God is Coming

Chapter 864

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The dynasty cannot afford a two-front war, and neither can the Federation.

The N77 star field is a barren fringe star field. No matter who occupies it, the dynasty and the federation still have enough depth to have no decisive impact on the war situation. But the vertical line is different, both sides have concentrated their main forces for a series of decisive battles. But now, with more than 500,000 troops invested in N77, it has more or less affected the longitudinal line. Although the impact is insignificant, it is still an impact.

Under such circumstances, Admiral Morgan's request to send two additional First-Class Marine Corps with a total of 100,000 troops caused heated debate.

Although the vertical line is mainly a fleet battle, with the increasing number of galaxies that the Federation has fallen, planetary ground defense has also been put on the agenda. And from a certain point of view, Chu Jungui has already proved what kind of quagmire planetary surface warfare can become. With this example first, many people in the Federation are also rethinking the meaning of planetary surface warfare. If every Federation planet can become a No. 4 planet, even if Xu Bingyan can fight, he won't be able to occupy many galaxies. After all, his marine troops are limited, and he also relies on increasingly long supply lines.

The debate on the War Council lasted from morning to night, and in the end Morgan got the regiment he wanted, and the 7th Marine Corps, one of the trump cards of the Federation, was much stronger than the original bill. But the number of votes that finally passed the resolution was 33:27, and the difference in the number of votes also showed the great controversy. The family behind Admiral Morgan paid absolutely no small amount for this.

The day after the resolution was passed, an official document was placed in front of Hathaway. She read the official document and sneered: "You want to transfer our pirate flag to the N77 star field? No!"

The assistant said cautiously: "But this is an order from the Joint Chiefs of Staff..."

"So what? No."


"It's nothing but the technical point can't be dealt with? Go and dismantle the jumping engine of the mobile base and overhaul it."

"Huh? It's been less than 50 years since the last overhaul..."

Hathaway finally looked up and said impatiently, "Do you want me to change my assistant?"

The assistant was startled, so he could only leave the office and carry out the order.

Not long after Hathaway sat down, the channel channel lit up again, and it had the highest priority. She gathered herself together, connected to the channel, and a middle-aged man with excellent demeanor appeared in front of her.

"Father, what's the matter?"

"I heard that the pirate flag cannot be dispatched?"

"The mobile base is broken."

"Isn't the jumping engine still on it? I just went over to take a look, and it's still working. Our pirate flag only has such a small amount of money, so we can't waste it like this."

The little princess closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and said: "Father, you don't know the relationship between me and Guangnian, let me go there with the pirate flag at this time, okay?! Or Would you like someone else to handle the Jolly Roger?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Your brother is preparing to build a new army, which is the top priority of the family and cannot be duplicated. Besides him, who else is more suitable than you?"

"In the family, there are at least a dozen people with higher military rank than me, and seven or eight people with higher military ability than me. Why must it be me?"

The middle-aged man said: "The report on the situation of N77 that you wrote a while ago was quite recognized by the elders, so it was unanimously decided that you will lead the army to go out this time."

"If I remember correctly, the conclusion of the report is not to participate in the war of N77, and it is even better to promote skipping N77 within the Federation and directly attack the dynasty's homeland."

"Yes, you are right. The elders also agree with this conclusion, so we finally decided to send the pirate flag to fight N77."

The little princess took another deep breath before remaining calm, and said, "Dad, are you trying to find trouble?"

The middle-aged man quickly waved his hands, "Of course not, how is it possible?"

There was murderous intent in the eyes of the little princess, and she said, "I've already given the family peace of mind. I wouldn't say anything to anyone who brought the pirate flag, but why must I go!"

The middle-aged man smiled and said earnestly: "I think you are old enough to take on more responsibilities. Although for the children of normal big families, this age is still at the beginning of learning. But you and them It's different, the height you can reach in the future is also different, and the natural family's expectations for you are also different. This time, I won the mission for you. Wait! Don't get angry, I just said..."

He straightened his expression and said: "Let's be serious, there are many things besides war, such as history, such as politics, which you need to consider in the future. The direct initiators of this N77 war are Morgan and The family behind Phil has also received the support of some members of parliament. We Winton have always opposed the expansion of the N77 war, and because of this, the Morgan family has been trying to reach a deal with us. This time, in order to save Admiral Morgan Jr. The Morgan family made a big bet on their military career, so this time we changed our position on the war council and supported their proposal. If it weren’t for our 5 votes, it would be impossible for little Morgan to get the reinforcements he wanted.”

Hathaway said: "So for the benefits promised by the Morgan family, can we betray our consistent position?"

The man smiled slightly and said: "Don't talk about your position, as long as there is enough price, there is nothing that cannot be exchanged. If there is, then the price is not high enough, or the bid is not suitable. What's more, this matter does not violate our consistent claim."

"If I remember correctly, our proposition should be to deal with the vertical line with all our strength and destroy the main force of the dynasty on the vertical line."

"Of course you remember correctly, but now that the Morgan family has gone crazy and offered a high price that is impossible to pay normally, why don't we accept it?"

Hathaway wanted to say something, but held back and began to think.

The middle-aged man didn't make her wait too long, and said, "Since the Morgan family has made a big bet, of course we have to play with them. In this game, Morgan is betting that Admiral Morgan will be able to completely resolve the war on planet 4." , so as to open the access to the dynasty. The Morgan family has already paid double the price for what we invested. Since there is such a good price, why not invest more?"

"If you want to go to the dynasty to open up a second front, you don't need to take down planet 4, right? Just block the orbit of the planet and put them in the planet? Isn't our fleet able to enter the dynasty's mainland through N77?"

The man smiled and said: "That's what I said, but I mentioned this matter in the parliament first, and the old Morgan, who wants to save face, can't do it. Anyway, as long as it is a proposal I mentioned, he will oppose it."

Hathaway was a little strange, and asked: "How can you be arrogant on such an important matter? Even Dad, you are not qualified to speak casually in the parliament, right? Isn't everything decided by the elders?"

The man laughed and said, "As expected of my daughter, she is smart! Your father and I...Of course you can't talk nonsense in the parliament, and the same is true for old Morgan. Think again, why would he oppose my proposal?"

Hathaway thought about it, and said, "Surely it's not because I hate you... Let me think about it, isn't the Morgan family planning to open up a second front?"

The man applauded and said: "That's right! The Morgan family first proposed to open up a second front, and they are naturally the main force in this direction. It's just that the little Morgan fought for a full two months on the No. 4 planet, and lost ten. Ten thousand people have not been defeated, not only us, but even the Morgan family has questioned Morgan Jr.'s leadership ability. Under such circumstances, who will follow Morgan to open up a second front? Rely on Morgan himself? That's light years away."

The man continued: "So even if they know that my proposal is to disgust them, old Morgan has to follow the trend. But they haven't completely given up yet, and want to bet on little Morgan again. As long as little Morgan can lay down planet 4 , then some of the bargaining chips can be recovered, and the prestige of the Morgan family can be preserved. Of course, even if planet 4 is captured, they will never talk about opening up a second front."

"If we want us to support them to continue playing, we will naturally have to pay a price. For every Jolly Roger fighter we send, Morgan has to pay double the price, and this is the price."

Hathaway said: "With the pirate flag dispatched, wouldn't Morgan's support time be shortened accordingly?"

The man nodded: "If a quarter of the pirate flag is dispatched, the Morgan family's military expenditure can only last for one month. After one month, they must either increase or admit defeat. During this period, the casualties of the pirate flag will be counted in their account Come on. Well, it happens that the equipment of the pirate flag is a bit old, so it's time to change it."

Hathaway already understood that Winton had given Morgan a strong dose of medicine, and he would either win or lose.

The man said again: "So the key now is to see if that light year can withstand this round of offensive. What do you think?"

When Hathaway was thinking, the man's expression turned gentle, and he said: "If you are in trouble, you don't need to answer. Winton has been passed down for so long. Isn't the struggle from generation to generation just to give you a better life? The choice between personal feelings and family interests may have to be faced by my grandfather's generation, but you don't have to. Winton will provide shelter for his children instead of forcing them to sacrifice."

The little princess's expression turned firm, and she said, "I'll take the pirate flag! But it's not a quarter, but the entire army!"

The man was startled, and then laughed loudly: "You are going to kill Morgan! At most half, no more. If you don't give some hope, they will leave the table."

Hathaway nodded.

The man took a step forward, lowered his voice, and said softly, "That person... Oh, Light Year, can he hold on?"

Hathaway said: "Under normal circumstances, when the 7th Marine Army is on the field, no one else can stand up. But this time, Morgan will lose everything."

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