God is Coming

Chapter 870

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With the help of the transcendent life hidden in the storm clouds, Chu Jungui thought it was safe, but he was found out by the federal army, and directly attacked the base without warning.

The first wave of attacks is continuous missile coverage, which is extremely fast, powerful, and lasts for quite a long time. Hundreds of missiles enveloped the entire temporary base and plowed it several times. Immediately afterwards came the second wave of attacks, the assault boats coming at high speed, carrying out a second round of strikes on the targets in the ruins of the explosion. This time it was still not a precise strike. Come, hit all suspicious targets.

The assault boat stopped approaching when it was 30 kilometers away, and then several large landing ships flew over, dropping countless tanks and mechas dozens of kilometers away, converging into a torrent of steel, rolling in.

The third wave is the ground offensive.

Chu Jungui rushed into the mecha immediately, and then quickly took stock of the losses. The Federal Army fired hundreds of missiles in the first round, and then tens of thousands of shells were consumed in the rapid fire coverage of the assault boats. These two rounds of attacks lowered the ground several meters, comparable to half an antimatter bomb explosion.

All the large buildings in the temporary base were destroyed, and most of the arks were not spared. Only two defense-strengthened ones were barely able to start. Half of the chariots were also destroyed. Fortunately, most of the bases were working beasts and fighting beasts. There were not many human fighters, and in the end there were only dozens of casualties.

Fortunately, all the mechs were parked in a specially reinforced hangar, so the loss was not too big.

Chu Jungui activated his special mecha, which is a sea urchin mecha with reduced number of general-purpose arms, and only dozens of general-purpose arms in the whole body. After this mecha was activated, another 5 mechas were activated at the same time, following Chu Jungui.

Lin Xi, Li Xinyi, and Li Xuancheng each found a mecha and joined the battle.

On the ground, thousands of Federation tanks and mechas rolled towards them, and opposite them, a small sea urchin led less than ten mechas and hundreds of tanks to form a meager group of tanks, facing the torrent of steel. superior. Behind this fragile line of defense, hundreds of engineering vehicles and dozens of tanks are dragging the wounded and important equipment salvaged from the ruins to retreat quickly.

The two torrents of steel collided, and the federal army was killed and wounded. The tanks and mechs around the sea urchin exploded in pieces, and the rescue capsules ejected one after another. The five mechas following Chu Jungui moved in unison, pouring firepower desperately, but the aim was so high that they could almost take away a chariot with one shot. The other three mechas have more individual styles of play, and their fighting styles are different, but overall the killing efficiency is still not as good as those five mechas.

The fierce battle lasted for an entire hour. The federal army suffered heavy casualties, and Light Year also suffered more than half of the casualties. Chu Jungui's sea urchin was destroyed again, and the five remote-controlled mechas finally destroyed four of them in order to break the rear for Lin Xi. There were less than 50 chariots left, and they fled in a hurry.

However, at least it blocked this wave of federal offensive and successfully covered the retreat of construction vehicles and wounded equipment. It's just that most of the temporary bases are gone.

Chu Jun returned to the chariot, took the remnants around a big circle, and finally retreated to a pre-set temporary camp 700 kilometers away. After the reunion, there are less than a thousand light-year remnants, hundreds of chariots, and less than 10 spare mechs. However, two new weapons have been prepared here: planetary fighters.

These two fighter planes were specially developed by Chu Jungui, and their main targets were the Federation's low-altitude assault boats.

As soon as he returned to the new camp, Chu Jungui opened the map. It can be seen that the federal army has occupied the temporary base, and a large number of soldiers are searching the ruins little by little, not letting go of any suspicious things.

Chu Jungui looked at it for a while, and then said to the ball of lightning above his head: "Why is this attack so sudden?"

The electric light pondered, searched the memory, and then projected a picture.

At a low altitude only a few tens of meters away from the ground, faint shadows flew at high speed, sometimes almost brushing against the tip of the leaves of the Futaba tree. Their speed is extremely fast, and they are so faint that they are almost invisible, without the slightest sound, and a few hundred kilometers only takes two or three minutes. If it wasn't for the deliberate slowing down of the picture, or if someone was standing directly below and looking at it, they might not be able to catch that fleeting shadow.

Chu Jungui understood at a glance that a series of labels such as optical stealth, gravity drive, multiple guidance, terrain matching, etc. can be affixed to these missiles. Moreover, the total length of these missiles does not exceed 2 meters, which is quite pocket-sized. On Planet 4, it is true that smaller devices are more likely to break. These missiles are so small and can superimpose so much technology, and their power is huge, which shows that after the Federation began to pour resources, the level of technology that can be achieved has rapidly improved, and there is a tendency to catch up from behind.

Moreover, the reconnaissance method used by the Federation to discover the temporary base has not been exposed, even the transcendent life in the storm clouds has not noticed it. Its life form, although rare, is not yet familiar with human technology.

Chu Jungui watched the replay of the battle twice again, and had a rough judgment in his mind. The federal troops should have focused on improving their reconnaissance methods. Somehow they found the temporary base, and then there was such a sneak attack. This is an accidental incident. The reconnaissance of the federal troops is far from the unobstructed glance of the supernatural beings in the storm clouds. Chu Jungui can still take advantage of the information gap between the two sides.

After this war, more than half of Light Year's sluggish troops have been lost, and the current temporary base is less than 3,000 kilometers away from the final base. When the Federation finds this place again, it will not be far from the final base.

However, the corners of Chu Jungui's mouth raised slightly. By the time the Federation found this place, it was already too late, and his preparations for the final base had been completed.

Chu Jungui discussed the possible reconnaissance methods of the federal army with Chaoran Life for a while, asked him to focus on observation, and then left the war room. Not far away, two fighter planes circled a few times and landed slowly.

Lin Xi and Li Xuancheng jumped out of the fighter plane, but Li Xuancheng's face was a bit ugly, his throat was constantly rising and falling, and his speech was a bit intermittent.

Lin Xi was discussing with him the advantages, disadvantages and improvements of the two fighters.

"There is no automatic locking system; the perception and reconnaissance system is very primitive, and we basically have to see it by ourselves; the firepower is very persistent, but there is no explosive power; in addition, the firepower type is very monotonous, only the beam cannon." Listed seven or eight places in one breath After the shortcomings, Lin Xi finally found an advantage: "The mobility is not bad."

Li Xuancheng finally found a chance to express his dissatisfaction: "It's not only good, it's really good! Don't you know how to add an overload limit system?"

Before he finished speaking, Li Xuancheng suddenly shut up, his throat heaved, and he seemed to want to vomit something, and he endured it very hard.

The power of these two fighter planes is extremely violent. An ace pilot like Li Xuancheng can easily cope with the overload of 20 to 30G, but this kind of guy who pushes the throttle to overload 50G is really too much.

Mr. Chu built these two fighter planes for his own use, one for battle and the other as a backup. Now that Lin Xi and Li Xuancheng are here, they will naturally be transferred to them for use first.

Watching Lin Xi and Li Xuancheng get off the fighter plane from a distance, Chu Jungui called up the battle record and looked at it. As expected, Li Xuancheng not only lost, but also lost so badly that Lin Xi didn't even need to make tactical moves. Go around in circles with him. 3 circles around the stun, shot down directly, and then circled 5 times, crashed by himself. That's about it.

Chu Jungui shook his head and walked towards a medical ark. There were still dozens of wounded lying in the ark, so he had to go visit them.

In fact, this sneak attack by the federal army did not affect the overall situation, and the loss was also expected by Chu Jungui. But for some reason, he is flustered now, very flustered, inexplicably flustered, flustered to the point...

What is the federation going to do? Blow up the planet directly?

Confused, Chu Jungui walked into the Medical Ark.

Thousands of kilometers away, in the newly built command center, Admiral Hathaway and Morgan were standing in front of the huge holographic map, watching the battle report just sent back.

The admiral didn't have much joy on his face, and said: "With 2,900 casualties, 76 opponents' corpses were exchanged. It's really hard to say whether we won or lost this battle."

"It's always good to destroy a temporary base. Have you found out where they fled?" Hathaway looked cold.

The general shook his head and said: "We haven't had time to do reconnaissance yet. We only have three new reconnaissance planes, and they have to be used in rotation. Besides, what's the use of finding them now? The troops need to be repaired, and the logistics line has not yet been established. The most is to shoot a few long-range missiles in the past. It’s hard to say how many people can be bombed. And you don’t know how expensive these long-range missiles are. Lost."

Hathaway slapped the screen with her palm, and said coldly, "Send out the scout plane and find them as soon as possible!"

Admiral Morgan frowned slightly, feeling a little unhappy in his heart. But Hathaway is the representative of the Winton family after all, and whether the war can continue, the attitude of the Winton family is the key. So even if he felt offended by the young man in his heart, he had to explain patiently: "Hathaway, even if we find us, we can't do anything now. They can move the base hundreds of kilometers away in half a day. By then We have to search again. Our inventory of long-range missiles is not much, there are less than 10 left. New orders have been reported, but there has been no approval.”

Admiral Morgan used a little scheming here, and he didn't report the new order at all. The results of this battle showed that the long-range bombardment by missiles had limited results, that is, when bombing construction vehicles, fewer than a few people were bombed. This kind of missile specially designed for Planet 4 is extremely expensive, more than 10 times more expensive than ordinary missiles, so you can't do more than take money out of face.

Unexpectedly, the little princess said: "Ten missiles are enough, if you find them, shoot two. If you find them, shoot two more, that's it."

The general was at a loss: "Why?"

The little princess gritted her teeth: "Just don't let them sleep!"

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