to charge them now, and several working beasts are about to shut down.

Chu Jungui knew nothing about the outside world, more and more parts of the body were repaired, half of the lungs also started to work, and then Chu Jungui activated an extra spine. The increase in thinking speed also allowed Chu Jungui to carry out more partial repairs and fine-tuning at the same time. Now he is processing more than 400 cell-level repairs at the same time, and the damage of the entire body has begun to slowly decrease.

Just 50 meters away from the ground, the passage in front suddenly collapsed, and all the working beasts fell down. The collapse spread throughout the passage in a blink of an eye, and the wise man, Kai Tian and Chu Jungui all fell into the bottomless abyss.

The underground space is extraordinarily huge, and after falling for about a thousand meters, the bottom can only be vaguely seen. The wise man and Kai Tian turned into two sheets of mist at the same time, and turned into a Wu Clan parachute, dragging Chu Jungui to slowly fall into the water below.

What they fell into was a huge underground lake, the water surface stretched as far as the eye could see, almost dozens of square kilometers. The lake water is clear and transparent, unlike the lakes and rivers on the planet, which are full of strong acidic liquids. The main body of this underground lake is water that is extremely rare on the planet, but the water is rich in various ions and nutrients, it is almost like a culture fluid, but it is much richer than the culture fluid.

Chu Jungui's body sensed the nutrient-rich environment around him, and the carbonized layer on the surface of his body immediately cracked, revealing fresh flesh and blood from the cracks, and came into contact with the lake water that was no different from the nutrient solution. His body absorbed a little lake water, and after confirming that it was harmless and beneficial, the carbonized layers on the surface of his body shattered and fell off one after another, exposing flesh and blood and began to absorb nutrients. If it is a harmful environment, then Chu Jungui's body will tighten to close the gap in the carbonized layer to protect the body below.

In this way, Chu Jungui's body sank slowly in the lake water, but his body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. The lake water is also a great supplement to the wise man Kaitian, and the two Wu tribes who lost half of their bodies in the antimatter explosion also began to eat desperately to make up for the huge loss of their bodies.

The lake was extremely deep, and Chu Jungui sank for nearly a hundred meters without bottoming out. However, the bottom of the lake was not dark, but a soft light appeared instead.

When Chu Jungui finally opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a forest at the bottom of the lake. The forest is composed of giant trees that are seven to eight points similar to the double-leaf tree, except that the leaves are bigger and longer, and they are slowly swaying in the lake. And above the forest, dozens of lights suddenly appeared, watching Chu Jungui quietly.

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