God is Coming

Chapter 863 It's OK

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The colonel guarding one of the two fixed jump points leading to the N77 star field has been very troubled for the past two days. For some reason, the number of guys who want to sneak into the jump point has increased sharply. In the past two days alone, nearly 20 large and small starships have been detained. There are also hundreds of strange and weird aircraft. No matter how arrogant and domineering he was, he didn't dare to engage in the act of setting automatic navigation to rush to the defensive turret again. Now a destroyer of the garrison fleet has been taken out as a temporary prison. Hundreds of people have been imprisoned in it, and it seems that there will not be enough cells.

No matter how big-hearted this commander is, he knew that something bad was about to happen. It is already a major event that so many people have been detained, and the higher authorities will definitely find out, and this investigation is very likely to find out the first few starships that "attacked" the garrison. In fact, those starships rushing towards the garrison turrets behaved strangely, and this matter was not leak-proof at all, and could not withstand serious investigation. After further investigation, most of those lives cannot be covered up.

Originally, many inconvenient things could be done by means of wartime laws, and the entire N77 star field has fallen. Unless someone is impatient with life, he will want to run there at this time, otherwise he must be with Chu The king returns to the person who has something to do with it. For the latter, there is no need to say much, just put it on the missing list.

But he never expected that so many people would appear suddenly. Stop and stop, even this domineering guy began to feel scared, and his hands trembled involuntarily when he gave orders. Although in the following interceptions, he honestly detained the ship and detained people in accordance with the regulations, and he also paid attention to the basic treatment of the detainees. But it was already too late, the first few cases were enough to send him to the guillotine.

The adjutant also had an ugly expression. Seeing another starship appear in the depths of the starry sky, the turret under control turned slightly slower and did not lock on immediately. The starship looked mighty, with a heavy metal wind from the inside out, but it couldn't hide the fact that it was a product hundreds of years ago. Such an old antique, it would be nice to be able to fly.

The corner of the commander's mouth twitched a few times, and he said a little tiredly: "Just send them a warning and let them go back."

"Not withholding it?"

"Detained?" The commander smiled wryly, "Now it's time to think about how to release so many detained people?"

However, the warning had already been broadcast twice, and the old starship did not slow down at all, and flew towards the jump point with difficulty. According to the commander's original violent temper, if the two warnings were invalid, the third time he should fire directly. But at this moment, his heart was ashamed. He just waved his hand and said, "Send a boat to stop them. If they want to leave, don't stop them."

Before the adjutant had time to give the order, he saw two bright lights on the antique starship, and the lights became more and more dazzling.

The command cabin began to flash red light, and the harsh warning sounded several times in succession before the commander realized what had happened. That antique ship was actually accumulating energy? This old-fashioned thing also has a main gun?

Before he recovered from the shock, a flash of light pierced through the dark space, spanned hundreds of kilometers in an instant, and hit the fort guarding the jump gate!

A strong flash of light instantly engulfed the entire jump point, and when the light faded, a terrifying deep pit appeared on the front of the fort, and then flames spewed out continuously, starting round after round of explosions.

Killed the heavy cruiser turret with one shot?

The commander could clearly see that the antique ship seemed to emit a beam of light, but in fact it was a mass of high-energy particles with extremely high energy. Because the speed was too fast, it looked like a beam of light. It’s just that such a powerful particle cannon, looking at the entire dynasty federation, there are only seven or eight most advanced models in total, how could it appear on an antique ship?

Just as the commander was about to order a counterattack, he noticed another beam of light appeared from the corner of his eye, pointing directly at the fixed fort on the other side.

This antique ship not only has the most advanced high-power particle main cannon, but also two?

The commander ignored the shock and immediately ordered the fighter plane to attack. In an instant, dozens of fighter planes flew out of the base in a single file, and rushed towards the antique ship in front of them viciously.

The antique ships also released fighter planes, but the number was a little small, less than ten in total.

However, as soon as these fighters moved, they immediately showed jaw-dropping performance, like a tiger descending a mountain, and plunged into the defenders' fighter group.

The particle cannons of the antique ship continued to bombard, first sinking the two destroyers rushing towards them, and then cleaning up the fixed turrets on the base one by one like a roll call. When the firepower of the base's counterattack was basically silenced, all the fighters that were released flew back. Wreckage of fighter planes was everywhere on the battlefield, and only single digits escaped from the nearly a hundred fighter planes attacked by the defenders.

On the edge of the battlefield, a light cruiser and a destroyer are speeding away. The light cruiser is the flagship of the guard fleet, while the destroyer is the prison ship that holds temporary prisoners.

Inside the bridge of the antique ship, an old man whose hair was about to fall out stared at the two fleeing starships, licked his lips, and cursed: "It's been so many years, and I'm still afraid of death! They ran away just after killing a destroyer, and that's not too particular! Boss, go after them and kill them, look angry!"

The old man sitting in the command position lightly tapped his forehead. Just sitting there, he had an indescribable majesty and chill. His eyes slowly swept across a wrecked battlefield, and he said, "It's been almost 30 years since I saw a battlefield, I really miss it a bit! Those two little bastards run so fast, I'm afraid it will take months to chase after them." Forget it, just level the defense here, as long as everyone can pass through here, see how many federal troops there are over there, and see that there are still people fighting, it's almost the same."

"Boss, what are you going to do next? Go to N77 and give those grandchildren of the Federation a hard time?"

The old man smiled and said slowly, "They've all been retired for decades, why are they all so angry? Let's go over and have a look, and it's enough to make sense of it."


The antique starship slowly accelerated, passed through the fixed jump point, and disappeared.

Federal Parliament, War Council.

Meetings of the Council of War have always been held in the Great Oval Chamber of Parliament. The oval conference hall is a hall with a 30-meter-high dome. The roof of the hall is a huge epic oil painting of the first alien base developed by mankind. According to tradition, the War Council has a total of 60 members, 5 vice-chairmen and a chairman. Every time a major issue is voted on, the chairman has double voting rights, so there will be no undecided situations.

In the center of the large conference hall is a huge star map, and the seats of the councilors are distributed along the wall. Their high-back chairs are 20 meters from the center of the conference hall, condescending, like gods overlooking the world.

Instead, the chairman's seat is on the floor of the hall, in front of the star map, and he is standing without a seat. At this moment, he said in his characteristic slow and deep voice: "The next discussion is the increase plan of the N77 star field."

A committee member suddenly raised his arm and said, "I object!"

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