God is Coming

Chapter 872 Finally Started

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The 7th Army of the Marine War came out in full strength and successfully defeated the sluggish troops that were light years away. The 60,000 troops successfully joined forces and merged into a torrent of steel.

In the mobile command center, Chrysler, whose temples were slightly gray, stood still, looking beyond the obstacles of mountains and rivers, to the majestic base in the distance.

A round fighter plane flew out from the command center, turned into nothingness, and went away quietly.

This is the last reconnaissance plane, and Chrysler has brought a total of three reconnaissance planes of this type. It is specially designed and manufactured for Planet 4. Because there is no versatility, the output is extremely low and the price is extremely high. The price of a single frame is more than 10 billion, and even the 7th Army of the Land Warfare can only be equipped with three.

It was fine that the first reconnaissance plane crashed inexplicably, but the second reconnaissance plane was destroyed in the direction of the army's advance, which showed that Chrysler's judgment was correct, and he had found Chu Jungui's lair.

As for the third plane, Chrysler chose the south instead of the northwest where Chu Jungui's lair is located. Chrysler wanted to prevent Chu Jungui from escaping. After the defeat of Light Years, the most likely direction of escape is to the south, and the west and north are blocked by towering mountains. Originally, mere mountains could not stop humans who have entered the interstellar age, but the clouds here are different.

After the third reconnaissance plane flew out, it was already the scheduled time but no news was sent back, and it was obviously destroyed again.

Chrysler's face was gloomy, but the army did not turn, and was still rolling forward. At this time, those little tricks of tactical confusion are useless, because the reconnaissance troops in front of the army have already discovered the traces of the light-year army!

When Chrysler clicked on the podium, the real-time dynamics of his own troops appeared. On the ground, countless chariots and mechas brought up billows of smoke and dust, which was truly blocking out the sky and the sun.

The 7th Army had lost about 20,000 people before, plus 10,000 various auxiliary and supporting arms. Now all 60,000 main combat troops have been dispatched. On the land, a total of 15,000 tanks are surging forward on a wide front of hundreds of kilometers. Thousands of assault boats in the low sky are rolling forward with the armored troops. Double the fire support boat is flying slowly. They don't look clumsy, but their instant firepower pouring ability surpasses all other assault boats. In the rear, there are several mobile command bases like hills, which seem to be slow but fast, closely following the large army.

At this moment, the fire reconnaissance troop that rushed forward had already collided with Light Year's troop. After a round of fierce fighting, hundreds of wreckages were left behind, and they had to retreat. But in the last picture sent back by the assault boat, a huge building complex could be faintly seen in the extreme distance.

Chrysler smiled instead of anger, and said: "It seems that the main force is here to be able to eat my reconnaissance troops in one go."

The staff officer said: "They still have at most 4,000 chariots, we can swallow them in one bite!"

Chrysler rubbed the tip of his nose and said, "You're wrong, they will have up to 11,000 tanks here."

"11000!" The staff officer was taken aback.

"That old Morgan hid some key data and didn't give it to us. It's a pity that not every subordinate is loyal to him."

The staff officer was stunned, and then said angrily: "He can't fight by himself, so he wants to harm us? Shameless! But what about 11,000 vehicles? We can still eat it!"

Chrysler smiled confidently and said, "Where are the backups?"

The staff knew that this was the general's habit, and made a final inspection before the battle, although according to the comparison of the strength of the two sides at this time, there was no need to leave any reinforcements. The staff officer opened the map and pointed out: "General Morgan's 50,000 people are 500 kilometers away from us, and the other 150,000 people are 900 kilometers away. The 12,000 people of the Lunar Legion are 700 kilometers away, and they are approaching us. By the way, this is A truly elite force, much stronger than Morgan's 50,000 men."

"Where's the Jolly Roger? Didn't they land too?"

The staff officer had a strange expression on his face: "They only landed 5,000 people, and most of them stayed where they were. Only 1,000 people are on their way quickly, and they will arrive in about 2 hours."

"How many people came to the Jolly Roger?"

"120,000, but most of them are in orbit."

After thinking for a while, Chrysler said helplessly: "It turned out that Morgan was holding back, well, don't worry about them. Let the troops in the rear speed up and attack!"

The army that had slowed down a little accelerated again and rushed forward. Countless assault boats began to speed up, passing the tank mechs on the ground. And above and around the assault boat, streamers of light flew continuously, falling on the troops light-years ahead, and instantly there was an overwhelming explosion, covering every inch of the hundreds of kilometers of the front.

The fire support boats have already entered their positions. Each support boat has three main cannons on each side, and they are throwing shells at a rate of 100 rounds per second to a distance of 100 kilometers. The diameter of each shell is more than 100 meters. , the absolute killing radius of the chariot is also 20 meters.

The terrifying firestorm instantly engulfed the hundreds of light-year tanks on the front line, and then continued to extend in depth, continuing to cover the light-year troops behind.

Just the long-range firepower directly disabled the light-year-old front-line troops, and the second-line and third-line firepower composed of assault boats and tanks have not yet been used. The 7th Army relied on its strong strength and irresistible firepower to keep moving forward, and there was nothing to stop it!

"It's finally started." Chu Jungui let out a soft breath.

The range of the map in front of him is 10 times larger than that of Chrysler, and the clarity is not at the same level. The entire deployment of the 7th Army is within the map, and even Morgan's 150,000 men in the rear appear on the edge of the map. At this moment, there are more than 3,000 light-year chariots in front of the 7th Army's front. Another 100 kilometers ahead is the edge of the new base. 200 kilometers away, 50 energy bases are scattered on the ground. In the endless double-leaf forests, electric poles are falling almost continuously. Massive energy surges along the 3-meter-diameter transmission pipeline and is distributed to different places. The excess energy ripens countless double-leaf trees within a few days.

However, those 3,000 light-year chariots are only to lure the enemy and attract firepower, and the real offensive has already begun.

Chu Jungui finally issued the final attack order in his consciousness. Countless arks broke through the ground hundreds of kilometers away. All of them use crystal pillar explosives, which are a hundred times more powerful than ordinary explosives.

These arks have no power and no life-support driving system. They are just fixed turrets, carrying dozens of rapid-fire guns and corresponding ammunition feeding devices.

The Ark is still the same, and the rapid-fire guns have not been improved, and do not need to be improved, that is, the shells are barely advanced, but they are comparable to those of the 7th Marine Army. The only thing Chu Jungui relies on is that there are more arks and more rapid-fire guns. In fact, the real fire coverage is only 3 minutes.

1,000 Ark forts, 30,000 rapid-fire guns, bombarded at full speed for 3 minutes, only fired 18 million shells. Based on the power of 300 kg of standard TNT per shell, the equivalent is actually not much.

Countless small mushrooms together formed an incomparably huge mushroom cloud, slowly rising above the earth.

Chu Jungui did not pin his hopes on fire coverage. The real feast he prepared for the 7th Army was actually a chariot.

Of course, the chariot has been upgraded, from simple to ordinary, barely able to catch up with the lowest level of the federation's standard chariot 100 years ago. Seven or eight guns are still needed to destroy the tanks of the 7th Marine Army. Of course, there is still a qualitative leap compared to the previous level of more than 15 guns.

The chariot itself is not advanced enough, and the only thing Chu Jungui can rely on is that there are too many chariots.

In the north and south directions of the 7th Army, the light year chariots all over the mountains and plains are coming at full speed, with a total of more than 50,000 vehicles!

Chu Jungui put on his helmet, sat in the mech, and finally said on the command channel: "Let's go!"

Lin Xi, Li Xinyi, and Li Xuancheng started their engines at the same time, and three fighter planes soared into the sky, rushing towards the densely packed assault boats at low altitude. The wise man and Kai Tian raised murderous aura, their consciousness scattered into the two major attack groups of the north and the south, preparing for the next desperate fight.

In the chilling world, only Brother Dao let out a long sigh, infinitely sad.

An unprecedented fight unfolded on the ground. Taking advantage of the chaos after the 7th Army was covered by firepower, countless light-year chariots rushed into the formation of the 7th Army at full speed, and rushed to the end. The ground has entered complete chaos, the light year chariot that charged first did not stop at all, even if it collided, it would break a path, and the follow-up chariots rushed in like a frenzy.

North and South join forces.

The battlefield continues to spread, and the two sides are completely in a melee. You have me, and I have you. Several enemies will always appear with a flash of the scope. The chariot driver was almost crazy, he didn't care about aiming at all, he only knew to keep firing and firing until he was destroyed.

The federal fire support boats at the back of the battlefield just tried to block the frenzy of light-year-old chariots with firepower, when the storm clouds suddenly became violent, and countless thunder and lightning fell, which immediately caused these fire support boats to catch fire and fall. Afterwards, no more thunder and lightning fell on the storm cloud layer, but it just continued to surge, and the sudden increase in radiation made all electronic communication methods invalid.

All, all, all!

Heavy and dense footsteps sounded on the ground, and dozens of modified four-legged and eight-armed mechas appeared on the battlefield. Chu Jungui's consciousness kept locking on to the low-altitude assault boats, and then pierced them with a harpoon gun and dragged them to the ground.

With a bang, Chrysler took off his helmet and slammed it on the ground. There was electronic noise in the communication channel, and nothing could be heard clearly. The screens on the podium were all distorted color block stripes, and only those screens that did not rely on external communication could still display normally.

Now the effective range of Chrysler's direct communication is only 200 meters.

His face was gloomy, and a piece of data that Morgan was trying to hide suddenly flashed in his mind. In the case of losing effective command and effective formation, that is, in melee, the hit rate of the Light Year Chariot is 71.4%, while the Federation only has 20%.

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