God is Coming

Chapter 861 Principles and Persistence

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As the second capital of the dynasty, it goes without saying that the Liyuan galaxy is prosperous, and it is also the location of many important military departments of the dynasty.

In the largest city from Yuanxing, a speeding car drove through the bustling streets, and finally stopped at the edge of a relatively old and dilapidated block. A man in his early 30s stepped out of the speeding car, with a calm expression and a bit of high-spirited career.

He looked to the left and right, then walked quickly into the block, came to an apartment building that looked very old, looked back before entering the door, and then went up the stairs. Instead of taking the elevator, he went up the stairs to the third floor and rang the doorbell of an apartment.

The door opened, and a casually dressed woman appeared, with full lips, firm skin, and plump breasts, plus wild brows and eye corners, which made people feel dangerously impulsive.

A smile appeared on the man's face. He hugged the woman and entered the door. He closed the door casually and said apologetically, "I'm short on time this time. I can only stay for an hour..."

His words were interrupted suddenly, because the door was propped up and could not be closed.

The door was pushed open forcefully, the force was so strong that the man couldn't resist, and then a girl walked in. She was wearing a short jacket, overalls, and high-waisted military boots on her feet. The brim of the hat covered most of her face. She could vaguely see half of a pair of cool metallic silver sunglasses. Just the lower half of her face exposed was enough to be called Stunning.

Her slightly slender body hides a completely unmatched terrifying force, with a little force, the door is completely pushed open, and the man is thrown to the ground.

The woman in the room let out a cry of surprise, and suddenly grabbed a pistol from the drawer of the closet next to her, pointed at the girl, and shouted, "No matter who you are, get the hell out of here! Otherwise, I'll shoot you!"

The girl who lowered the brim of her hat didn't care, put her hands in her pockets and said, "Shouldn't it be calling the police?"

"No, don't call the police!" The man struggled to get up.

The woman with wild eyes looked badly: "Do you have an affair?"

The man smiled bitterly: "I don't know her at all."

The girl said lightly, "It's enough that I know you."

A dangerous light appeared in the woman's eyes, and the muzzle of the gun moved down slightly. At this time, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side, holding the pistol, and then someone said: "It's not a good thing to want to shoot."

The woman lost her mind for a moment, not only because that hand was so perfect, but also because that hand took the pistol lightly and deftly, and then rubbed her five fingers, twisting the gun into scrap iron.

The woman's eyes followed the hand, and saw another girl with short hair, also wearing a pair of huge silver sunglasses, blocking half of her face.

The girl at the door closed the door with her backhand, while the short-haired girl stood on the other side of the living room, blocking their retreat.

The girl at the door raised the brim of her hat and said, "Xie Qichen, a famous lawyer, receives a special allowance from the dynasty. You are the prosecutor's lawyer for the crime of treason in the military court."

Instead, the man calmed down and asked, "What do you want to do? Overturn the case?"

The girl said: "If you want to overturn the case, I won't come to you. We just heard that you have always had a sense of justice, so we are curious why you took this case. Of course, you are waiting for your wife and three children at home now." I probably didn't know you had such a... sense of justice."

The man was silent for a while, and said, "Are you threatening me?"

The feral woman suddenly exploded, and just as she cursed, "I'm fighting with you!", the short-haired girl slapped her on the back of the neck, knocking her out.

The girl in front pulled up a chair, sat down calmly, and said, "What kind of threat is it to tell your wife and children? No, we will expose this matter to the media and send a copy to all the departments you work for. It’s a little unreasonable for a person with a special allowance from the dynasty to raise a woman outside behind his wife’s back, right?”

The man was silent for a while, and said, "I can come out and open my own law firm."

"But you will never be able to enter the procuratorate or the Ministry of Justice in the future, and you will never lose the opportunity to become a public prosecutor." The girl paused, and then said: "We just want to know the process and the reasons for the judgment."

The man hesitated for a while, and finally said: "This judgment is not perfect, and some more important evidence is missing, such as the confessions of Guangnian and Mr. Chu. But the most important point is that the existing evidence is sufficient to prove The federal fleet that intercepted the 4th Fleet and led to the defeat of the battle came from the jump point of the N7703 galaxy, and it had already completed the jump before the 4th Fleet was forced to retreat, and it happened to be blocked after a long period of silent sailing. The retreat route of the 4th Fleet. And the information obtained from the Federation also shows that the Lunar Legion fleet led by Phil once stayed in N7703 for nearly a day, and had contact with Light Years. Regardless of whether it was at that time or Afterwards, there was no feedback from Light Years. There was neither interception nor intelligence reported to the 4th Fleet."

At this time, the short-haired girl sneered and said, "The 4th Fleet wanted to confiscate the entire light year more than once, and his uncle's extortion in the past was not so excessive. The food is so ugly, why should he die for the 4th Fleet? Just to be kept by them Die after being broken? Su Jian has no such ability, and he insisted on taking such a big risk, he is the chief culprit of failure!"

Xie Qichen said: "Forcible expropriation, whether it is reasonable or not, is a matter of the past. But after the defeat of Light Year, it has nothing to do with this case. The fact that it was passed in the defense zone. Although some evidence is still missing, the chain of evidence is complete, which is why the court was convicted in the first instance."

The girl in front sneered and said: "It's really possible. Regardless of the cause and consequences, just focus on one thing and pursue it fiercely. It's really good! According to your standard, Su Jian can die ten times!"

The man's expression remained unchanged, and he said: "Maybe what you said is correct, but it still has nothing to do with this case. I am only in charge of this case. In this case, the evidence I have seen is sufficient and the facts are established. There is indeed treasonous behavior." , this is enough. As for the rest, it can be dealt with separately.”

The girl in front was furious, and suddenly there was a pistol in her hand, which was pressed against the man's forehead.

The man smiled wryly, and said: "The fact is that, even if you kill me, you can't change the verdict. Unless there is new evidence to prove other facts, even if you appeal to the Supreme Military Court, the result will be the same."

The short-haired girl pressed the pistol and shook her head. The girl in front gritted her teeth and finally put down the pistol. In fact, she also knew that killing this lawyer would not help at all.

The short-haired girl stood up and said calmly to Xie Qichen: "You have your persistence, and we also have our principles. I don't think that a person who betrayed his wife and children is qualified to talk about fairness and justice. Tomorrow your things will be over. Show up at your boss's desk. Goodbye, barrister."

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