God is Coming

Chapter 871 Muddy Waters

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When the little princess left the command center to rest, a staff officer next to the general said: "We don't need to listen to her, right? The pirate flag only came down with a few people, less than 5,000! Just this few people, but brought thousands The chariot mecha is almost full of people, isn’t it obvious that we will leave all the logistics to us? A 7th Army doesn’t listen to our command very much, and if you add a pirate flag, how can this battle be fought?”

Originally, when facing Hathaway, the admiral's face was still intertwined with emotions such as anger, heartache, and helplessness, and he could only turn a blind eye to the little princess's rude attitude. But as soon as Hathaway left, all expressions on the admiral's face instantly disappeared, and he became calm and calm, and said calmly, "What's the hurry, they contribute people and effort, and we contribute money, isn't that great?"

"But..." The staff officer was still uneasy.

The general said slowly: "Everyone has their own ideas. The old friend of the 7th Army wants my seat; this little princess is just young and impulsive, but she just wants to gain experience. It's just that war is a Meat grinder, not anyone who wants to get away can get away. Think about it, our opponents used to replenish thousands of chariots every day, but until now, the Seventh Army has fought fewer and fewer opponents. Less than 200. Where did the excess production capacity go?"

"Didn't we destroy all their main bases? Besides, even if these production capacities are counted, the 7th Army has enough troops to deal with it."

The general smiled meaningfully and said, "My old friend is very powerful, but not everyone in the 7th Army is as good as him. Remember the data we sealed up?"

The staff officer pondered: "Is it the data of the chaotic battlefield?"

"Yes. Once the situation falls into complete chaos, our losses will rise in a straight line. The larger the scale, the higher the proportion of battle damage. So when the young man on the opposite side puts all his accumulated troops into the battlefield, the scale of the war will be Unprecedentedly huge..."

The admiral paused for a moment, then Fang said: "When enough people die, whether they can escape or not is not up to them."

"But military expenses..."

The general smiled slightly, "Even if we can't afford the military expenses, they still have to fight?"

The staff officer was thinking about it, and an officer hurried in and said, "General, General Phil is back, and he has brought an elite force, a total of 2,000 people."

The admiral smiled and said, "Look, the water is getting muddy."

At this time, another officer ran over and said, "I just received the news that the Bilinde Group has sent a special force, and all of them have been equipped with equipment suitable for the planetary environment."

The general frowned slightly: "Billinde..."

The staff officer also looked disgusted: "What do they want to do? Is there an order?"

The officer who reported the letter said: "There is an order from the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee."

The general raised his eyebrows and said, "Then let them come, at least we don't have to pay for the military expenses."

The staff officer was a little anxious: "Bilinder is not a good thing! They don't have to pay military expenses, but they don't listen to orders very much, and they are even better at grabbing development rights after the war. Maybe half of the planet will die after the war is over. It's become theirs."

The general said slowly: "That must be after the war."

Hathaway's command center was set up on a large mobile command vehicle, about the size of an ark, equipped with a full set of command equipment, and all of them were specially adjusted according to the planetary environment. The command vehicle is provided by Morgan and is free to use.

Hathaway was sitting in her office, checking the feedback data of the Jolly Roger equipment on the planet. The materials of Lin Xi, Li Xinyi and Li Xuancheng are scrolling on the screen on her side. She multitasks and processes these materials at the same time.

After 2 hours, she took a short break, looked at the three people on the side screen, and said to herself: "He saved you, and you will send charcoal in a timely manner. It's very touching. Hehe."

Hathaway tapped the podium with her fingertips, called the adjutant in, and ordered: "Change the badge of the equipment, and replace it with the badge of the Morgan Legion."

"Without the Jolly Roger?"

"No. In addition, let the outer space fleet also change."


The office was quiet again, leaving Hathaway alone.

The military order has been issued, and the entire regiment of the Pirate Flag should be busy at this moment. Admiral Morgan welcomed the move very much.

Originally, the purpose of this trip was to tear down the Morgan family, but now Hathaway has changed her mind.

She didn't plan to do anything, so she just watched and didn't speak.

The huge legion staying in the outer orbit of the planet is not all vegetarian.

Thousands of miles away, Chu Jungui's heartbeat suddenly exceeded 180.

Sensing the changes in Chu Jungui's body, Kai Tian immediately jumped up and shouted: "Boss! Are you going to start something? I have long since disliked those lowly creatures!"

The wise man's voice was steady: "The time has come, it's time to defeat the enemy!"

Brother Dao only had a little black air here, and he only said three words: "Take me!"

Chu Jungui frowned and rubbed his heart. He didn't know what was going on. Originally, his heartbeat was kept at a regular rate of three or four beats per minute, but suddenly it went up to 180, as if someone had stabbed him in the ass. With such a large span, even the test subjects couldn't bear it.

He searched the inside of his body carefully, but couldn't find the reason. Since it is not a physical reason, it is a psychological factor. The reaction just now is very similar to the reaction of normal humans when they are afraid, but the degree is several times stronger. Sudden inexplicable panic, what exactly is the panic?

This is the field of metaphysics, but Chu Jungui has turned off this component for a long time, and he doesn't know if he can keep up with the times if he uses it now.

At this moment, all the anomalies had calmed down, and just when Chu Jungui was about to take everything just now as a coincidence, the earth shook suddenly, and an earth-shattering explosion swept across everything, almost overturning his command vehicle!

This explosion was too sudden, but before anyone could react, there was another roar, even bigger than before!

The base instantly became chaotic, and everyone knew it was a missile attack. But the chaos became orderly in an instant, and countless working beasts and fighting beasts ran wildly back and forth, but they would not block each other, let alone bump into each other. Wise Men and Kai Tian have already gone online, sorting out the evacuation and defense of the entire base.

However, the defense was done well, but the missile did not come.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Chu Jungui confirmed that there were only two missiles in this round of attack, and apart from the loss of some equipment, it only caused casualties of a few working beasts.

Chu Jungui walked out of the bunker, his eyes slowly scanned the surrounding sky, but found nothing. Although he didn't see anything, Chu Jungui knew very well that there must be a federal reconnaissance plane hiding somewhere, otherwise his temporary camp would not have been discovered so quickly.

Although no trace of the reconnaissance plane could be found, Chu Jungui had his own way. He raised his head and communicated with the transcendent life in the storm clouds for a while.

A moment later, a terrifying thunderbolt fell from the storm clouds and struck the ground ten kilometers away from the temporary camp. The thunderbolt landed and shot out countless electric fires climbing around. This lightning pillar has not dissipated yet, another lightning pillar has fallen not far away, and then around the temporary camp, countless thunder pillars fell one after another, completely turning the surrounding into a forest of lightning!

In the Thunder Forest, a small flame flashed, and a stealth reconnaissance plane finally appeared, burning and falling. This reconnaissance plane has multiple stealth functions such as optical stealth, electromagnetic stealth, and gravitational drive. It's just that the designer didn't expect that the environment on planet 4 could be so harsh.

The Thunder Forest slowly dissipated, and the stealth reconnaissance plane fell into Chu Jungui's hands. This reconnaissance plane is several meters in diameter, like a silver disc, but at this moment, half of it has been burned. The technology used by the reconnaissance plane itself is the top technology of the Federation. If it is used by the dynasty, the research unit must be like a treasure.

After killing the federal reconnaissance plane, Chu Jungui finally heaved a sigh of relief, moved the camp, and sent another team to send the reconnaissance plane samples back to the base camp for research. Fortunately, the reconnaissance plane was in a silent state when it was flying covertly. It would only transmit information when it flew back to a certain range of the federal base. At least the information from the Thunder Forest had crashed before it could be sent back.

Light Year's remnant army hurried to the next camp. On Chu Jungui's map, it can be seen that the 7th Army was divided into three troops, and the direction of advance all vaguely pointed to the camp that Chu Jungui was about to arrive at. General Chu Jungui will make the final harassment near this camp, and will gather the three troops of the 7th Army in one place, and then Chu Jungui will put all his long-saved strength here, bringing the 7th Army of the Land War. An unprecedented melee!

In the federal command vehicle, Hathaway was holding a document to read it carefully.

Chrysler, general of the Federation Planetary Army, commander of the 7th Marine Corps, has served in the Planetary Marine Corps for more than 50 years. He has a strong temperament, a bad temper, and a brave and thoughtful command style. He is good at taking advantage of his strength and equipment.

The following are the resumes of the important commanders of the 7th Army, all of which are briefly analyzed.

She put down the documents and looked at the map with a frown. On the map, the three ace units of the 7th Army of the Marine Corps split into a joint attack and pointed to a common location. Based on all aspects of intelligence analysis, there should be an important camp in Light Years.

"Could it be a bit rash?" Hathaway asked.

A few staff officers nearby said: "The total strength of these three troops exceeds 60,000. Any road has the strength to defeat Light Year head-on. After all, there are only a few thousand soldiers left in Light Year, and the number of chariots will not exceed 3,000. No accidents. If it is not the case, Light Year will make a symbolic resistance here, and then try to lure us to the wrong direction of the battlefield. But Admiral Chrysler has already judged the location of Light Year's new base, so no matter what Light Year does, he will March to this point until you are sure there is nothing there."

The staff officer stretched out his hand to point on the map. That location was less than 200 kilometers away from Chu Jungui's new base.

Another staff officer said: "General, what should we do next? Admiral Morgan is already urging us."

"Don't move." Hathaway said without raising her head.

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