God is Coming

Chapter 859: Public Opinion

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At the end of the First World War, the battle situation was as accurate as Chu Jungui predicted, and the prediction errors of killing the enemy and self-injury were all in single digits. This battle was a brilliant victory. Wilson stubbornly ate up 5,000 troops from the Federation and harvested 3,500 prisoners. Chu Jungui was causing the Federation to suffer another 4,000 casualties, of which less than 500 were injured.

The casualties of the Light Year Warriors were less than a hundred. The main reason was that the troops led by Chu Jungui had turned into beasts in all battles, and most of the human fighters were in Wilson's hands. Even if they were injured, they could be rescued while cleaning the battlefield.

After this battle, the federal landing force immediately shrunk its formation and no longer stood out. However, the map showed that one after another the federal landing ships continued to appear and unfold, and a base of unprecedented scale was being established. What is worrying is that in this huge base capable of accommodating 100,000 people, one-third of the buildings look like various laboratories at first glance. This means that the Federation has begun to invest huge manpower and material resources on this planet, and has taken the step of permanent occupation.

Returning to the temporary base, Chu Jungui opened the map and looked at it bit by bit. Whenever his line of sight gets closer to the edge of the map, the extent of the map will change accordingly, showing a wider area. Regardless of the size of the display area, all the details are readily available. If Chu Jungui touches it casually, the terrain will be enlarged and detailed.

Chu Jungui headed west all the way in this way, and saw 8,000 kilometers away. There, he finally selected the first location. Almost at the same time, the temporary base moved again. Four engineering arks set off first, and thousands of engineers and researchers entered the landing ship. It didn't take long for the three landing ships to gather and take off, flying to the predetermined location. The energy base, which had just completed a third of its construction, stopped construction on the spot, and then the personnel who were originally working here also boarded the ark and rushed to a place thousands of kilometers away.

Three days later, the first energy base will be erected there, and then with sufficient energy supply, three energy bases will start construction at the same time, and in another week, another 12 energy bases will start construction... Wait until When Mr. Chu returned to this place, there must have been a lot of huge pillars reaching the sky on the ground, pulling down the endless energy in the storm clouds like a cocoon. With the support of endless energy, Chu Jungui was preparing to fight a world-shattering war of attrition with the federal landing force.

At this time, within the dynasty, there was a piece of moderately hot news among the overwhelming war news: after the first trial of the military court of the dynasty, it was ruled that Chu Jungui and the Light Year Legion were guilty of treason.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately aroused a strong backlash from public opinion. There is no other reason, a short message sent through the original Chenta every day has already aroused waves of enthusiasm within the dynasty, especially among the young people.

Now that the war has been fought, although Xu Bingyan's advancement has been blocked and the battle situation is gradually stalemate, the war atmosphere within the dynasty is becoming more and more frenzied. flag, roaring to flatten the Federation and unify the galaxy.

In this atmosphere, any voices with a little sense would be directly drowned out, labeled as traitors and traitors, wishing to throw them directly to the forefront of the war, crashing and killing them on the Federation starship. This atmosphere cannot be said to be right or wrong, but under the frenzied atmosphere, the huge and terrifying war machine of the Dynasty gradually started and accelerated bit by bit.

At this time, the court-martial's verdict on treason had a serious conflict with the N77 Star Wars, which was already regarded as a spiritual totem by a group of war fanatics, and public opinion was divided into two factions, arguing with each other non-stop .

One side believes that the military court has already made a verdict, and the facts must be very clear. Besides, it is an indisputable fact that Chu Jungui is inextricably linked with the Federation.

The other side believes that the 4th Fleet has always been incapable of fighting. Can you believe what these people say?

Most of the people were neutral and biased toward Light Years. Their reason was simple. How could a traitor still fight bloody battles behind enemy lines and persist for so long? As long as it is confirmed that the battle report from the N77 star field is true, and there are indeed people still fighting there, it will prove that this trial is a complete conspiracy.

A series of news from the Federation is also spreading rapidly, confirming from the side that the Federation is constantly pouring heavy troops into the N77 star field, and it seems that there are still heavy casualties? The news of casualties is uncertain, but the continuous deployment of additional troops has been confirmed.

As one of the two main battlefields of the Dynasty and the Federation, N77 still attracts a lot of attention. So some daring people formed a small reconnaissance fleet in private, and went to the N77 star field to find out the truth.

The accident happened at this time. This fleet composed of three small starships was on the way to N77, and unexpectedly discovered that there was actually a dynasty fleet intercepting the fixed jump point to the N77 starship!

The small fleet said whatever they wanted, but the Dynasty fleet just refused to let them go, and their attitude was extremely tough. When the small fleet wanted to forcefully pass the jump point, the dynasty guard fleet opened fire brazenly!

Although it was only a warning fire, the high-energy light beam almost brushed the small fleet's scalp, but the aim was slightly off, and these civilian-level starships might be scrapped.

The small fleet returned in resentment, and went to another fixed jump point, but was still intercepted, and this time it was tougher, and it was ready to fire after a warning.

In the dynasty star field, there are only 2 large fixed jump points to go to the N77 star field, so the small fleet has no choice but to return. However, the guy who organized this fleet was not so easy to mess with. On the first day the fleet returned, an article spread all over the communication network: What exactly did the Dynasty want to hide?

The article pointed directly at the 4th Fleet, and it was short of naming Su Jian. As soon as the article came out, calls for the disclosure of the truth about the N77 star field immediately rose. Even at the press conference of the Dynasty Fleet Joint Command Headquarters, some reporters raised this issue and requested the disclosure of the details of the military court's first trial. In this regard, the spokesperson only responded with a sentence of military confidentiality and had no comment.

At the headquarters of the 4th Fleet, Su Jian was sitting in his office, looking at letters of intelligence from the Federation. Those rising casualties made the corners of his eyes twitch slightly.

He put down the information, connected to the communication channel of one of his subordinates, and ordered: "Strictly block the jump point, without my order, no starship is allowed to enter or leave!"

Turning off the comm channel, he rubbed his temples and closed his eyes. How could this Chu Jungui last so long?

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