God is Coming

Chapter 862 Do you still have face?

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The two girls boarded a special flying car, drove away from the city, and accelerated towards the southern hemisphere of the planet. The girl driving the car had already taken off her hat and sunglasses, revealing a face that was disastrous to the country and the people. The short-haired girl next to her also took off her sunglasses, leaned against the car door, resting her face on her hands, thinking about something on her mind. Her face was a little colder, and her lines were more angular, but there was a faint cloud between her brows.

The appearance of the two is equal, but they are not famous for their appearance in the dynasty. One relies on IQ, and the other relies on combat talent.

The girl driving looked at the time and said, "There are still 4 hours before the next location check. We have enough time to rush back. Don't worry. But the guy named Xie just now is really annoying. He is clearly an asshole. Things are still so straightforward."

The short-haired girl sighed softly, and said, "He can't say he was wrong, and it wasn't the law and procedures that were wrong. To be honest, I don't know who is wrong now."

"who cares!"

The speeding car quickly passed through a small half of the planet and drove into a big city. It flew into the city soundlessly like a ghost, and the security and surveillance network that cost a lot of money to build did not respond to this speeding car at all.

After a while, they entered a very ordinary apartment and sat on the sofa.

The door banged violently.

The short-haired girl was obviously used to it and didn't move. Sure enough, after knocking a few times, the door was roughly pushed open, and several men in gray windbreakers rushed in. Seeing the girl sitting on the sofa, several of them looked disappointed.

The headed man with an inch-shaped head looked sultry, stared at the girl for a while, and then said, "You're quite honest, Lin Xi. I haven't thought of running away for so many days. If you're like this, I can't use all my fighting skills!"

Lin Xi didn't raise her head, and said calmly, "Have you finished talking? Get lost when you're done talking."

The inch-cut man didn't take it seriously, and said: "You are under residential surveillance now, and I am the person who watches over you. It is my duty to visit you every day. I now suspect that you have the tendency to abscond, so I need to search your Where do you live? So where do you start? Your bedroom closet?"

At this time, the door of the living room was pushed open, and the girl came in with two cups of coffee, and said with a sneer, "Is this the virtue of the Ministry of Justice now?"

The inch-cut man was a little surprised, his eyes wandered over the girl, and he asked, "Who are you?"

The girl said coldly: "The residential surveillance didn't say that you can't receive visitors, and you have no right to know my identity. Also, if you look around, be careful that I dig it!"

The inch-cut man let out a smirk, and said, "I still want to see who you are..."

He raised his wrist, and a beam of scanning light shone on the girl, but unexpectedly, the result of the feedback turned out to be insufficient authority to query!

The inch-cut man was taken aback. The terminal on his wrist directly connected to the head of the Ministry of Justice. Although he himself was not a senior official, his authority was not low. He could directly inquire about the identity of anyone below the major general. Obviously, the identity of this girl is by no means simple.

But he thought about it, showed a playful smile, and said confidently: "I can't tell, it's quite big. But whoever you are, it's this time and you have such a good relationship with the surname Lin, so it will end well Where are you going, maybe someone in the Ministry is watching your house right now! Would you like to be nice to me, maybe I can help you in the future. "

"Xinyi." Lin Xi stopped the girl who was about to explode.

The inch-cut man stroked his short hair on the top of his head, and said with a smile, "So it's called Xinyi. The name is okay, and it looks like a stage name. I can't afford to mess with you now, but it's not a problem to be disgusted. Go search in the bedroom and see Is she hiding any contraband? Search carefully, maybe you can find a gun in some underwear..."

The two men in trench coats went straight to the bedroom, but just after taking a step, their bodies flew out, hit the wall hard and bounced back, and fainted on the spot.

The inch-cut man was taken aback, then narrowed his eyes, and said, "You want to run away?"

"That's right."

The inch-cut man was just habitually threatening and splashing dirty water, but he didn't expect to wait for this answer. He was stunned for a moment before he realized it, subconsciously took a step back, drew out his pistol and pointed it at Lin Xi, and said with a grinning smile, "I heard what you just said."

"So what?" Lin Xi raised his eyebrows slightly, and said coldly, "With your little skill, can you still make waves?"

Before the inch-cut man had time to say harsh words, his eyes suddenly blurred, and the pistol had already been in Lin Xi's hands, turning into a piece of scrap metal. Immediately, Lin Xi used the waist as the axis, from the waist to the shoulders, the shoulders to the arms, the arms to the wrists, and her slender fingers drew an indescribably beautiful arc, and slapped him on the face!

The inch-cut man flew into the air, spun three times before hitting the wall and bouncing back. Before he landed, Lin Xi grabbed the back of his neck. With a push, he bumped his head against the wall, and his head fell completely into the wall.

Lin Xi fought back, pulled him out, and shook him awake.

Before the inch-cropped man could recover, five slender fingers floated in front of his eyes, this time it was his left hand.

After spinning backwards and hitting the wall, Lin Xi grabbed the back of his neck again, and smashed his head into the wall again.

If he woke up three times and fainted three times, Lin Xi finally gave up and let the man plant it on the wall. From the beginning to the end, the inch-headed man's fighting skills as high as 4.0 could not be used.

In fact, if Lin Xi had grown from strength to strength just now, a single slap would have broken the man's extraordinarily thick cervical spine into pieces.

Lin Xi took out a towel and wiped her hands slowly. Li Xinyi looked at it in a daze, and asked cautiously after a while: "Are you... wronged?"

"What are you thinking?" Lin Xi glared at her angrily.

"Then why are you murderous?"

Lin Xi thought for a while, and said, "I don't know, I just feel a little upset all of a sudden, and I feel like I should do something."

While speaking, Lin Xi rolled up his sleeves, pulled out a thin linear chip from his upper arm, and directly twisted it into particles.

Li Xinyi was surprised, this is a tracking chip, used to locate Lin Xi. During residential surveillance, destroying location chips is definitely a criminal offense.

"Help me find a fighter plane, the one that can jump in space."

"What are you doing?"

"Go to planet 4. There's no reason why he's trying his best, but I can't do anything here."

Li Xinyi jumped up immediately: "I'll go with you! There's a military airport nearby, give me 3 minutes, and I'll shut it down first!"

After 3 minutes, the whole city shut down.

A moment later, one of the most advanced experimental fighter planes of the Dynasty took off into the sky, and the entire planet immediately went into alarm. Countless fighter planes took off and blocked the way.

A majestic voice sounded from the public channel: "Lin Xi! Hijacking a military plane is a felony. You have a bright future ahead of you, so don't make the same mistakes again and again! Land immediately. In the future, in a court-martial, I can get you a lighter punishment."

After a little silence, Lin Xi's voice sounded on the channel: "Wrong again and again? Who is at fault? The incompetent lost the battle, fled back in embarrassment but nothing happened, but the people who were convicted of treason were always on the front line A bloody battle alone. You guys, do you want to show your face?!"

Lin Xi's fighter plane accelerated suddenly and rushed past the heavy blockade in front of her in an instant. Behind her, several fighter planes popped out of the rescue cabin and plummeted to the ground with thick smoke. Only Lin Xi's last words echoed in the public channel: "If you want to catch me, come to Galaxy N7703."

The fighter plane rushed out of the atmosphere, crossed the high orbit, and went straight to the outside of the galaxy. As soon as he left the galaxy, there was a flash of light, and the fighter plane was gone.

Hundreds of fighter planes followed closely behind, and two high-speed frigates appeared, heading straight for the jump point. Now that they knew that Lin Xi was going to the N7703 galaxy, they naturally knew how to intercept it. No matter how advanced a fighter is, it can't compare to a high-speed starship in space jumping. Even if it was a little later, the two frigates would definitely be able to complete the jump first, and then wait for Lin Xi to fall into the trap.

However, just as the two frigates started to accelerate, a fighter plane suddenly appeared beside them, and a string of flames shot at the frigate's hull. This series of shelling was so accurate that it actually exploded seven or eight attitude engines in a row, interrupting the jumping process of the frigate in an instant. The fighter planes guarding next to them were startled, and it took a while before they remembered to rush up. As a result, after a round of air combat, they handed over the result of 0:8.

After damaging all the escort fighters, the mysterious fighter turned around and started to accelerate. After a while, the light flashed and it also entered the space to jump.

The commander of the pursuit force trembled with anger, and roared, "This is Dynasty's fighter jet! Go find out, where did it come from?! I only give you 3 minutes! Did you hear me, 3 minutes!!"

After 45 seconds, a somewhat hesitant voice sounded on the channel: "According to the investigation, there are only two fighter planes in this galaxy whose whereabouts are unknown. One is confirmed to be hijacked by Lin Xi, and the other..."


"The other pilot has confirmed that it is... Li Xuancheng. In addition, we have just confirmed that the destination of his jump is also the N7703 galaxy."

The commander was stunned for a moment, his brows gradually furrowed, and he said slowly: "Report to the Ministry of Defense."

After saying this, the adjutant next to him carefully reminded: "Commander, there is one more thing, I'm afraid we have to make a plan."

The commander frowned and said, "What else?"

"The conversation between you and Lin Xi just now was on the public channel."

"So what? She turned off the military's special communication channel, isn't she only able to use the public channel?"

The adjutant said: "I mean, everyone can hear the public channel, and I'm afraid there will be...public opinion backlash."

The commander's eyes widened: "Hijacking a military plane is a felony! Can this rebound?"

"It's not this, but..." The adjutant thought for a while, and decided to say: "Let's be clear, I'm waiting for the battle report from N77 every day, even though there's only one sentence. At this time, he's a traitor. It's a bit of that..."

"What? Shameless?!"

The adjutant sighed, and said: "Shameless, these three words are a little light."

The commander was silent for a moment, then Fang said: "What can we do? We can't take you to N77 right now..."

The speed of news spread was far faster than the speed of light. It didn't take long for warplanes and starships to jump in the dynasty one after another, some legal and some illegal. But the same thing is that everyone left the same sentence:

"If you want to catch me, go to N77!"

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