God is Coming

Chapter 860

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A small starship sailed quietly, without turning on its own logo, and sneaking towards the fixed jump point ahead. On the command platform of the starship, two semi-arc-shaped huge architectural structures have appeared, and there are faint ripples flowing in the space in the center of the arc.

This is a large space jump gate, using the natural space passages in the universe, it can greatly increase the starship jump distance and greatly reduce the jump cost. This is also the most common jumping method for most civilian starships. That kind of free point-to-point jump is basically for military use, not only requires extremely detailed data at both ends, but also consumes a lot of energy.

At this time, a scanning beam swept across the space, and the small starship hidden in the darkness was immediately outlined. Several monitoring beams immediately shone over and hit the starship.

The command cabin of the starship was suddenly in chaos. Several young people were in a hurry, some wanted to evade, some hurriedly restarted the stealth system, and some tried to disguise themselves as a meteorite. But these efforts had no effect at all, and a voice sounded on the public channel of the starship: "This is the Dynasty 4th Fleet Guard Fleet, you have broken into the restricted area, please report your identities immediately!"

Several young people glanced at each other, and one of the short-haired beauties replied: "I am the host of the Canxing News Channel. We want to go to the N77 star field for a live interview through the jump point ahead."

"The N77 star field is a restricted area, and you have no right to enter. Stop the ship immediately for investigation, don't make any changes, and don't try to escape, otherwise we will attack." The voice from the public channel was very cold.

The short-haired woman gritted her teeth, and as soon as she said, "You have no right to block the public jumping point", the starship suddenly shook violently, and a high-energy beam was accurately shot at the rear of the starship, knocking out the small starship with one shot. left engine.

The short-haired beauty was stunned, and the young people in the cabin were also frightened. The command cabin was suddenly dark red, and the harsh sirens kept ringing. The man in charge of driving turned pale, smiled wryly, and signaled his surrender.

A starship from the 4th Fleet approached, and in a blink of an eye more than a dozen heavily armed marines rushed into the cockpit, aiming their guns at these young people.

Just as the man on the bridge was about to speak, he was hit directly on the head by a gun butt, flew out and hit the bulkhead on the other side, and then bounced back to the ground. He struggled to get up, but was crushed heavily by a foot on his head.

The other young people were pulled out of their seats, knocked to the ground, trampled on, and handcuffed one by one. The short-haired beauty lay on the ground and shouted angrily: "You have no right to treat us like this! We are citizens of the dynasty! I want to sue you! I want to expose your evil deeds!"

The captain who led the team squatted on the ground and pressed her back with his knees. Hearing these words, he showed a gloomy smile, slapped her buttocks hard, and then squeezed her hard. The scream of the short-haired beauty turned into a scream.

A deep voice sounded on the captain's communication channel: "What's going on?"

"It's nothing, the little guys are not very obedient."

"Make it clean, and if they are really disobedient, just leave them on the boat."

At this time, a soldier inspecting the starship mastermind said: "They made a short jump, and they didn't turn on the track transponder the whole time."

The captain whistled, and said: "In this way, there is no record of your entire light-year journey. Do you really think you can sneak there? But this is also good, save me, as long as the main brain is destroyed, No one will know what happened to you."

The captain turned his head and said: "Clear all mastermind records and make it clean. You guys, go to the back cabin to check if there are any important things. We will evacuate in 10 minutes. Wasp, you go last, set up a Autopilot, targeting our base battery."


The captain squatted down again, lifted the chin of the short-haired beauty with his hand, and said meaningfully: "Got it, little guy? You broke into the military restricted area by force, and then the starship was destroyed. You were lucky enough to be rescued." Got up. Of course, it is also possible that luck is not very good, we did not find your rescue capsule, understand? Maybe you didn’t even have time to enter the rescue capsule, and you were just thrown into the universe..."

The faces of several young people were bleak, and the short-haired beauty was both angry and fearful. The captain stood up and gestured, and a soldier handcuffed the short-haired beauty behind her back and lifted her up.

A moment later, a ray of light lit up in the deep space, and the small starship exploded completely, turning into countless cosmic dust.

In a small room on the 9th floor of the FBI headquarters, Evans sat leisurely in a chair, browsing the latest news. The room is small, the inner room is a bedroom, and the outer room is used for living room and study. The lights are bright and soft, but there are no windows, and the change of day and night can only be judged from the system time.

Evans rubbed the space between his brows, leaned his head on the back of the chair, and took a short rest. At this time, the image of a middle-aged man appeared in the room. He looked ordinary, without any features, and belonged to the kind of ordinary that would be forgotten after one glance. He sat down in front of Evans, although the avatar was not required to sit.

"You can go." His tone was flat, without any expression.

Evans didn't open his eyes, and said calmly: "It's a good place to live here, why should I leave?"

The man on the opposite side frowned slightly, and said, "This is the last chance, do you really want to leave?"

"I've lived here for 32 days, and I don't think it's a bad thing. You can leave if you want, and give me a reason to convince me. Oh, don't forget, every day, the reason has to be stronger. You and your superiors will also be more responsible."

The man didn't speak, but pondered, as if weighing something.

Time passed minute by minute.

Evans suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Are you stalling for time?"

The man raised his hand, and a clock appeared in front of him, and then he watched the hands go to 3 o'clock. He heaved a sigh of relief, with an incomprehensible smile on his face, stood up and said, "Mr. Evans, you are now officially under arrest."

Evans looked at him, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said slowly: "It seems that the situation outside has changed unexpectedly...I need to see a lawyer."

"The pair of difficult little lawyers are still under investigation, and the official arrest warrant for them is a day earlier than yours. So if you want to find a lawyer, you can only change people."

Evans raised his eyebrows slightly, shrugged and said, "No problem, then I need to meet with the family lawyer."

"I will report your application to the higher authorities. But now, you have to live in another place."

A few moments later, Evans and the man finally walked down the long dark, damp passage. The man opened a rusted iron door at the end of the passage, pushed Evans in, and slammed the door shut.

A sarcastic voice came from outside the door: "This is the cell."

At this moment, Evans has changed into prison clothes, and the original comfortable clothes have been taken away. He glanced around, and there was a dim light in the cell, constantly flickering. Fortunately, Evans can increase the brightness himself, and does not need to rely on lights.

This is a cell of only four or five square meters, with a bed on one side and a toilet and washbasin on the other. The bed was made of composite material with just a thin sheet on it, and it wasn't dirty enough to be outrageous. But the sanitation of toilets and washbasins is worrying. The walls and floors were cold exposed concrete, cold and damp, and wet everywhere.

This cell is still in the headquarters of the Special Investigation Bureau, but it is more than 20 floors underground.

All of Evans' personal belongings were not allowed to be brought over, and all were left in the original room. He didn't say a word, nor complained or protested during the entire room transfer process.

Not long after, heavy footsteps sounded in the corridor. With every step, the soles of the shoes would rub against the ground, making an uncomfortable rustling sound.

The cell door opened, and an old man with a gloomy musty smell walked into the cell. He took a pair of rusty scissors in his hand and said, "According to the regulations, you have to cut your head."

Evans looked at him calmly.

The old man showed a gloating grin and said, "Don't dawdle, just sit on the toilet!"

Evans sat down slowly without saying a word.

A moment later, there was a layer of bright blond hair on the ground, and the flowing blond hair on top of Evans' head turned into jagged short hair, some of which were simply scraped off, leaving a few bloody mouths.

The old man slammed the iron door heavily, shuffled, and left from the long corridor.

Evans finally reached out and touched his head, sighed softly, and said to himself: "You owe a lot, how do you pay it back? I'm curious."

At the Pirate Flag headquarters, Hathaway was immersed in her official duties when an assistant knocked on the door and came in, saying, "The people from the Federal Staff Committee are here, requesting access to all information related to Light Year."

Hathaway frowned slightly and said, "How can we have any information related to light years?"

"They said that they want all the combat records in the N7703 star field."

Hathaway sneered: "They want to see the joke about me being captured?"

The assistant shrank his neck and said, "This...they didn't say it, and I don't know."

"Did they bring identification and formalities?"

"The identity has been confirmed, and the review procedures have also been brought."

Hathaway took the light screen, looked carefully at their identity documents and access procedures, then nodded, and said, "Go and cooperate, and show them whatever they want to check."

After the assistant left, Hathaway returned to her seat and sat down slowly. After thinking for a while, she connected to a private channel and said, "Help me find out what troops are about to be transferred to the N7703 galaxy in the near future."

After a while, a voice sounded from the channel: "There is bad news. The confidentiality level of these transfer information has been raised, and it is now beyond my authority."

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